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What will happen?

Started by Courtney, March 02, 2007, 02:30:09 AM

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As most of you know, my son is not your average sized baby. lol I was wondering, with his infant car seat only going to like 22 lb. I believe, and he is getting so big we have the straps as far out as they go, what will we have to do if he outgrows it soon, which is looking like he will. I would think 3 months is way too young to flip around in the big car seats, yet I also don't know what else we could do! Anyone have this predicament? Any advice?


The convertible car seats are rear facing and forward facing.  They go up to 40 lbs.  He can use it from now until he is ready for a booster.   Anthany is already in one of those.

Here's a couple you can get at Walmart


you HAVE to have the car seat rear facing until age 1.  The seats that Kimberly showed will go both ways.  both my girls were chubby, but I still think it was past 6 mos before we had to switch seats...........



This is the seat Emma is in. We put her in it at around 4-5 months because of all of the traveling we do. She does great in it. She did great with rear facing and she loves forward facing. Its also very easy to take off and wash the cover of it, which is great with Emma!


That's the seat that Isaac is in also!!  Of course we didn't have to get rid of his bucket until he was like 15 months old!!  LOL  Actually, I think that's just WHEN we got rid of it but we didn't HAVE to until closer to 2!!  He's so tiny!!

Isabelle is in this one:

We switched her to this one when she was 5-6 months just because she hated her bucket!!  She loves this one and will be able to use it for many years, I'm sure!!  LOL

The experts now say that the longer you leave them rear facing, the safer it is...


I put anthany in the convertible seat when he was 3-4 months old just because it was easier.  He seemed to like it better.  He wanted to sit up more and he couldn't with his infant seat.  He didn't want to be left in it when we took it out to carry it around.  So i went ahead and put in the convertible seat.


I'm in the same boat here...

I've started looking at convertable seats....but i'm gonna have to wait till taxes come back to get one.
Gods Promise: "This to shall pass"  not "and it came to stay"


If/when we have kids, if we're here in Hong Kong, we won't even GET car seats!! Apparently, everyone just takes their kids in the taxi without car seats or anything... and most of the travel is via train/bus anyway... crazy...


You can get a good, basic convertible seat at walmart for $45-$50.  Sometimes you can get lucky and catch them on sale at a place like toys-r-us or Target (walmart occassionally too, but they don't have sales as often).


check the phone book for a local pregnancy resource center.... you may be able to get a carseat free, or they may be able to refer you to some place where you could get one cheap.  at alpha center we give referrals to a couple of organizations that have the really nice ($60+) convertible seats for $20.
"Your problem is not the problem.  Your reaction to the problem is the problem"  -Pastor Brian Kinsey


When we lived back home you could get a free convertible carseat from the health department.  You just had to sit through a short class and install the carseat and let them check and make sure it was done correctly.