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I NEED teething help!

Started by Courtney, February 28, 2007, 03:29:27 PM

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My son is only 3 months old, and he is teething. I have tried teething rings in the fridge, icing his binkies in freezing cold water, tylenol, you name it. Nothing is seeming to help him out. He is screaming and fussing (totally not like my Aiden) and it even hurts him to eat on his bottle. Any advice helps! Thanks ladies!


Hyland's teething tablets.  They should be with the vitamins at WalMart.  They are awesome!


Yep the teething tablets are great! Also (if you haven't tried this) Noah wasn't real interested in the teething rings either but he loves chewing on a cold wet wash cloth when he is teething. Just a suggestion.


Definitely teething tablets! They have them in the baby department at our walmart.


Absolutely teething tablets!!  There is no way I would have survived 3 kids without teething tablets and orajel. 

Another thing that my mom does is she'll get a popcicle, the ones in the tubes, and let the baby gnaw on it.  Closed of course, just chewing on the outside of the popcicle.


I can't stress teething tablets enough.  I STILL give them to Mattison every now and then because she is constantly cutting more.  They are wonderful~  You can find them in Wal-Mart, grocery store or any Walgreens/CVS/Drug store.  Less than $6.00 will get you enough for several months.


I still give teething tablets to Isaac!!  LOL  He was getting his 2 year molars a little while back and I would pop some tablets toward the back of his mouth.

Oh and as little as Aiden is you might need to just rub them on his gums instead of just putting them in his mouth.


I always stuck them under their gets in thier bloodstream faster.  The nurse/friend that told me about them told me to do that and it works  almost instantly.


I agree.  I always give them to MAttison under her tongue.  They do disolve very, very quickly so I really don't think there is a choking hazard.


The instructions say to put them under their tongue.  I always have trouble getting it under his tongue though.  I have to hold it there and then it makes a big mess.  I've tried just sticking it in his mouth, but he swallows them before they even have time to begin to dissolve.  So I started sticking it under his tongue them popping the paci in his mouth real fast to hold it in place, haha.  I never had as much trouble getting the other to to take them.


I bought some and the instructions say for really young babies to put it in their bottle. Do you think that would work?


The pills are teeny tiny and they dissolve really fast.  I would put it in his mouth.


how do you know he's teething? Jonathan has been SO fussy this last week... he never cries.. well,, has never until this week and then he just cries 'at the drop of a hat'.. i think it's him teething, though i cant see/feel any teeth yet...


Usually you can tell just by them getting fussier than normal or an increase in slobber/drool.  Although anthany didn't really drool much more.  If he acts like he wants to chew a lot, that's another sign.  When i would give anthany a cup or bottle, he would just want to chew on it instead of drink it.


jonathan is chewing on his hands non stop.. and most of the time if i give him a dummy (pacifier) he'll just chew on it....


Noah also chews on his bottles rather than drinking them when he's teething. And he drools non-stop when teething too! lol


Quote from: e_star on March 01, 2007, 10:08:35 PM
jonathan is chewing on his hands non stop.. and most of the time if i give him a dummy (pacifier) he'll just chew on it....

That definitely sounds like teething.


Yes, Aiden started chewing on his hands and biting (mainly biting me. LOL) along with soaking the front of his clothes with slobber. Then I looked in his mouth and noticed a little white patch on his gum one morning, and tonight when I rubbed Oragel on his gums, they felt so much harder than they used to. Plus the horrible crying for what seems no other reason.