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Men's suits

Started by Envelope, September 28, 2006, 07:37:57 PM

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on the back of the shirt........

tomorrow he's "dressing up" for work.......I will take a picture!!



Ok.........I just got an "explanation" from my husband......I told him tomorrrow I want to take a pic of his "pleats" in his shirt and he started laughing....

He says that they are called "thumb-roll pleats".........and that the OLD military people used to do them........

anyway, Michael K might know what they are....LOL

I will still take a pic tomorrow...



lol - I tried searching for it on google but couldn't find anything!! ;)


Me neither! I googled it and came up with pasta! :lol:
Dance Like Nobody\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Watching, Love Like You\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\


I googled it too, several different luck

I will post a pic tomorrow......stay tuned.........




I have a chacha guide searching for it right now... LOL  I'll let you know what he finds!!


lol - that's right, Christi - make him earn his wage!! ;)


That's right!!  LOL  The first guy wasn't having any luck and he was gonna transfer me to another guide but I got disconnected so now I have another guy searching... hehe   He's gonna EARN his money!!  I've had several really difficult searches today so I don't have the brainpower to search it myself!   :laughhard:


2 more guides and this was the best we could find:

Rolled pleat
Rolled pleats create tubular pleats which run the length of the fabric from top to bottom. A piece of the fabric to be pleated is pinched and then rolled until it is flat against the rest of the fabric, forming a tube. A variation on the rolled pleat is the stacked pleat, which is rolled similarly and requires at least five inches of fabric per finished pleat. Both types of pleating create a bulky seam.

Does that sound right???


A ChaCha guide?!?!?!?!?!?!


Hmm... Never heard of such a thing!


Yeah, what's a chacha guide?


Ohhhh it's very innovative!! LOL  It's a new concept on the search engine.  Go to and you will actually be engaged in a chat session with a chacha guide who will do your searching for you!!


I googled it while ago and saw that that's what it appeared to be.....interesting. :smirk2:

Envelope's the pics I husband was a very willing volunteer!!!  What a sweetie!!  I'm trying to put them in order so you can see the progression of how he makes these "pleats"............

The first 3 are BEFORE he does anything....He just has his shirt tucked in regular style....

He creates a "tuck" on each side of his shirt towards the hemline......

after he's done....and tucks in waistband.....

close up of "pleat"

another close up

close up of the other side.......

both thumbs in......just for clarification....on where the pleats are.....

finished...........wooo hoooooo       see how the shirt seems less baggy in front?

Ready to go take on the day!!!

Phone's the police dept.....of course!!!

Leaving with his nice black leather coat (my dad bought him last christmas)

I hope this clears up the matter a bit for ya'll...............

Thanks honey for being my willing model!!!



ok, this may seem like a dumb question, but why not just buy a smaller shirt?


LOL........sorry, it's just that when he buys a smaller shirt, it won't fit around the neck!  The same problem that crstrom's husband and nicolejoy's husbands have..........



Josh said he doesn't generally have that problem (because he has a tummy) but he moves around too much on the organ for those pleats to even stay unless he stitched them down... LOL


I can see it now.  You better patent that before it catches on Envelope!  I could so see that becoming stylish.


Why do people wear suits and dress clothing at the UPC???  I have heard a pastor tell the congregation from the pulpit that because he did not have a tie on that night it was not because he was backslidden.  I have dress clothes and 1 suite.  I think it is a standard and it helps keep people out.  I agree with it.  I really do not believe it has to do with giving Jesus our best or meeting royality.  I do it just to look nice.  We meet Jesus in our Pajammas and He is the same there as He is in the Church. 



One more thing.  I have ties.  But I do not like ties.  What are they for? To cover the buttons? Just a decoration?  So I prefer mandarin collars.  I heard on the T.V. program Cheers that the tie originated as a napkin.  I did not do any research on this to know if that is true.


I also think wearing dress clothing to church is good psycologically.  It gives us a reason to dress up.  Before attending the UPC I did not have a stich of dress cloths.  So I was a little uncomfortable with what I had to wear to church. 

If anyone can think of me in prayer (my name is Paul) I quite attending the UPC two years ago this December.  The reason I left bothers me every day for the last two years. 



Oh - Sharon - that looks really cool!! Thank you Sharon's hubby for being so patient with us all!! ;)

Envelope hubby will prob kill me for saying this....but he told me.."Just don't take a picture of my rear.".....LOL  I thought it was hilarious!!!



Not that my opinion on guys' suits matters a whole lot, but I think the roll tuck thing is very crisp and tailored-looking! ;)


IF you can find something called New York Fashions....then You find a great hip hop, zoot suit, walking suit, and conservative grandpa styles all in one building....  That's where I get some of my great choices and not so great choices....I got a couple suits for 50$ a piece that ended up making me look like a walking bedspread.