
Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7th of your life. -Steven Wright

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Men's suits

Started by Envelope, September 28, 2006, 07:37:57 PM

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World Traveler

I hate pants cuffs. I have mine taken to the tailor to have them removed.

As far as Hong Kong. I remember hearing a story when I was in the Navy as told by a friend of mine. It happened to a friend of his on another ship many years before.
In the Navy (and other branches), depending on your job, you can get quite a nice bonus if you re-up. Well, this one person re-upped and during the cruise the ship docked in Honk Kong. The sailors were given unlimited liberty (meaning, if they did not have duty watch, they didn't have to be on the ship). Well, this one guy disappeared for the entire time in port and arrived just before the ship headed out again. Before the ship headed out the captain wanted to hold a dress inspection. So, all the sailors are lined up in their best dress uniforms. The captain is walking down and inspecting each sailor. When he gets to the one who re-upped he suddenly stops. He looks and looks at the man's uniform. He keeps looking. Finally he reaches out and touches it. Just as soon as he touches it he pulls his hand back. He exclaims, "What is THAT!?"
The Sailor holds his perfect position and replies, "Cashmere, sir!".
He had an entire uniform made out of cashmere! From that point on he was the Captain's pet. Ha ha.
There is no statute of limitations on murder or bad first impressions.

I am enjoying my second childhood.
It is a lot of fun.
I have money this time!!

Marry, divorce, marry someone new, divorce, marry again, divorce, marry again... Polygamy on the installment plan.

Amelia Bedelia

Quote from: World Traveler on October 03, 2006, 05:16:13 AM
ship docked in Honk Kong.
I don't know why that struck me as really funny but it did



My in-laws bought my hubby 2 suits at S&K or K&G (can't remember which one is up north) for like 300 or so.. can't remember the exact price.  Great looking suits and a GREAT price. 
Gods Promise: "This to shall pass"  not "and it came to stay"


Working at Oak Lake probably really cuts down on the wear and tear on Lance's suits......


yep...those "wash and wear" uniforms are wonderful down there....   :laughhard:
Gods Promise: "This to shall pass"  not "and it came to stay"


Now if he would just get a tan....
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I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


He has one... it's from the neck up and from the elbows down.  :hypocrite:   
Gods Promise: "This to shall pass"  not "and it came to stay"


So you're saying that all he wears is a half length tshirt....I guess that's just to distinguish him as an employee from the residents of Oak Lake....


since he is an employee... he can get you a half price membership if you'd care to have one....  :freaky2:
Gods Promise: "This to shall pass"  not "and it came to stay"



I'll let him know.... ;)

(p.s.  envelope..sorry that we hijacked your thread... )
Gods Promise: "This to shall pass"  not "and it came to stay"


LOL---no problem.........

I just have 1 question.................  What is Oak Lake??  I'm from Kansas........LOL......I"ve no clue......(I keep wondering if it's an asylum) LOL

serious....what is it?



Nudist area here in Oklahoma.


I think I found the answer to our problems.  I've been having some luck (or blessings?) on Ebay.

I got a sweater, and 2 sweater vests (Ralph Lauren & Guess) for under a dollar each, one being 25cents!  Then I found a pair of Donald Trumph brand black dress pants w/tags for $20!  My husband is thrilled.

It's like department store clothes for Goodwill prices!  :clap:

Now if I could only get my computer to go to a Paypal site instead of sending money orders all the time..... :smirk2:


Brannon just got a really nice suit this past weekend! He got like.. two shirts, two ties, a pair of pants, and the jacket for about $200.

(Sorry if you minded me telling..)


Hey ya'll....we went to K&G men's store today!!!  woooo hooooo

We got my hubby a new suit (with part of that 40 hour overtime pay) LOL  It is a nice medium gray suit with blue pinstripes (nice ones, not the zuit suit type ones) LOL......  We are getting it altered so I will pick it up tuesday.  I will take a pic of him and post it when we get it....

This leads me to another ???????   do you wear a plain colored shirt under a striped suit?  Or a striped or checkered shirt?  does it matter?  The ties we picked out are really cool too......I got 2 different ones for 2 different looks.....

Please help (again) LOL



I think you can wear either under a striped suit - it depends on what "look" you want to go for, and probably also how obvious the stripes are... some you can't even tell from a distance that it's pinstriped... others are more obvious... I say you can wear whatever patterns you like - these days, people wear stuff that looks HORRENDOUS... so as long as it looks reasonable, you should be fine ;)


hahaha... I don't think Josh owns a suit that doesn't have pinstripes or windowpanes... And he wears ALL kinds of shirts.  Striped shirts are REALLY in right now.

I bought Josh 5 dress shirts for $39.95 last night online!!  He is SO excited.  He has a very thick neck and a hard time finding dress shirts.  We were at Walmart and Target last night and he made a comment that he wanted some new dress shirts and a fedora (LOL) so I told him we would go to Value City today and get him some.  We got home and I had an email from my mom about this special and I went and ordered him 5!!  LOL

Also, I was informed by my GQ brother yesterday that french cuffs/cuff links are really in this year too...


My hubby has a thick neck too - but he's got short arms!! And he's not overly big. If he gets an off-the-rack shirt that fits his neck, it SWIMS around his arms/tummy... But if he gets it to fit him right around the body, he can't do up the neck!! So most of the time, he either gets shirts that don't really fit his neck, or he gets ones tailor made in Hong Kong pretty cheap...


     My hubby does not have a thick neck.  He is 6'1" and has long legs.  When we were trying on suits the other day, the man at the men's store was CONVINCED by looking at my husband that he needed a Long size suit jacket.  He found the same suit in the long section and brought it back for my husband to try it on.  My husband did it, but then the salesman was convinced that my hubby indeed needed a Regular fit!!  LOL

     With ALL of my husband's shirts he does this 2 pleat thing in the back.  I can see why he does his uniform this way (it looks more tailored) and takes some of the bulkiness away from around the bullet proof vest.  I suppose it would make it a little tougher to be grabbed from the back of the shirt by a bad guy.  He also uses this method with his dress shirts, therefore they're not "poofy" around his belly or anything.  I have never seen any other men do this with their dress shirts......  Anyway I don't know if you can picture it in your head or not, but maybe sometime I'll take a picture.......



It's funny - I've got really long legs and a short little body, and my hubby has short legs and a long body... He's probably 4 or 5 inches taller than me, but our legs are the same length when we stand next to each other!!!

Sharon, I'm not 100% sure what you're talking about with the pleats... a lot of guys shirts have that "gather" spot on the back so that there's more room to move in it - do you mean that he creases those gathers (there's usually two in them) ALL the way to the bottom of the shirt, instead of kinda ironing them flat?? (does that make sense??)


I have no idea what you mean by pleating his shirt...

I am 5'10 and am just long all over and Josh is 6'3 and all torso.  We are 5-ish inches apart and I have a longer inseam than him!!  LOL


I was going to take a picture before he left for work, to describe it, but his new uniform shirts are made different!!  I looked and they are more like a custom I'll try to take a pic later....

Anyway, if you look at his back what you see is how a normal man's shirt fits at the top, but as you look toward the waistline, he creates a "pleat" on each side that tucks into the waistband of his pants....The next time he wears a button down shirt and slacks I will take a picture.....

I don't know if that's any more helpful, but it simply looks like a "tuck" or pleat on each side of his shirt towards the bottom where it tucks into his waistband......



Do you mean under the arms, or on the back of the shirt?? lol - I think we need photos ;)