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How Many Chickens Are In Your Crate? Count 'Em In Sharing 448.

Started by Chseeads, October 13, 2011, 01:08:43 PM

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Been dealing in birds.

I need a nap....  But I think I may go to church this evening.... :smirk2:


Ros.coe - As if I need *another* singer/group to buy CDs of... or "of whom to buy CDs" if your mom was an english major as was mine.  :P
I'll investigate, and thanks.

MellowYellow:  I dunno, my pastor has charisma in spades.  :D
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:



 At the risk of sounding like Cheese.... I'm ready to kill someone. Or something. I'm going to forget I ever saw a car and buy a horse to ride. No, scratch that, with my luck I'd get bucked off and break my neck. The battery on Lou's car apparently is tired of working. I figured $70 would get me a new one at WallyWorld and life would be good. Nay, saith the world against me. Walmart doesn't sell it, and the cheapest the parts store had was $166- before taxes. :o
Fortunantly in my junk I have a good battery. It's not as many cranking amps, but maybe it will do. God, PLEASE let that be the only issue. I can't handle much more this week!
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison

Amelia Bedelia

I can barely walk this weekend.  I feel like my age has been inverted and my body is suddenly 82 and I'm grumbling about my sciatica as I walk bent over sideways.  I don't know what a pinched nerve feels like but if I had to guess, I'd say it was this. 

I'll call a doctor tomorrow... do I call a doc or a chiropractor? its been hurting for weeks but only minor, ignorable pain.  why does debilitating pain have to happen on a weekend where I can't get it looked at for days?  I had so much to do this weekend, spent a good percentage of it on the couch.


Isaac  I so enjoy a personality with charisma.  However we're talking in context of religious description... I think.. Lol.

It can get kind of blurry, regardless of dictionary definition.  The phrase completely threw me off. I'm always interested in the personalities of other churches, and if it's conducive/applicable to encourage others that there are apostolic churches that are ALIVE & kicking in case they have been given a different impression. 

The Purple Fuzzy

Bobby, Cadillacs are just too expensive to have.
Mary, I think a chiro might be the best bet.

:hi: Howdy, everyone.

p/s  I can't find the spell check option anymore, so forgive me if I spelled Cadillac wrong.


What does "noob" mean?

I was feeling all up to date just knowing what a "tool" was.  LOL


"Noob" is a leet version of "newbie," as in one who is new to something.

What is leet?  Leet is a form of "elite," originating from people who know (or think they know) a lot about computers, and look down on people who do not know a lot about computers.  Proper spelling is not even "leet," it is "1337" (1337 = numerical version of leet.  Using numbers and keyboard symbols in place of real letters is called leet speak, or rather, 1337 sp33k.)

And I knew what you meant about charismatic churches.  It was funnier my way though.  :D
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:



Went to church at Hope, came home.

Eating refried bean plate.

Gotta get the fowl shut up for the night and such.

Dread tomorrow, they're sposed to do the junk at the church....


Mary, sounds like you need a chiro visit to me. Sorry you're hurting! Hope it's much better tomorrow!

Bob, sorry your week has been crummy. And I totally understand about being fed up with vehicle issues.

My little(?) brother and sister are going to be staying with us for a few days while mom and dad are out of town! :bigcheese: I'm not sure our town can contain this much fun. :bigcheese: The boys are completely enamored with the idea of having David here for almost a week, and I'm going goofy at the thought of having another female around for a few days. :lol:

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air



God has given me another year.

By the way some count, 2011 has not been my lucky year. My mother passed away, after I had shuffled back and forth between work, hospitals and nursing homes the last three months of her life. I had bronchitis/pneumonia like stuff on one or more occasions. I have burned my left hand with two second degree burns this year, and had it get three infections at the same time. I lost a chunk of skin off the bottom of my right foot almost two months ago. My writing business is way down.

But, rather, I had my mother in my life for 46 years, and 45 of them were good ones. I'm a diabetic, but God has given me 15 years since I was diagnosed, and  I still have all my limbs and body parts. I can still walk, and move, better than some half my weight. I work in a business I love, and January will be 28 years since I began

The reason is God has blessed me, and been merciful to me. I can still feel the Spirit, 21 years after being filled with the Holy Ghost, and Baptized in the Name of Jesus!!

I have friends and loved ones who care about me, including you here.

John the Blessed



Quote from: Newsman on October 31, 2011, 05:52:59 AM

God has given me another year.

By the way some count, 2011 has not been my lucky year. My mother passed away, after I had shuffled back and forth between work, hospitals and nursing homes the last three months of her life. I had bronchitis/pneumonia like stuff on one or more occasions. I have burned my left hand with two second degree burns this year, and had it get three infections at the same time. I lost a chunk of skin off the bottom of my right foot almost two months ago. My writing business is way down.

But, rather, I had my mother in my life for 46 years, and 45 of them were good ones. I'm a diabetic, but God has given me 15 years since I was diagnosed, and  I still have all my limbs and body parts. I can still walk, and move, better than some half my weight. I work in a business I love, and January will be 28 years since I began

The reason is God has blessed me, and been merciful to me. I can still feel the Spirit, 21 years after being filled with the Holy Ghost, and Baptized in the Name of Jesus!!

I have friends and loved ones who care about me, including you here.

John the Blessed
Congrats on another year my friend. May this  be a better one, and mayhap it will be the one in which I finally get to meet you....

And  Pf, I can't complain too much about the Caddy, given the way Lou drives it. :lol: It's not had anything MAJOR act up (knock on wood), it's just the little things that happen to all vehicles are doing so all at once, on all of my vehicles. I'm still very blessed to have what I do..... And this morning the spare battery did the trick. The Caddy started like new. :clap:
Potstirrer and snoop extraordinaire   "I have friends in overalls whose friendship I would not swap for the favor of the kings of the world."- Thomas Edison



Gotta tend the fowl then go see if those jokers are at the church, cause of course they haven't called me this morning or anything.


DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller

The Purple Fuzzy



Grrr... Ran out of hard drive space again!  Music tinkering can eat up a hundred gigabytes before you can blink.  I need a new hard drive, maybe a nice 10 terabyte. 

At least I don't do video.

In other news, I think since I can't find chords for this song online I'll fly it by my music teacher:
"Do you sing at church?"
"Yes I sing at church, I sing at home, at work, in the car, at the supermarket, at Wal-Mart..."
:sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing: :sing:

Amelia Bedelia

found a wonderful chiropractor one block away, its already feeling a little better but I have a list of rules
No exercise
No sitting on the couch
No sitting on anything soft
No crossing my legs
No heat on the area

But she's hopeful that I can be in working order within 10 days so I don't have to see Asia from a wheelchair


Rickshaw I tell you.....

So I went and painted the rest of the paint up that I tiny spot on the outhouse left....  Gotta get more paint....still need more for the ramp and steps anyways but would've been nice to not had a spot left on the outhouse.....

AND....those morons are not working on anything today....and he never called me to tell me any different.

Why is everybody such a bunch of idiots?

When trying to get prices on stuff, most people acted like they were totally put out by having to give you a price and like they just didn't want any work to do.  These people that are supposed to be the ones doing it actually acted like they would like to have the job.... But now that they are supposed to have it, communication about what in the world he's planning to do is total poop.

I am mad at the stupid moron and want to kick his shins.

Amelia Bedelia

Quote from: Chseeads on October 31, 2011, 05:21:21 PM
Rickshaw I tell you.....
in keeping with the rest of your post... do you know how much that would cost me??

I'm too cheap - and I can't climb monuments in a rickshaw


Finally got up the gall to call the guy....didn't cuss him....just wanted to. lol  Sposed to be there in the morning around he says..... 

I'll go over there and be waiting with the gun.......

The Purple Fuzzy

The Purple Fuzzy

Where did everyone run off to?  Sethiepoo, you aren't in jail are you? :o