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Gulf oil spill

Started by drumerboy, June 26, 2010, 12:28:47 PM

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I know you all are sick of hearing about the oil spill in the gulf but i think you all need to know about what is to come if they get a hurricane come up in the gulf.Its called black rain,you dint hear anything in the news about it at all and i think everyone needs to know so you can be ready for it if it happens to hit the mid untied states and up the east coast.I was on tube the other day and looked up raining oil and would you be live what came up..this past week it rained oil down there in the south and its killing everthing it touches like birds .grass and crops.If a hurricane hits the gulf there goes are food and water suplie.So start stocking up on water and food be for its to late and pray like you never prayed be for.


I know you're serious and trying to help, but this is honestly the first thing that came to my mind.


LOL...I think the only thing I would've changed about that is to replace Michael Bay with Roland Emmerich...Bay's more king of the pointless action movies...Emmerichs the one that specializes in worldwide disasters (2012, The Day After Tomorrow, etc.)  Otherwise, great cartoon....
~Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.~
- Mark Twain, a Biography

~There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.~

- James Madison, speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 16, 1788


I've been hearing about some organism that eats oil, usually found at natural oceanic oil springs.  Oil is organic, and while in mass amounts it will have an effect on the enviroment, God created the enviroment to even itself out.  So I'm amazed at "the worst enviromental disaster ever" has so quickly improved.  These organisms, I'm trying to find out what they are called, grow and reproduce faster the higher the temperature is.  So how bout this heat wave again?  It has been the salvation, especially long term when the ships can do no more, of this whole ordeal.  Good thing we have all this global warming.   ;)
There has never been found a single bad side effect from this process and, in fact, there are many good side effects from it.  Not only will the oil be cleaned up, but there will be a rejuvenation of the health of the wildlife in the area, with a relatively quick resurgence of flora, fauna, and marine life, including shrimp, fish and oysters.  With a proper application of the micro organisms to an area, we're talking a few weeks to a few months, not decades, to clean it up.

The same type of partnering relationship exists in any environment, be it a farm, an animal, marshlands, a river, or the ocean.  Micro organism products utilize specific combinations of these beneficial micro organisms that assist and aid life in its efforts to survive.