
Did you sleep well? No, I made a few mistakes. -Steven Wright

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WhosWho on Godplace (by Mini) UPDATED 08/11/09

Started by mini, July 16, 2009, 02:06:22 PM

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Chseeads, aka Christopher, Seth, Cheeseburger and a slew of other names, accountant, b. Bloomington, IN, on 09/19.  Screen name derives from his actual name; CHristopher SEth EADS.  Currently resides in Bloomington, IN.  Received HG in 1997.  Currently serves as Pastor, Organist, Pianist, PR Rep, Marketing, Janitorial, Interior Design, Landscaping, Audio Visual and Head Usher of his church.  Most noteable in his life is the fact that he was born, was born again and has thus stayed alive so far.  Chseeads has a great grasp on bible topics, a near perfect recall of most events you post about, and a impressive collection of fowl.  Beyond his jokes, frequent posting, and obsession with poultry, you find a pastors heart.

MellowYellow, aka MelodyĆ , or Melody,  stay at home mom, b. Grand Junction, CO, on 11/22.  Screen name derives from the soft drink and her sisters being unable to pronounce her real name when they were babies.  Currently resides in Grandview, MO.  Married to Nathan (on 03/13/98), two children, Andrew and Hannah.  Received HG 1985.  MellowYellow is actively involved in her church, from cleaning, to missions, from cell groups, to nursery, from choir to anything else she can be involved in.  On most days, you would find this energetic and happy lady home-schooling her children.  Her posts are very well worded and thought out.  MellowYellow is one who will not tell you what you always want to hear, but what you need to hear.  She is a great example of Godliness and Holiness on our board.

Myhaloisintheshop, aka Sarah, sarba, sarba ann, stay at home mom, b. Monett, MO on 8/14.  Screenname comes from the fact that God is still working on her.  Currently resides in Miami, OK.  Married to Clint (aka Cletus or Pink Cammo Warrior, or Yellow Tractor Man) on 03/01/97.  4 sons, Bryen, Chase, Dylan, and Eric.  Received HG in 1994.  She and her husband serve as the youth leader in their church.  She also handles various jobs in the church such as cleaning, organizing dinners and other random things.  One of her most notable accomplishments in the past month was actually completing the laundry (laundry has taken a life of its own at her house) for a pleasurable 3.5 seconds.  She also counts that as her only REAL job.  Notably, she has not killed her husband or sons, no matter how much they deserve it, with either her cooking, or a well aimed shot.  Sarah has walked through some times that were hard, and faced things that would make most women fall into the trap of the enemy, yet has overcome with a testimony that is powerful.  She is one person that you can turn to for advice that has a "been there, done that, and overcome it while worshiping my God" feel to it.

Newsman, aka John, Johnboy, News and Sports Director for McAlester Radio (group) correspondent for Tulsa World, b. Coalgate, OK, on 10/31.  Screenname derives from his secular job.  Currently resides in  Savanna, OK.  Received HG in 1989.  Newsman teaches adult Sunday School class, preaches at a local nursing home and occasionally at other services, and serves as church secretary, usher, deacon, and sometimes leads midweek services.  Newsman served as Homeland Security Fellow with the National Press Foundation program in Washington;  has won four outstanding achievement in broadcasting awards from the state broadcasters' association in 2008; and was the first radio journalist to win the Joe Howell media excellence award from the Oklahoma Good Roads and Transportation group.  Known as Godplace's Elder Grumpy Old Bachelor, Newsman's jovial personality and excellent demeanor makes him a Godsend in our culture.  His heart is as big as Oklahoma.

*new*SippinTea, aka, Ruby, Sipper, music teacher, b. Portland, Oregon on 12/19.  Screenname derives from  her favorite relaxing thing, ie, sipping tea.  Currently resides in Bend, Oregon.  Received HG in 1996.  SippingTea is currently a musician, Sunday school teacher, and a substitute Bible study teacher in her church.  She also has served as program director for holidays, music director, kids' choir director, fund-raiser coordinator...well you get the drift.  Always the modest Christian example, she says she hasn't had any notable accomplishments in her life, and surely none by the world's standards.  We posters of Godplace and a certain nerd disagree.  SippingTea is beacon of Godly charity and grace on this board.

Sis, aka SIS, Old Woman, Three Days older than dirt, housewife, b. Duluth, MN, 07/11.  Screen name derives from a family nickname.  Married to Stevebert, 03/30.  Currently resides outside of Washington DC.  Received the HG at least 2000 years before the HG was poured out.  Has been actively involved with Sunday School in times past.  Other past jobs have included teaching in a museum, and tutoring in the school system and privately at her home.  On Godplace she is known for her jokes about her age, her straight-forward posts, and her championing of causes, such as personal safety online.  Sis, although a joker at times, when the time comes, will not try to "tickle your ears" with what you want to hear, but tells you what you need to hear.

*new*Sunlight, aka Chel, Sunshiney, nurse, b. Tyler, TX, on 10/11.  Has not settled on a certain town to live in.  All that will depend on who woo's the heart of this nurse.  Screenname derives from original ApostolicChat screenname, intothesunlight, which came 1 Peter 2:9.  Received HG around age 8.  At church, she is known as the one who keeps all the kids worked into Tasmanian devil frenzies.  Sunlight loves to irritate her sister and brother, and her parents (all in good nature). She has finally learned to like broccoli.  And she learning how to put her clothes on the right way.  This was learned in her 19th year of life.  Sunlight is amazing with kids, and has a way of making you feel like you have known her all your life.  She is very talented at putting a person at ease, and bringing your best qualities to surface.

More to come.
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller



i'm relatively newer to all this so hopefully nothing if anything can he said other than my name is Heather, once married, once divorced.

can i just be left at that?  :)
Keep it simple. Just love Jesus. -Sister Ali



thats quite the info you got there...been taking notes? 


Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


rootbeer, piano player, grandfather, recently went to Canada but didn't stay, originally from Sherman, Texas, I do like root beer, IBC is the best, I also eat a lot of ice cream and I don't like chocolate ice cream.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower.


  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!

Amelia Bedelia

Its not yet been determined if I really exist, I'm a mysterious poster that comes and goes - several claim sightings of me and there is a fan club of these people that claim sightings, but all over the country so its very unreliable sounding

that I could be in so many places, crazy talk

World Traveler

I know she exists!!! I spotted her in NYC!!! Fireworks were going off around her. She must be pretty important. :-)
There is no statute of limitations on murder or bad first impressions.

I am enjoying my second childhood.
It is a lot of fun.
I have money this time!!

Marry, divorce, marry someone new, divorce, marry again, divorce, marry again... Polygamy on the installment plan.


*nabs some peanut butter m & m's and waits*


Hebrews 12:12-16 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you

The Purple Fuzzy

BOL! about "At church, she is known as the one who keeps all the kids worked into Tasmanian devil frenzies"


Quote from: minnesota68 on July 16, 2009, 02:06:22 PM
Myhaloisintheshop, aka Sarah, sarba, sarba ann, stay at home mom, b. Monett, MO on 8/14.  Screenname comes from the fact that God is still working on her.  Currently resides in Miami, OK.  Married to Clint (aka Cletus or Pink Cammo Warrior, or Yellow Tractor Man) on 03/01/97.  4 sons, Bryen, Chase, Dylan, and Eric.  Received HG in 1994.  She and her husband serve as the youth leader in their church.  She also handles various jobs in the church such as cleaning, organizing dinners and other random things.  One of her most notable accomplishments in the past month was actually completing the laundry (laundry has taken a life of its own at her house) for a pleasurable 3.5 seconds.  She also counts that as her only REAL job.  Notably, she has not killed her husband or sons, no matter how much they deserve it, with either her cooking, or a well aimed shot.  Sarah has walked through some times that were hard, and faced things that would make most women fall into the trap of the enemy, yet has overcome with a testimony that is powerful.  She is one person that you can turn to for advice that has a "been there, done that, and overcome it while worshiping my God" feel to it.

You forgot to mention....she is the most wonderful lady and friend in the whole world.  That her heart is as big as Texas and she loves people for who they are.  She has faith and knows that God has special plans for each and every person on NO matter what... her love is and always will be unconditional.  She is a great lady and no words could ever be enough for all she has done in my life! 

Ok... I am done... Just wanted to say that!! 


I am behind times......when did Mellow yellow become from CO?



Hmmmm I didn't catch that. You have good editorial skills.


DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller





Quote from: Sis on August 22, 2009, 05:50:08 PM
Quote from: He-Man on August 22, 2009, 03:28:59 PM
:pwink: :crackwhip:

Why are you whippin' that girl who's winking at you?  :laughhard: :laughhard:

*cough* shouldn't ask questions like that or you might find out the answer.  But I highly doubt that's what those smileys meant anyway. lol


Quote from: JoyGirl on August 21, 2009, 02:01:37 PM
Quote from: minnesota68 on July 16, 2009, 02:06:22 PM
Myhaloisintheshop, aka Sarah, sarba, sarba ann, stay at home mom, b. Monett, MO on 8/14.  Screenname comes from the fact that God is still working on her.  Currently resides in Miami, OK.  Married to Clint (aka Cletus or Pink Cammo Warrior, or Yellow Tractor Man) on 03/01/97.  4 sons, Bryen, Chase, Dylan, and Eric.  Received HG in 1994.  She and her husband serve as the youth leader in their church.  She also handles various jobs in the church such as cleaning, organizing dinners and other random things.  One of her most notable accomplishments in the past month was actually completing the laundry (laundry has taken a life of its own at her house) for a pleasurable 3.5 seconds.  She also counts that as her only REAL job.  Notably, she has not killed her husband or sons, no matter how much they deserve it, with either her cooking, or a well aimed shot.  Sarah has walked through some times that were hard, and faced things that would make most women fall into the trap of the enemy, yet has overcome with a testimony that is powerful.  She is one person that you can turn to for advice that has a "been there, done that, and overcome it while worshiping my God" feel to it.

You forgot to mention....she is the most wonderful lady and friend in the whole world.  That her heart is as big as Texas and she loves people for who they are.  She has faith and knows that God has special plans for each and every person on NO matter what... her love is and always will be unconditional.  She is a great lady and no words could ever be enough for all she has done in my life! 

Ok... I am done... Just wanted to say that!! 

Aww...shucks!  Thanks!

its apparent  some folks see me differently than I see


Quote from: myhaloisintheshop on August 25, 2009, 01:58:43 AM
Aww...shucks!  Thanks!
its apparent some folks see me differently than I see

I think we all are harder on ourselves than other people are.  My prayer is to see people as Jesus sees them...full of love, compassion and understanding!! 


Quote from: Ashlee on August 25, 2009, 12:06:46 AM
Quote from: Sis on August 22, 2009, 05:50:08 PM
Quote from: He-Man on August 22, 2009, 03:28:59 PM
:pwink: :crackwhip:

Why are you whippin' that girl who's winking at you?  :laughhard: :laughhard:

*cough* shouldn't ask questions like that or you might find out the answer.  But I highly doubt that's what those smileys meant anyway. lol

I thought that RIGHT after I posted that. LOL But I left it to see what happens. :rofl:

