
What happens if you get scared half to death twice? -Steven Wright

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Started by mini, June 05, 2009, 08:24:38 PM

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*laugh* And I'm perfectly okay with that. Like Mini said... JUST READ! *smile*

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air


great conversation.  *kind of excited with Mini*

What each and every one of us needs to understand is that the KJV is not the original Bible.  "Yeah, yeah you say, we know that" but it gets forgotten.  And while it was translated by scholars, they were not Christians only.  While there was a high professional standard, there IS room for a lack of spiritual understanding.  

You can't only go by translating words, nor can you only go by translating ideas.  Both are essential.  But I find that trying to find the original of the Word requires learning the original language- Hebrew, Arabic, and Greek, which is a lifetime endeavor!  And most people are not that interested in getting that deep, honestly.  

Really, that doesn't bother me either like it used to.  There are all types of people and some just need to know there is one God while others want to explore every tributary of the amazing oneness of God.  Both are necessary for balance.

Now I was raised by KJV and love it not just for the integral effort that was put into it but for the old English beauty that I believe very much is in sync with such passages like the poetic Psalms, this is so important and often lacks in newer translations.

However, there is in fact so much context lost in the KJV.  Everything is type and shadow.  There are so many truths carved in the OT that because we don't know or understand them, our revelation of the NT is limited I truly believe.  We know oneness, but there is heaps and heaps of oneness so much more than I have EVER realized because simply translating words OR ideas is not still not truly enough.  

For example.  Our old assist.pastor taught a class on how to study the Bible.  He practically is a  I cannot even begin to remember it all but we were going to start on Hebrews.  We spent 4 hours of hard study and couldn't get past the first verse.  Why?  Because the mere Greek language itself made perfectly clear that there is one God.  You don't get that by simply reading the verse KJV but because of the tenses of Greek, if you were Greek it would be clearly implied.

The English language itself is limited compared to Greek, let alone not knowing all the truths that were ingrained in the OT and we are left lacking SO much.  I give props to anyone that endeavors to seek out TRUTH.  Americans do not have the corner on it, and it requires the Holy Ghost to keep a correct revelation and not go off on a tangent.  

Another example I've shared before.  At the passover where Jesus had the last supper: They had wine.  However, if you knew that in the Jewish custom that they pour 4 glasses of wine for each person and they all stand for something and that the last 2 do not get drank but stand for the Messiah and that Jesus drank the 3rd but left the 4th you realize what a powerful moment and message that was with the disciples.  That He was the messiah and that He IS coming back.  It completely broadens the event!  

Now it doesn't save you or lose you to hell if you don't know that but knowledge IS power and the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.  If you are hungry for Truth and following it to the source spiritually and in the Word, your mind is going to be blown.

Thanks Mini, just reading your post and talking about it has me a bit more inspired.  There is SO much more to our foundational one God, salvation experience.  This is why when Israel gets the revelation that are going to go beyond anything we or few of us ever can imagine.


Mini, if you don't have it already, you would really enjoy the complete Jewish Bible by David Stern.  It is a messianic Jew that translated the NT.  Jesus was Jewish, everything He said/did was on a foundation of truths manifested in custom, established in the OT.



Quote from: MelodyB on June 09, 2009, 06:33:23 PM

Ok. Done.

I am undecided on this topic. I see the point, and I WANT to read the other versions, but my upbringing has made me never even try.

Ruby and I have had this conversation many times before, and while I see her views, I cannot bring myself to read anything else other than a good ole' KJV.

That was my point of view for so long Mel.  I was raised to read only the KJV.  For the past 4 or 5 years I have had to strive to make sure I teach from more than just my view of what the word says.  So, I had to get out of my comfort zone and learn, as I did that, I realized that there is a deeper understanding of the word that exists outside of my predigest.

The same scriptures that I have read for years, I suddenly have better understanding of them.

In no way do I think we need to abandon the KJV, I just really think we need to get out of our comfort zone.

DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


So how many times have you read the Bible through, Mel?


I have never just read it straight through.

Im not sure if I have read ALL of it. I am sure I have, but Im not 100% positive.

What are you insinuating?

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Stevebert and I have read it through 7 times were working on #8.


Quote from: MellowYellow on June 09, 2009, 07:47:33 PM
Mini, if you don't have it already, you would really enjoy the complete Jewish Bible by David Stern.  It is a messianic Jew that translated the NT.  Jesus was Jewish, everything He said/did was on a foundation of truths manifested in custom, established in the OT.


I do not, but I will look for one.  Thanks...
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


Quote from: MelodyB on June 09, 2009, 10:10:42 PM
I have never just read it straight through.

Im not sure if I have read ALL of it. I am sure I have, but Im not 100% positive.

What are you insinuating?


Not insinuating anything at all.  I just know that I used to REALLY struggle with the daily BREAD program.  I would plow through the first few months, but then get behind in history and the prophets, and then try for the rest of the year to catch up.

The first time that I read the Bible through in the NIV, I did it in less than a year.

I was just asking to find out if you might have trouble getting through the whole Bible because it's not easy to stay involved in reading something that isn't able to be understood quickly.


Good point JinbowRingles. 

I was gonna say that this is not a thread to bash people over how many times they have read through their bible.

On a side note, I bet we sound like the people who fussed when John Wycliffe translated the bible, when we think KJV is best...LOL
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


*laugh* You just may be right, Mini.

Elona, that's close to what happened to me, as well. The BREAD program and I do not get along very well. :lol: We have a long history together, and I think we're both trying to not hold hard feelings against each other. ;) It went much better for me with the NLT.

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air


When I first started going to church, I read the "Good News Bible" and I had found something that I had never seen before. I was talking about it with someone in church, and they wanted me to find the place I found that thing. I can't remember the point this long after, but I looked and looked in my KJV and couldn't find it. I eventually looked it up again in the Good News Bible, and it was totally different.

In the KJV it was clear and didn't mean anything like what the translateion said. So I'm very careful about reading any translateion through because of my experience.

I grew up going to a Sunday school and the sword drills, so the KJV was very familiar. I wasn't totally new to the Bible. I was just adjusting to the information that wasn't taught in other churches.


Mellow Yellow, what does Rev. 22:14 say in Stern's Jewish Bible?
The name of the Lord is a strong tower.


Quote from: rootbeer on June 14, 2009, 01:22:56 AMMellow Yellow, what does Rev. 22:14 say in Stern's Jewish Bible?

How blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they have the right to eat from the tree of Life and go through the gates of the city! 

here is the verse before it- 13: I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

and the verse after- 15. Outside are the homosexuals, those involved with the occult and with drugs, the sexually immoral, murderers, idol-worshippers, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.


*cracks knuckles and takes a deep breath*


1.) I don't want to hear you panic when the precious game you have been playing for the last 7 weeks, 23 hours a day, crashes.  Its a game.  Please don't include 95 status updates on how you cant access it.  Get off the computer and do something productive.  Like breathe.

2.) You divorce your spouse.  Somehow, some sick excuse of a judge gives you custody of your children.  Please don't post every time your child goes to visit their parent.  And quit warping that kid into thinking their parent is a devil.  You make yourself look like a idiot.  Someone, somewhere, is bound to know why YOU divorced your spouse, and all the stuff you did behind your spouses back, then threw all the blame on the spouse, and they are bound to air your dirty laundry some day.  It's not gonna be me, im just bearing the message of the pending doom.

3.)  Your kid sneezes.  You assume he has black lung, and make funeral arrangements.  Every day.  Shaddup.

4.)  Your posts make you look like a crackhead.  Seriously, you fritz out every time you post.  Lay off the meds.  And go to a detox center that wont allow internet access.

5.)  You quit going to church.  Please, dont post about how free you are when you are really enslaved.  Dont post pics of you with your drink, with your sin.  It hurts me to bad.

6.)  You struggle with God.  That I understand.  We all do.  But LISTEN!  You want advice, listen to it!  We are trying to help!

DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air


None of my people on FB are like that. My nieces and nephews like to show pics of themselves with beer, but they think that's normal.  Some of the youth from church have posted themselves in bikinis, with beers, and cut hair and claim they're still going to church. HMMMMM  Not judging as much as praying for them.

But otherwise, my contacts are pretty boring. Oh, I have one ex-in-law who likes to swear all the time. I clicked hide. She doesn't know she's not being observed and I don't have to read that junk.

Backseat Radio

I was raised with kjv only theology.  Now that I've opened up to using other translations I'm finding that the scripture is coming alive to me more than it ever did when I only used kjv. 


Jerm....sounds like we have the same facebook

The Purple Fuzzy


LOL.. oh my.   

There's been a couple of people I just never add to begin with cause I know better, and there are some I have ended up deleting cause it's no fun wading through 20 posts about the same or dumb stuff.   Most of my FB friends are in my church or on GP actually. 


I love eSword, it's great for comparisons, usually when reading the bible I first read the KJV then the MSG if I don't really get what the verse is trying to say...if I don't think the MSG is accurate I look at the others and then the STRONGS numbers to get a better idea. There's an upside to being a half-Greek actually know how to pronounce the words and you can read it in's also hard because it's Ancient Greek. Sometimes I understand the KJV version more than the MSG. I probably wouldn't read the MSG without the comparison though.
Television is proof the people will look at anything rather than eachother

Life would be so much easier without hormones

Of all God's creations, humans are the only ones with enough imagination to be bored

Humans are fallible, and they unreasonably expect everyone else not to be


The Purple Fuzzy

Quote from: MellowYellow on October 15, 2009, 01:45:59 AM
LOL.. oh my.   

There's been a couple of people I just never add to begin with cause I know better, and there are some I have ended up deleting cause it's no fun wading through 20 posts about the same or dumb stuff.   Most of my FB friends are in my church or on GP actually. 

I have only deleted one person, but I do love that hide button. ;)


Yeah, with the hide button, they don't know you did it, you don't have to insult them by deleting them, and nobody gets mad, and I don't have to read their "language".  Works for me!


DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller