God is not a passive non-agressor, but an active blesser

Started by iridiscente, March 17, 2009, 11:19:12 PM

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Hebrews 11:6  "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him."

A very simple, over-used concept finally smacked me between the eyes the other day. I have no problem believing that God is. I've had too many things happen in my life as a result of prayer and His hand to doubt His existence. Sometimes, though, I forget about His character. I know there are many ways to describe His character, but to sum it up the way Hebrews does, I forget about the "rewarding" part of His nature. It's too easy to ascribe the attributes of man to Him and man without God is a self-serving, non-altruistic creature. But God is a rewarder. He has conditions, but there are no surprises and traps. He tells you everything you need to know and then doesn't coerce or bribe or beg but lets the laws set in place keep rolling. But beyond that, He's a rewarder. He takes an active role in blessing me when I follow through with my end of the deal and diligently seek his prescence. He doesn't begrudge time with me, He doesn't need anything from me, He doesn't have His theoretical thumb ready to squash me and more than just a passive role of non-agression, He wants to reward me.

It takes a while for me to understand things sometimes. They have to soak down through all of the calloused layers and really saturate my heart before I can really comprehend some of the simple truths I've heard forever. In one sentence, I would say that what I've learned is that God is not a passive non-agressor, but an active blesser.


i love this thought. God is a blesser. : ] thank you for sharing this. It is an encouragement to me. : ]