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Who thinks mel is good enough?

Started by sunlight, February 12, 2009, 06:02:17 PM

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Is Mel a Great gal with lots of possibilities and good enough for someone to date? :grin:

I do! and I'm a guy
I do! and im a girl!
What are we voting about again?


Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly. Micah 6:8

The Purple Fuzzy

Quote from: RainbowJingles on February 12, 2009, 06:18:01 PM
You know, the trip to Oklahoma did a lot of good for me, cuz there were these two guys that did worlds of good for my self-esteem just cuz they greeted me as a lady as soon as I walked out of the airport, and carried my bags and opened doors and didn't have this strong shield/guard up around me (the "*gasp* she thinks I'm INTERESTED, so I have to ignore her" thing that some guys have going on when you're nice to them).  I didn't think either one of them "liked" me, but I knew that they thought I was "good enough."  You oughta meet them someday.  I had already met John before.  If anyone knows how to make a lady feel "good enough," it is him.  He just has a way of making you feel like you're valuable.

Actually, all the guys I met on that trip were awesome.  It was an experience that made me feel comfortable with who I was and how I acted and reacted.  I was REAL.  I was ME.  I was loved in spite of myself...  maybe even BECAUSE of myself.

**HUGS** the Stargazing guys (one a little looser than the others cuz he's got this puddle in his arms)

This made me laugh all over again. :D


Me too. Well, actually, it made me smile. And then sigh.

It's been a long time since I've been around guys like GP guys.

If we haven't mentioned it lately... you GP guys rock! For reals!  :great:

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air


Lady Wooby,

   As a GP guy, thanks!

   Your "you rock" comment reminded me: remember when you said, a couple of years ago, that guys who held the door open for you got your "best smile"?

   While I realize your "best smile" has probably added another dimension and is reserved for a specific Texan, it reminded me of something that happened on a sports roadtrip during the past fortnight.

   I had stopped at a popular convenience store off a major U.S. highway, and a grls'high school basketball team arrived about the same time. I held the door to the store open for several of the young Ladies, and one of them exclaimed "you rock!" in a way I took as directed at me with approval.

   Same store another time on another road trip recently, held the door open for two young ladies, and got what looked like those 'best smiles.'

   If nothing else, I hope that I am putting pressure on the next generation of bachelors!

John  :waving:



"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air

(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Quote from: SippinTea on March 08, 2010, 06:13:10 AM
Hurray for chivalry! *smile*

*Yoop voted, and isn't afraid to admit it. I haven't met Mel yet in person, but spoke on the phone via a little crazy 5 way phone call, and you seem like an awesome gal! I can say that about all of the ones I have spoken to on the phone with thus far... and looking forward to meeting everyone at sometime in the future...   :biglaugh:  *Hugs Mel*

Chivalry is not Dead... but there are times when ladies do not want to accept it...

It isn't to make them feel helpless or inept... it is show the appreciation that we have for them, and to honor them, as they should be.

I was made to at an early age to open the car doors for my sisters... at first it seemed stupid, but then I learned that it earned me thanks and smiles!

Some of the best conversations I have had with folks (male and female, young, and not so young) has started with opening or holding a door open for someone.

If men will be gentlemen... will women be ladies?

I think a guy needs to win or woo a girl... to earn her respect and appreciation.

Doesn't always have to be difficult or hard things... but opening doors, a compliment (instead of a cut on them), a smile... and even a hug will go a long way, or carrying out groceries... or helping them out of the car... or across the street.

Ladies were added to mens lives for a reason... we were not complete without them... and I thank God for all of my female friends.

I would have enjoyed the sparring or jousting that took place in the Championships for the favor of a lady back when they had those...

I definitely want to go to Medieval Times sometime! Kinda wishing the Imagination Station was real!

Perhaps I was born in the wrong century...   :lol:

Feed The Bachelors 2010


Yoop, we're gonna be friends!  :thumbsup2:

I'm muchly an anachronism..if we have another meetup in OK, we should set it at a time when one day we can go to an SCA event.. you would enjoy it!

John  :waving:


Quote from: YooperYankDude on March 08, 2010, 04:02:16 PM
Doesn't always have to be difficult or hard things... but opening doors, a compliment (instead of a cut on them), a smile... and even a hug will go a long way, or carrying out groceries... or helping them out of the car... or across the street.

So right.

We all know you're capable of doing amazing, big, and difficult things. But not all guys seem capable of doing the little things. And sometimes those mean the most.

Go ahead! Slay the dragons! But don't forget to give us a hug afterward, 'cause we'll be a little scared by all that fire-breathing. :)

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air

(R.I.P.) YooperYankDude

Quote from: Newsman on March 08, 2010, 04:30:52 PM
Yoop, we're gonna be friends!  :thumbsup2:

I'm muchly an anachronism..if we have another meetup in OK, we should set it at a time when one day we can go to an SCA event.. you would enjoy it!

John  :waving:

I think so too, John...    :thumbsup2:

Sounds like fun!

Feed The Bachelors 2010


The romantic idea of Chivalry isn't what it really was. Glad it's dead.


I disagree, Sis. Chivalry isn't putting someone into slavery. There's a difference.

Some people try to SAY it's the same thing, but it's not. And the some people I'm thinking of are mostly men who are trying to control their women and children with fear and abuse.

That's not chivalry.

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air


**HUGS** the *sigh*ing Ruby

*reads John's post about "You Rock" and **HUGS** him all over again, just because*

Quote from: YooperYankDude on March 08, 2010, 05:20:52 PM
Quote from: Newsman on March 08, 2010, 04:30:52 PM
Yoop, we're gonna be friends!  :thumbsup2:

I'm muchly an anachronism..if we have another meetup in OK, we should set it at a time when one day we can go to an SCA event.. you would enjoy it!

John  :waving:

I think so too, John...    :thumbsup2:

Sounds like fun!

Or maybe the two of you would end up creating your own SCA event at the meetup.  lol



just one definition but seemingly the most applicable"

The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women.

the exact culture associated with knights or negative effects are irrelevant because "chivalry" is an idea who's principles were simply coined from that era, in picture.


Quote from: SippinTea on March 08, 2010, 05:48:39 PM
I disagree, Sis. Chivalry isn't putting someone into slavery. There's a difference.

Some people try to SAY it's the same thing, but it's not. And the some people I'm thinking of are mostly men who are trying to control their women and children with fear and abuse.

That's not chivalry.


Did I say a word about slavery? I don't think I did.

I've read some of the history behind chivalry, and if you want to know, read it yourself. I'm not debating it, just said I was glad it is gone.

BTW  I enjoy when men act like gentlemen.


I didn't say you did, Sis.

I have. And I wasn't trying to start an argument with you. I was just giving my own opinion on the topic. Sometimes I wonder if that's okay to do around here anymore. *sigh*

Oh well...

*rWooby wanders off to other places*

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air


Quote from: SippinTea on March 08, 2010, 07:09:52 PM
I didn't say you did, Sis.

I have. And I wasn't trying to start an argument with you. I was just giving my own opinion on the topic. Sometimes I wonder if that's okay to do around here anymore. *sigh*

Oh well...

*rWooby wanders off to other places*


QuoteI disagree, Sis. Chivalry isn't putting someone into slavery. There's a difference.




MEL, I think you're more than good enough.  There is nothing the right man won't love about you.  For every reason insecurity could bring, there's plenty of examples to disprove them.  I don't think it's a matter of how you measure up at all, but a matter of encouraging you to never settle for anything less than God's confirmation on Mr. right. 

The Cold Water Kid

Quote from: Sis on March 08, 2010, 06:47:54 PM
Quote from: SippinTea on March 08, 2010, 05:48:39 PM
I disagree, Sis. Chivalry isn't putting someone into slavery. There's a difference.

Some people try to SAY it's the same thing, but it's not. And the some people I'm thinking of are mostly men who are trying to control their women and children with fear and abuse.

That's not chivalry.


Did I say a word about slavery? I don't think I did.

I've read some of the history behind chivalry, and if you want to know, read it yourself. I'm not debating it, just said I was glad it is gone.

BTW  I enjoy when men act like gentlemen.

I understand the point you're making and I agree. "Chivalry" was a cloak for incredible brutality, debauchery and the overall devaluing of human life. The ideals of chivalry led many young men to an early and senseless death.

Simeon and Levi could have been poster boys for the Chivalry Movement for slaughtering Shechem and his clan, but Jacob wasn't pleased with them and the Bible doesn't speak favorably of their actions.  :twocents:


Looks like the origins of chivalry would make a good new thread topic.

The Cold Water Kid

Mel is definitely "good enough", the question is does she want a man bad enough.

I was at a local church service several years ago and there was a young woman there who'd come to the Lord in her 20's. She had at least one child, no husband, and she was terribly obese... but she had a burning desire to be married. One evening the Pastor called her up to the platform and prophesied that she would be married before too long (he might have said within the year but I'm not sure). I don't know how it turned out, but I would be surprised if it didn't happen.


I totally forgot about this thread! Wow.

Chel, what was the reason you posted this? I forgot the circumstances surrounding the reason for this. Lol
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


:grin: I have no idea...but when i saw this thread come up again, I wanted to come in here and let you know what I think of you now after meeting you again.

:grin: you sure you are ready for this? hehe

I liked you in indy... but not 100 percent becaues there were some characteristics that just werent all that comfortable for me to hang out with.  I liked you, but I was sure I wouldnt want to hang out with you all the time. We were too much alike in some ways.

Then you went and moved to Mississippi, and change was forced upon you. :grin: and you grew beautifully! You became a whole new person! You didnt care anymore about things being exactly like you had thought they should be or else... and you let go of some things that were really pulling you down... and you got a real life. :grin: and i can tell... hehe! and I went from not really caring to hang around you, to wishing i could live close to you now.

I think you are definately good enough... and not becasue of who you are, but because of who you allow yourself to be. Because you allowed God to move you, and change you, and make you more than you can be by yourself. :grin:


I love you girlie!

  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


PREACH!! Mel rocks! And I really, really love her. :D

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air


**HUGS** Mel just cuz

Metamorphosis isn't always comfortable, is it, girlie?


My conscience is captive to the Word of God.Thus I cannot and will not recant, for going against my conscience is neither safe nor salutary. I can do no other, here i stand, God help me. Amen      -Martin Luther