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8 babies born in CA.. WOW

Started by Dew-Ax-238, January 28, 2009, 06:14:40 AM

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Tricia Lea

My husbands mom was one of 18 kids and would have been one of 20 if her mom hadn't lost a set of twins.
My husband is one of 8 although his mom has already lost 3 kids as adults


Wow Sis, 14 pregnancies?

Assuming all pregnancies were carried to term, that'd be 126 months or 10.5 years of being pregnant.

....that poor poor family, lol.


The family was fine. I feel sorry for mom!   :laughhard:  We didn't see her much. Had some of the kids in my class, and in each of my brother's classes.  They went to our Bible camp. They didn't have one to go to otherwise.


Sure the mom had to deal with 10.5 years of pregnancy, but the husband had to deal with her being pregnant for 10.5 years, lol.


Good point, Geek. Let's hope she had easy pregnancies. For the sake of both of them. :lol:

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air


Quote from: CDAGeek on January 30, 2009, 08:41:03 PM
Sure the mom had to deal with 10.5 years of pregnancy, but the husband had to deal with her being pregnant for 10.5 years, lol.

Now, that wasn't nice. LOL  He could leave and go preach someplace. She was stuck with the belly and the kids, too.


yeah, but by the later pregnancies, at least the earlier kids would be old enough to help.


That's how it worked, then dad escaped and preached at the mission and a few other places. LOL


LOL, I bet he felt the Spirit leading him to long prayer meetings at the church too. Especially during the third trimester (all 14 of 'em!).


Well if they had 8 at a time it would have been a lot less trouble!   :laughhard:


That's one sentence I never thought I'd see, lol


 :speech: You heard it here first, ladies and gentlemen...


Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly. Micah 6:8


What about the Dugger family from Ark, she just had here 18th child and wants more!!! They do NOT believe in Birth Control

Their oldest Josh just got married... the last show that I seen this week was his wedding they Said NO to pre martial sex and they even had their 1st kiss when they were pronounced man and wife. they say that they want  lots of kids.....
who knows may- Josh's mom and wife will be pregnant at the same time LOL
Isaiah 43:2    
When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee: and through the rivers, when thou walkest through the shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shall not be burned: neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.


Grandma: Octuplets mom obsessed with having kids

DILLON, Associated Press Writer Raquel Maria Dillon, Associated Press Writer – 2 mins ago AP – This image provided by Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Center, shows the nursing staff posing for ...

Angela Suleman told The Associated Press she was not supportive when her daughter, Nadya Suleman, decided to have more embryos implanted last year.

"It can't go on any longer," she said in a phone interview Friday. "She's got six children and no husband. I was brought up the traditional way. I firmly believe in marriage. But she didn't want to get married."

Nadya Suleman, 33, gave birth Monday in nearby Bellflower. She was expected to remain in the hospital for at least a few more days, and her newborns for at least a month.

A spokeswoman at Kaiser Permanente Bellflower Medical Center said the babies were were progressing daily, with all eight breathing unassisted and being tube-fed.

While her daughter recovers, Angela Suleman is taking care of the other six children, ages 2 through 7, at the family home in Whittier, about 15 miles east of downtown Los Angeles.

She said she warned her daughter that when she gets home from the hospital, "I'm going to be gone."

Angela Suleman said her daughter always had trouble conceiving and underwent in vitro fertilization treatments because her fallopian tubes are "plugged up."

There were frozen embryos left over after her previous pregnancies and her daughter didn't want them destroyed, so she decided to have more children.

Her mother and doctors have said the woman was told she had the option to abort some of the embryos and, later, the fetuses. She refused.

Her mother said she does not believe her daughter will have any more children.

"She doesn't have any more (frozen embryos), so it's over now," she said. "It has to be."

Nadya Suleman wanted to have children since she was a teenager, "but luckily she couldn't," her mother said.

"Instead of becoming a kindergarten teacher or something, she started having them, but not the normal way," he mother said.

Her daughter's obsession with children caused Angela Suleman considerable stress, so she sought help from a psychologist, who told her to order her daughter out of the house.

"Maybe she wouldn't have had so many kids then, but she is a grown woman," Angela Suleman said. "I feel responsible and I didn't want to throw her out."

Little psychological research has been conducted on the reasons some mothers seem hooked on repeated pregnancies. David Diamond, a co-director for the Center for Reproductive Psychology in San Diego, said mothers can be drawn to repeat pregnancies for a number of reasons, with some finding the experience so satisfying they choose to become surrogates.

Diane G. Sanford, a psychologist and author specializing in women's reproductive mental health, said while she doesn't know much about Nadya Suleman's background, women that have obsessive-compulsive disorder can become fixated on different obsessions.

"Her obsession centers around children, having children and being a mother," she said. "To what degree are her esteem and identity based on being a mom and why has this from a young age been such a preoccupation of hers?"

Yolanda Garcia, 49, of Whittier, said she helped care for Nadya Suleman's autistic son three years ago.

"From what I could tell back then, she was pretty happy with herself, saying she liked having kids and she wanted 12 kids in all," Garcia told the Long Beach Press-Telegram.

"She told me that all of her kids were through in vitro, and I said 'Gosh, how can you afford that and go to school at the same time?"' she added. "And she said it's because she got paid for it."

Garcia said she did not ask for details.

Nadya Suleman holds a 2006 degree in child and adolescent development from California State University, Fullerton, and as late as last spring she was studying for a master's degree in counseling, college spokeswoman Paula Selleck told the Press-Telegram.

Her fertility doctor has not been identified. Her mother told the Los Angeles Times all the children came from the same sperm donor but she declined to identify him.

Birth certificates reviewed by The Associated Press identify a David Solomon as the father for the four oldest children. Certificates for the other children were not immediately available.

Angela Suleman told reporters Friday that doctors implanted far fewer than eight embryos but they multiplied. Experts said this could be possible since Nadya Suleman's system has likely been hyperstimulated for years with fertilization treatments and drugs.

The news that the octuplets' mother already had six children sparked an ethical debate. Some medical experts were disturbed to hear that she was offered fertility treatment, and troubled by the possibility that she was implanted with so many embryos.

"You should always shoot for one," said Dr. Marcelle Cedars, a professor and director of reproductive health at the University of California, San Francisco, Medical Center, who worried about the increased risk of potential health complications for the babies.

Others worried that she would be overwhelmed trying to raise so many children and would end up relying on public support.

"This woman could not comprehend the ramifications of having eight children of the same age at the same time," said Judith Horowitz, a Parkland, Fla.-based psychologist and author who works with couples on fertility issues. "After Pampers stops delivering the free diapers, then what?"

The eight babies — six boys and two girls — were delivered by cesarean section weighing between 1 pound, 8 ounces and 3 pounds, 4 ounces. Forty-six physicians and staff assisted in the deliveries.


Associated Press writers Thomas Watkins and Noaki Schwartz contributed to this report.


"This woman could not comprehend the ramifications of having eight children of the same age at the same time," said Judith Horowitz, a Parkland, Fla.-based psychologist and author who works with couples on fertility issues. "After Pampers stops delivering the free diapers, then what?"

Worse than diapers, what if they all want a car for their 16th birthday?

Not to mention if they all want to go to college. Here's hoping they're either really smart or can throw a ball really far!


Looks like Chel was one of the nurses. She has her face covered up.
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?



I can't imagine either...I'm on my first pregnancy and dreading to have to do it again!


The bigger question is why have that many kids when you can't afford them, and then goes on major welfare.


Quote from: BrothaJason on February 20, 2009, 01:44:01 AM
The bigger question is why have that many kids when you can't afford them, and then goes on major welfare.

So that working people can pay her bills. 

Quote from: CDAGeek on January 31, 2009, 09:51:02 PM
Worse than diapers, what if they all want a car for their 16th birthday?

Not to mention if they all want to go to college. Here's hoping they're either really smart or can throw a ball really far!

They can get a job and buy their own cars.  Owning a car is a privilege, not a right.  So is going to college.  Work hard, save money, get scholarships, and go to college.  Nothing says parents are required to pay for their offspring's post secondary education. 
Sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.


Though the government does imply it. When they apply for federal financial aid, their mom's income will be factored in without consideration for the 15 other siblings. That's bound to hurt.


It's unfair that parents income is used to justify whether or not a student should get financial aid. 
Sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.


Especially when that student is living on their own.


No disagreement here. Even if a person's parents do have money, doesn't mean they're willing to give it to their kids for school.