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Racist or Not: Their Poor Children

Started by Newsman, December 17, 2008, 05:27:40 AM

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John (no smiley)
Cake request for 3-year-old Hitler namesake denied
44 mins ago

EASTON, Pa. – The father of 3-year-old Adolf Hitler Campbell, denied a birthday cake with the child's full name on it by one New Jersey supermarket, is asking for a little tolerance. Heath Campbell and his wife, Deborah, are upset not only with the decision made by the Greenwich ShopRite, but with an outpouring of angry Internet postings in response to a local newspaper article over the weekend on their flare-up over frosting.

"I think people need to take their heads out of the cloud they've been in and start focusing on the future and not on the past," Heath Campbell said Tuesday in an interview conducted in Easton, on the other side of the Delaware River from where the family lives in Hunterdon County, N.J.

"There's a new president and he says it's time for a change; well, then it's time for a change," the 35-year-old continued. "They need to accept a name. A name's a name. The kid isn't going to grow up and do what (Hitler) did."

Deborah Campbell, 25, said she phoned in her order last week to the ShopRite. When she told the bakery department she wanted her son's name spelled out, she was told to talk to a supervisor, who denied the request.

Karen Meleta, a spokeswoman for ShopRite, said the Campbells had similar requests denied at the same store the last two years and said Heath Campbell previously had asked for a swastika to be included in the decoration.

"We reserve the right not to print anything on the cake that we deem to be inappropriate," Meleta said. "We considered this inappropriate."

The Campbells ultimately got their cake decorated at a Wal-Mart in Pennsylvania, Deborah Campbell said. About 12 people attended the birthday party on Sunday, including several children who were of mixed race, according to Heath Campbell.

"If we're so racist, then why would I have them come into my home?" he asked.

The Campbells' other two children also have unusual names: JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell turns 2 in a few months and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell will be 1 in April.

Heath Campbell said he named his son after Adolf Hitler because he liked the name and because "no one else in the world would have that name." He sounded surprised by all the controversy the dispute had generated.

Campbell said his ancestors are German and that he has lived his entire life in Hunterdon County. On Tuesday he wore a pair of black boots he said were worn by a German soldier during World War II.

He said he was raised not to avoid people of other races but not to mix with them socially or romantically. But he said he would try to raise his children differently.

"Say he grows up and hangs out with black people. That's fine, I don't really care," he said. "That's his choice."


If they had already been denied two years in a row, why call again?  Stupid people.  There are some things we can't leave in the past, or we might not have a future.


Quote from: Newsman on December 17, 2008, 05:27:40 AM
The Campbells' other two children also have unusual names: JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell turns 2 in a few months and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell will be 1 in April.

I seriously feel sorry for these kids.


For those unfamiliar with some of the more notorious figures of Hitler's regime, one of them was Heinrich Himmler, which sounds fairly close to the Hinler name used for one of the other children.

World War II Nazi history is an area I've studied a fair amount (for thise who don't know me, I was a history major in colege.)



If I was a supervisor at the bakery, and someone called me with that request, I would deny it too.  My reaction would be that it was a joke, that no parent would be stupid enough to name their kid that.
DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


You're right, Mini, I can't believe any parent would be that stupid. But still... it's a name. Would someone refuse to write the name "George" on a kid's birthday cake because great uncle so-and-so robbed a bank? Probably not.

I guess I feel rather torn on this one. I understand why the bakery employees would refuse. I also understand why the parents would be upset. But it's their own stupidity that caused the scenario in the first place.

Like it or not, some names conjure up anger and hate.

My advice to the parents:
1) Don't be stupid and name your kids things like 'Hitler'
2) If you just have to name them things like that, buy a tube of icing and write their name on their cake yourself

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air

World Traveler

Some families save up money for their children to go to college.

This family will have to save up money for their kids to go to therapy.
There is no statute of limitations on murder or bad first impressions.

I am enjoying my second childhood.
It is a lot of fun.
I have money this time!!

Marry, divorce, marry someone new, divorce, marry again, divorce, marry again... Polygamy on the installment plan.


The store is a private enterprise.  If they refuse service to a customer, it's their right.

It makes me curious...I wonder, if Mr. Campbell had lived in the 1950's, if he would've expressed the same outrage if the store had refused to sell a cake to, say, a Jewish family. 

As for the kids...that's pretty unfortunate.  Maybe the kid will celebrate his 18th birthday by getting his name legally changed....
~Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.~
- Mark Twain, a Biography

~There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.~

- James Madison, speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 16, 1788


Quote from: Newsman on December 17, 2008, 05:27:40 AM
The Campbells ultimately got their cake decorated at a Wal-Mart in Pennsylvania, Deborah Campbell said. About 12 people attended the birthday party on Sunday, including several children who were of mixed race, according to Heath Campbell.

"If we're so racist, then why would I have them come into my home?" he asked.

umm.. lol am I the only one that sees this...

What Parents would let thier 'mixed' Children go to Hitlers birthday party? - lol
Hebrews 12:12-16 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you


QuoteAs for the kids...that's pretty unfortunate.  Maybe the kid will celebrate his 18th birthday by getting his name legally changed....

That's what I thought Dwezel (sp) and Moon Unit Zappa would do. They didn't

The name Hitler sends shivers down the spines of most people. The man was so evil that even Gentiles don't want to use it. It's not as if it's just a name you don't like. It's a name that's associated with pure hatred and evil. There's a big difference in just not liking a name and a name associated with 30,000,000 dead Jewish people and there were almost as many Christians/handicapped and anything else the evil empire thought was not pure. We only hear about the Jews, but my friend's parents were Catholic and were sent to concentration camps just because they weren't Lutheran.


I know pics can be deceiving, but the one pic I saw of the husband, wife and child could have come out of a late 1930's propaganda pic from Nazi Germany.

John (no smiley)

Tricia Lea

  by Lakisha Bostick; Eyewitness NewsHOLLAND TOWNSHIP (WABC) -- A story that gained a lot of attention after a family in New Jersey couldn't get a supermarket to make a birthday cake for a little boy named "Adolf Hitler," is back in the news.
Only this time, it's because 3-year-old Adolf and his two younger sisters were removed from their parents' home.
Holland Township police say Adolf and his two younger sisters, JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell, were taken by state Division of Youth and Family Services.
The three siblings were removed on Friday, but police say family services has not told them why.
State workers didn't tell police why the children were taken, police Sgt. John Harris said. A family court hearing is scheduled for Thursday.
Last December a bakery in Holland Township refused to spell out the name of 3-year-old Hitler on his birthday party. A story in a local newspaper prompted an outpouring of angry online responses directed at his parents, Heath Campbell, 35, and his wife Deborah, 25.


I sincerely hope that child services reasons involve undisputed proof of abuse.

Because if they are pulling these kids out of their home because their parents are uneducated bigots, then there's some serious trampling of basic rights being perpetrated by the state.
~Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.~
- Mark Twain, a Biography

~There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.~

- James Madison, speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 16, 1788


nobody has brought up the swastika.

If it's "just a name" then they wouldn't want a swastika on the cake too.  But they are trying to keep that name AND the idea inseparable.  Plus, they didn't just pick random other famous names for their other children, they picked the same hateful category of names.  THAT reveals right there what they are really about.  They are trying to push buttons and be controversial and then act innocent.  They are abusing the idea of "tolerance" as so many do.  Why not name their kid after Budah, or Jesus Christ, or some other crazy unused name?  Or make one up like the dumb movie starts that name them after random bio objects.

And why NOT put the name on themselves?  or the swastika.  It's for attention.

I say they are playing games at a child's expense. 

Brother Dad

Don't sound like they are a happy couple.  But who knows,  with the landlord living right next door.  A lot of possibles.  be interesting as to the outcome. 
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.


Quote from: bishopnl on January 15, 2009, 04:31:11 PM
I sincerely hope that child services reasons involve undisputed proof of abuse.

Because if they are pulling these kids out of their home because their parents are uneducated bigots, then there's some serious trampling of basic rights being perpetrated by the state.

That was my first thought, too.


Well......They made it back into the news.....

Adolf Hitler taken by US child services
A young boy named Adolf Hitler has been taken away from his parents and put into temporary care.

The three-year-old boy and his two sisters - JoyceLynn Aryan Nation, 1, and 8-month-old Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie - were removed from their home by New Jersey's Division of Youth and Family Services.

So far no officially reason has been given for the intervention, and local police say they have not received any reports of abuse or negligence.

The parents were to attend a hearing regarding their children on Tuesday, but it was apparently postponed.

Mr Campbell, reached at home, declined comment.

The boy's parents, Heath and Deborah Campbell, have insisted they are not racist - even though their home is decorated in swastikas.

However, Mr Campbell has said: "My experience has been that other races have been rude to me in the past.

"But that doesn't mean my children will feel the same way. If they want to hang out with black kids, then so be it."

And they insist their children's names are just "unique" and see nothing wrong in naming their young son after the Nazi dictator.

"I don't necessarily think that Hitler was a bad, or evil person," Mr Campbell said recently. "The way I see it, he put his country first."

The family hit the spotlight when news leaked that a local supermarket refused to make a birthday cake with Adolf's name on it last December.

At the time, Mr Campbell said: "They are only names.

"Why should that be a problem? This is America, supposedly the land of the free. "I should be free to call my children whatever I want without repercussions.

"People say, 'You're crazy, Hitler killed all of those people.'

"But my response is, 'You're living in the wrong decade. Hitler's gone.'

"Just because my son is called Adolf Hitler it doesn't mean he will grow up bad.

"My children will be raised in a peaceful environment and they will be free to make their own decisions and choices about everything, including race."

He added: "I think it's a good thing that he has that name.

"I'm pretty sure there aren't any other kids called Adolf Hitler or Aryan Nation living in America. I felt like naming them that so I did.

"And it will be easy to find them in a supermarket if I lose them.

"A lot of people tell me they like the names," Mr Campbell claimed.

Birth certificates for the three children confirm their unusual names.

He continued: "But anyone can see how much I love my children.

"They and my wife are my number one priority in life and that is all that matters. People should remember that."

Mr Campbell's wife of three years, Deborah, admits she has some doubts about what the future will hold for Adolf in particular.

She said: "It is a bit of a worry.

"But ultimately it's just a name. I could imagine some problems when he gets older. They are just kids, though."

And she said that she is no racist - because her own sister (who has a different father to her) is part-Indian.

She said the choices of names were a joint decision by the pair, who met four years ago.

Neither parent works because of illness - Mr Campbell, 35, a landscape gardener, suffers from the lung disease, emphysema, while his 25-year-old wife has been unable to work as a waitress in a fast-food restaurant for several years because of back problems, she says.

Adolf is named after the WWII-era Nazi dictator, while his younger sister Aryan, who will turn two in February, is named after the Nazi ideal of a 'master race', Mr Campbell said.

The eight-months-old baby of the family is named after Heinrich Himmler, the head of the SS.

Mr Campbell, who says he has German ancestry, said he was raised to believe that people of different races should not mix socially, or be in relationships together.

But he said he was not a racist.

He added: "I'm not a neo-Nazi. I have my beliefs and I have my experiences. My experience has been that other races have been rude to me in the past.

"I don't believe that people [races] should mix or have children together. But that doesn't mean my children will feel the same way. If they want to hang out with black kids, then so be it."

And while he would not go so far as to describe himself as a Holocaust denier, he does confess to having some doubts over the events that led to the genocide of approximately six million Jews.

Speaking from his small home, which is decorated with swastikas, Halloween decorations, and is littered with books on World War II, he said: "All I know is what I see on television and read in books.

"I wasn't there so I can't say who is telling the truth and who isn't. But I don't necessarily think that Hitler was a bad, or evil person. The way I see it, he put his country first."

The father-of-three wears boots that he says were worn by a German soldier named Daniel in World War II.

And he says he may one day move his family to Germany, where he believes the kids' names would be considered "more normal".

He said his beliefs have caused a rift with some members of his family - leading some relatives to disown him.

And he told how he previously had a stick-on / decal Swastika on his car. But he removed them after he was warned by an aunt that he could be putting his children at risk by displaying them.

He explained: "She said people might attack me because of that. So I took it off."

Mr Campbell, who also has several swastika tattoos on his hands and body, added: "To me, the swastika isn't a symbol of hate. It's just a work of art."

The family has hit headlines in the US this week after a local supermarket refused to make a cake for Adolf's third birthday.

Mr Campbell wanted it to include the words 'Adolf Hitler' but staff at the ShopRite store refused.

A spokeswoman for the chain, Karen Meleta, told the Easton Express-Times newspaper: "We believe the request is inappropriate."

However the family is furious at the denial, who say their son should not have to miss out because of his name.

The Anti-Defamation League has applauded the store's decision.

Barry Morrison, a director at the Philadelphia office of the anti-Semitism and anti-bigotry organization, told the publication: [They] might as well put a sign around the childrens' necks that says bigot or racist or hatemonger."

DISCLAIMER: All rights reserved. Meant for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. Not necessarily the view of this website. This supersedes all previous notices.

I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


He can't breath and her back hurts so they can't work, but they can pop out kids.....



Quote from: minnesota68 on January 16, 2009, 04:52:16 PM"I don't necessarily think that Hitler was a bad, or evil person," Mr Campbell said recently. "The way I see it, he put his country first."

Speaking from his small home, which is decorated with swastikas, Halloween decorations, and is littered with books on World War II, he said: "All I know is what I see on television and read in books.

"I wasn't there so I can't say who is telling the truth and who isn't. But I don't necessarily think that Hitler was a bad, or evil person. The way I see it, he put his country first."

And he told how he previously had a stick-on / decal Swastika on his car. But he removed them after he was warned by an aunt that he could be putting his children at risk by displaying them.

Mr Campbell, who also has several swastika tattoos on his hands and body, added: "To me, the swastika isn't a symbol of hate. It's just a work of art."

Halloween decorations?  I'm wondering more and more if there isn't some involvement with other things like the occult.

I don't know whether to think this guy is a complete idiot or he is really trying to play innocent while spewing such garbage and putting such a burden on his kids because of their names.  Now they will either become bitter at those who react negatively to it and be drawn into those ideas, or they will struggle with horrible self esteem and friction with their parents.


Quote from: MellowYellow on January 15, 2009, 06:57:59 PM
And why NOT put the name on themselves?  or the swastika.  It's for attention.

I say they are playing games at a child's expense. 

Exactly. I didnt think about that, there are plenty of ready made cakes at WM and places and you just go to the cake isle and get a tube of icing in the color of your choice, and put whatever you want on the cake. Why make such a big deal? The store has the right to deny anything they choose, so why not just do it yourself if it means that much to you to have your childs name on a cake.

ITS A CAKE. Why get in such a tizzy? Homemade cakes taste better anyway. Make it from a mix. LOL

I really do pity these children, and I hope that they have enough sense when they turn 18 to get their names changed to something like Thomas Paul or something better. That is if they are not corrupted by their parents by then.

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


They could have left the name off and just had it say, "Happy Birthday"


Quote from: Chseeads on January 16, 2009, 05:09:05 PM
He can't breath and her back hurts so they can't work, but they can pop out kids.....


That thought occurred to me too.  :smirk2:

QuoteThe three-year-old boy and his two sisters - JoyceLynn Aryan Nation, 1, and 8-month-old Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie - were removed from their home by New Jersey's Division of Youth and Family Services.

So far no officially reason has been given for the intervention, and local police say they have not received any reports of abuse or negligence.

So the parents name their kid Adolph Hitler, and the NJ Family Services responds by ACTING like Hitler...nice.  I'd say there isn't a real winner in this situation.
~Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.~
- Mark Twain, a Biography

~There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.~

- James Madison, speech to the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 16, 1788


I don't like the names. I think the parents are mental cases.

BUT I also don't like the fact that Big Brother will take your kids away because they don't like what you named your kids. I don't like Obama's name, arrest his parents.


Quote from: bishopnl on January 16, 2009, 10:08:17 PM
So the parents name their kid Adolph Hitler, and the NJ Family Services responds by ACTING like Hitler...nice.  I'd say there isn't a real winner in this situation.

Apparently stupidity is grounds to have your kids taken away. :smirk2:

Hm. In that case, I know quite a few kids who could be taken away from their parents. Probably mine... someday.

*growl* Yeah, like you said--there really isn't a winner here.

It's just plain wrong all the way around.

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air