
What happens if you get scared half to death twice? -Steven Wright

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Obama Slips Up About His Faith !

Started by Cody P, September 13, 2008, 07:46:00 PM

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Cody P

Did anyone else  see where Obama slipped up on a tv interview and told people he was muslim ?  If my memory serves me right didnt he a few weeks back say he was christian ?????  I am totally going to vote for John McCain ! If you havent had a chance to see this interview click on this link to watch it.
I Am A Child Of God !


my computer is too slow for video. :sadbounce:

i have heard about it though. it was anounced that it was a word play mix up and he is really a christian. now i dont beleive this is what happened but it is what they say. (IMO) he told the truth about being a musslim!

there was that thing about swearing in on a corran. "I" never heard him rebuke that info.

then there was that thing about the lapel usa pin!! funny! now he doesnt seem to want to wear a suit coat. hmmmmm! MCpain and polland does.
My conscience is captive to the Word of God.Thus I cannot and will not recant, for going against my conscience is neither safe nor salutary. I can do no other, here i stand, God help me. Amen      -Martin Luther


If you pay attention to the context in which Obama referred to "my Muslim faith," it's not difficult to understand that it was a perfectly normal slip of the tongue.

It is in NO way "proof" that he's actually a Muslim.
"You stir man to take pleasure in praising you, because you have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you."
- Augustine

Cody P

Obama wont salutle the American Flag and he wont sing the national anthem. Please read the article below :

Hot on the heels  of his explanation for why he no longer wears a flag
pin, presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama  was forced to explain
why he doesn't follow  protocol when the National Anthem is played. 

According to the United States Code, Title 36,  Chapter 10, Sec. 171,
During rendition of  the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all
present except those in uniform are expected to  stand at attention
facing the flag with the right  hand over the heart. 

'As  I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be  perceived as
taking sides,' Obama said. 'There are  a lot of people in the world to
whom the

American  flag is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself  conveys
a war-like message. You know, the bombs  bursting in air and all. It
should be  swapped for something less parochial and less  bellicose. I
like the song 'I'd Like to Teach the  World to Sing.' If that were our
anthem, then I might 
salute it.' 

Yes,  ladies and gentlemen, this could possibly be  our next president!!

I, for  once, am speechless.  He has absolutely NO pride  in this
I Am A Child Of God !


While I don't agree with what Mr. Obama stands for, I do realize that he is a good pubic speaker and I understand why people are swayed by his words.  I feel uneasy about this next presidential election, but at the same time am not too worried about it.  I understand that it's going to happen whether I agree with/like it or not because that is how it is meant to be.  All this bashing and name calling is doing no one any good, and only making us look bad.  For once, I am not taking sides in this one.  I really don't feel at liberty to do so.  In fact, I feel I've already lost my liberty to do a lot of things these days.


Quote from: Cody P on September 14, 2008, 01:56:40 AM
Obama wont salutle the American Flag and he wont sing the national anthem. Please read the article below :

Hot on the heels  of his explanation for why he no longer wears a flag
pin, presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama  was forced to explain
why he doesn't follow  protocol when the National Anthem is played. 

According to the United States Code, Title 36,  Chapter 10, Sec. 171,
During rendition of  the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all
present except those in uniform are expected to  stand at attention
facing the flag with the right  hand over the heart. 

'As  I've said about the flag pin, I don't want to be  perceived as
taking sides,' Obama said. 'There are  a lot of people in the world to
whom the

American  flag is a symbol of oppression. And the anthem itself  conveys
a war-like message. You know, the bombs  bursting in air and all. It
should be  swapped for something less parochial and less  bellicose. I
like the song 'I'd Like to Teach the  World to Sing.' If that were our
anthem, then I might 
salute it.' 

Yes,  ladies and gentlemen, this could possibly be  our next president!!

I, for  once, am speechless.  He has absolutely NO pride  in this

You're supposed to cite the reference when you post an article.  Where did you find this?

Cody P

I Am A Child Of God !


Quote from: Cody P on September 14, 2008, 02:50:46 AM
I received it in a email.

Just wondering, but, ..... how do you know it's for real - instead of yet another "urban legend" spreading like wildfire over e-mail? 

Was a link provided in the e-mail you received?

Wanda:   Two wrongs don't make a right.
Cosmo:   But three rights make a left,...

Cody P

According to this website , Its a hoax however ,  On this website it actually shows him not saluting the flag. Take a look at it . :pound:
I Am A Child Of God !



Quote from: Cody P on September 14, 2008, 03:30:48 AM
According to this website , Its a hoax however ,

On this website it actually shows him not saluting the flag. Take a look at it .

That's funny because both stories are from the same web site.  However, the second article actually mentions the "hoax" story, and provides an internal link to their article on it (that would be the same one as the first link in your post above).

Anyway, here's some of that second article:


Summary of the eRumor: 
A picture of Senator Barack Obama (below), Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, Senator Hillary Clinton, and one other person all on a platform and backed by an American flag.  The eRumor says that the National Anthem was being played at the time and that all but Senator Obama saluted.

The Truth: 
The picture is authentic.  It was published in Time magazine and was taken 9/16/07 at an event in Indianola, Iowa where six Democratic presidential candidates appeared.  ...  Not seen in the picture are three other candidates who were standing out of view on the right side of the platform, Senator Chris Dodd, Senator John Edwards, Senator Joe Biden.

At question is what was going on with Senator Obama?   His critics are circulating the picture and saying that he is not respecting the flag or the National Anthem, especially since the protocol, according to the United States Flag code, is that civilians should have their right hands over their hearts and that they should be facing the flag.  His supporters are saying that this little lapse should not be held against him since there have been plenty of other events at which he has saluted the flag---so it did not mean that he would, in principle, avoid doing it.

Some supporters have suggested that perhaps the picture does not tell the whole story and that he may have raised his hand shortly after it was taken.

An ABC News video, however, shows that Senator Obama did not salute at any time during the Anthem and that everybody else on the platform did.

A spokesperson for the Senator told Fox News that it was ridiculous to suggest that Obama was making any kind of a statement and that sometimes "he does and sometimes he doesn't place his hand over his heart during the National Anthem."

Personally, .... on certain occasions I will stand at attention during the playing of the National Anthem - well, ... ok, ... I'll stand mostly at attention, but not rigidly so - and I'll even face the flag;  but I do not place my hand over heart, nor salute the flag, nor give it my "allegiance" in any other way.  It's a flag, for cryin' out loud - a piece of cloth. 

And besides (and quite significantly), it no longer comes anywhere close to representing the ideals that this country was founded on:  the manner in which the flag is used and promoted to the American people (in our modern age) makes that flag now represent nothing less than that horrible beast known as "Nationalism", and its twin brother, otherwise known as "supporting the government" (with little or no question), in an almost blind-like fervor euphemistically referred to by the government as "patriotism" (but which is actually just "Nationalism" wrapped in an American flag).  And that is why the government so eagerly promotes such false "patriotism", wanting us falling all over ourselves in a dazed fervency to fawn over the flag and to "pledge our allegiance" to it - (in a "my country, right or wrong" type fashion, which in reality somehow always manages to be applied instead as a "my government, right or wrong" stubborn zeal, and a refusal to view a situation through anything but government issued "red, white, and blue" nationalistic shades).   

....... Ok, ok.        :mad:           Enough already.      I've had my rant for the day.     ....  Carry on.


Wanda:   Two wrongs don't make a right.
Cosmo:   But three rights make a left,...

Cody P

I think all americans should salute the flag and sing The National Anthem. Especially if your running for President of The United States. I mean I dont want anyone as president if they cant even salute The American Flag or Recite The National Anthem. :smirk:
I Am A Child Of God !


Quote from: titushome on September 14, 2008, 01:21:39 AM
If you pay attention to the context in which Obama referred to "my Muslim faith," it's not difficult to understand that it was a perfectly normal slip of the tongue.

It is in NO way "proof" that he's actually a Muslim.

Yeah, and I often slip and refer to my Catholic faith when speaking, too! *Rolls eyes*

Cody P

Well I mean I guess we are all aloud to have our own opinion on things but there are other reasons and issues for why im NOT voting for Obama. Im going to vote for McCain and Sarah Palin. Just out of curiosty who are you voting for? :roll:
I Am A Child Of God !

Brother Dad

I find this to be an almost outrage.  the first statement is really what gets me.  Why in all her adult life as an American can she say this is the only time she is proud of her country.  Was she not proud when they were letting her have the money to go to some of Americas finest schools.  Was she not proud when the rest of us were standing together on 9-11.  Maybe what Obama said was a slip of the tongue, but I am always proud to be an American.
Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Cody P

I may not always be happy with the decsions that The United States makes however I still am proud to be an american and I will still salute The Amercian Flag and recite The National Anthem. I truely believe that down deep if Obama gets the presdiency that it will be the perfect time for the Anti- Christ to appear.  I believe that if he gets the presidency that its only because God set him in there as a part to fullfill the endtime prophecy.
I Am A Child Of God !


Quote from: Cody P on September 14, 2008, 07:44:47 PM
I may not always be happy with the decsions that The United States makes however I still am proud to be an american and I will still salute The Amercian Flag and recite The National Anthem. I truely believe that down deep if Obama gets the presdiency that it will be the perfect time for the Anti- Christ to appear.  I believe that if he gets the presidency that its only because God set him in there as a part to fullfill the endtime prophecy.
actually, the edtime clock has been ticking for a while now. oborax would be a good excuse or scape goat for a lot of unexplained occurences that may present themselves in the future. the breakdown of currency and jobs and social unrest leading to one world government and currency with the mark of the beast and haveing a choice to choose God or god, thus leading to prison camps and martyrs.

(IMO) the clock started ticking mostly with clinton. he is actually the cause of our economy failing today. his party beleifs are toward that type of government, so it doesnt surprise me if oborax is a major player in the endtimes.

the main thing is vote your concious and do what you feel Jesus would do, or the best choice that would line up given the circumstances.
My conscience is captive to the Word of God.Thus I cannot and will not recant, for going against my conscience is neither safe nor salutary. I can do no other, here i stand, God help me. Amen      -Martin Luther


i do not pledge my allegiance to any government.
religion, tv, and media have powerful effects on the way people see the world. - maynard james keenan


Quote from: Chérie on September 14, 2008, 08:00:10 PM
i do not pledge my allegiance to any government.

??? a rebel without a cause? a mercenary? a gorilla soldier? a gorilla rebel!!???

all have something to stand for, or they fall for anything.
My conscience is captive to the Word of God.Thus I cannot and will not recant, for going against my conscience is neither safe nor salutary. I can do no other, here i stand, God help me. Amen      -Martin Luther


i'm sorry are you comparing me to a mercenary?

religion, tv, and media have powerful effects on the way people see the world. - maynard james keenan


Quote from: Chérie on September 14, 2008, 08:16:04 PM
i'm sorry are you comparing me to a mercenary?

i am simply saying: with so many that have died for the government you so blatenly deny, i wish they could deny such people when they are in need.

but our american government wont do that and help even those who dont pledge allegiance!  *sigh*

the american government is "of the people, by the people, for the people".

and you wont pledge alligeince to our country or any? (IMO) those kinda people aught to live on a boat in the middle of the sea away from any civilization.
My conscience is captive to the Word of God.Thus I cannot and will not recant, for going against my conscience is neither safe nor salutary. I can do no other, here i stand, God help me. Amen      -Martin Luther


Quote from: yosemite on September 14, 2008, 08:20:58 PM
Quote from: Chérie on September 14, 2008, 08:16:04 PM
i'm sorry are you comparing me to a mercenary?

i am simply saying: with so many that have died for the government you so blatenly deny, i wish they could deny such people when they are in need.

but our american government wont do that and help even those who dont pledge allegiance!  *sigh*

i'm still confused. you talk in circles. how am i a mercenary because i don't pledge my allegiance to any government?
religion, tv, and media have powerful effects on the way people see the world. - maynard james keenan


Quote from: yosemite on September 14, 2008, 08:07:40 PM
Quote from: Chérie on September 14, 2008, 08:00:10 PM
i do not pledge my allegiance to any government.

??? a rebel without a cause? a mercenary? a gorilla soldier? a gorilla rebel!!???

all have something to stand for, or they fall for anything.

I'll tel ya what:  show me in the scriptures what human government the Apostles ever pledged their allegiance to (and in what scriptures they even so much as just encourage any such allegiance "pledging"), and then I'll at least be willing to revisit the possibility of my pledging such an allegiance to an earthly government.

But until then, as the song says, "I Pledge Allegiance To The Lamb" (and to His government only).

Wanda:   Two wrongs don't make a right.
Cosmo:   But three rights make a left,...


didnt paul say not to talk against the government and the law of the land is mentioned a couple of times. even joeseph was alligent to his masters in egypt.
he served them well in all areas that did not cross his beleifs.

seems to me we could get off our high horse of pride and do the same. we have it made in this country!! we can worship and praise here and that is all they ask is to be loyal to your country, and we cant even do that!

My conscience is captive to the Word of God.Thus I cannot and will not recant, for going against my conscience is neither safe nor salutary. I can do no other, here i stand, God help me. Amen      -Martin Luther

Cody P

I think that if some of these people who dont pledge the allegance was to be shipped over to these other coutnries that have dictators and not so much freedom , I believe when they came back to The United States there mind and philopshy on Pleding the Allegance would change. :smirk:
I Am A Child Of God !



Joseph was Old Testament:  and there are certainly more examples in the Old Testament of folks who pledged their allegiance to their earthly government(s). 

However, in the New Testament - in which we live - Christ has established his own kingdom and government, of which there will be no end, and of which we are supposed to be "Ambassadors".  It's a funny thing about Ambassadors, but they never pledge their allegiance to their host nations:  the reason that they don't is quite simple - such an allegiance would be a gigantic "conflict of interest" with both their existing allegiance to their own country, and also with their ability to be a competent Ambassador (the kind that always bears in mind and acts according to solely the best interests of their actual country, rather than their host country).

As for Paul's admonishments about government, they do not in any way admonish us to pledge any kind of "allegiance" to those governments, but instead admonish us to essentially "keep our noses clean" so that we do not draw any unnecessary and adverse attention and/or conflict(s) with or from those governments.  ....... and that is some very excellent advice, indeed, to say the least.

But again, since we are now under the New Testament - and Christ's kingdom and government established therein - where are there any examples of the Apostles ever pledging their "allegiance" to an earthly government, or admonishing us to do so?  There simply aren't any - and that makes perfect sense in light of Christ's kingdom and government, and our "citizenship" of the same.

Wanda:   Two wrongs don't make a right.
Cosmo:   But three rights make a left,...