
What happens if you get scared half to death twice? -Steven Wright

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The NEXT to the last person to post wins Round #2!

Started by almondjoy, July 30, 2008, 04:39:14 AM

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No, I can't talk to who I want to.  I can't be with the one who I really want to.  I can't fix the situation for who I really want to.  I can't change the mind of who I really want to.  Grrrrr!

I'm bored and in a bad mood.  *sigh*  I'm tired of working so much.   I want a vacation but I have to wait until next June or July to do that.


Quote from: almondjoy on August 20, 2008, 04:14:29 AM
Quote from: teacheroftheLord on August 20, 2008, 04:11:43 AM
I'm all grrrr tonight.  Got lots of people I need to talk to, but they aren't replying to me.

Sorry.  I must not be one of em.  lol

Me either! PHEW!


Tricia Lea

The Purple Fuzzy


The Purple Fuzzy


Yeah, isn't it funny?  *Sis huggs Pm and the baby ducks*

The Purple Fuzzy

Tricia Lea

The Purple Fuzzy

Tricia Lea

The Purple Fuzzy

Tricia Lea


The Purple Fuzzy


The Purple Fuzzy

The Purple Fuzzy



Mostly is more like it.   :hypocrite:

I actually had a friend/former coworker tell me I was a good egg not too long ago.  LOL

Tricia Lea


Quote from: almondjoy on August 22, 2008, 07:09:20 PM
Mostly is more like it.   :hypocrite:

I actually had a friend/former coworker tell me I was a good egg not too long ago.  LOL

Hard boiled and cracked?   :sulk::couch: