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Ask teacheroftheLord

Started by Tricia Lea, May 26, 2008, 05:00:59 AM

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Sorry Sis.  I haven't even been on yim lately though.  I don't have my computer still.  It may be another month til I get it back.


Well we miss you!   *Huggs Ashlee*


Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly. Micah 6:8



  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


I was at the library then, I'm in books a million now. If that's what u meant.  If not, I'm still in Louisiana. Will not be moving until the end of June proably



I'm about the same.  How are you sis?

Tricia Lea

Should we bump your thread?

What did you do interesting this summer?


I worked, paid bills, didn't pay some, got threatening phone calls cause I didn't, then I payed them. lol

Oh, and I became a mafia wars addict lol, met a few guys, got rid of a few know.. the usual

Tricia Lea

Quote from: Ashlee on October 09, 2009, 02:35:17 AM
I worked, paid bills, didn't pay some, got threatening phone calls cause I didn't, then I payed them. lol

Oh, and I became a mafia wars addict lol, met a few guys, got rid of a few know.. the usual

Did you use the mafia to get rid of them??




I need to come eat smores with you. :grin:
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!

Ashlee do. lol Bring Elona and we can have a repeat of OK. Build a fire in the bbq pit and try desperately to use the almost cold coals to roast marshmellows. lol.  No racoons here though to try to eat them all!

Tricia Lea

* Tricia Lea hugs ashlee just because


* Ashlee hugs TriciaLea

I want smores!!!



**HUGS** Ashlee

Now you're gonna get me on a s'mores kick again.
Last time you did this to me, I had s'mores every night for like a week.


LOL. Glad I could make such an impression on someone!



Thanks, Ash.  No sympathy, eh?



How long has it been since you've seen a GPer?
Besides black roses, what other fav flowers do you have?
What was the best birthday gift you ever received?
Do you think Seth is jealous of all the guys paying Chel attention?
What was your latest, most favorite photo you've taken?

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


Quote from: SippinTea on March 05, 2010, 01:59:14 AM
How long has it been since you've seen a GPer?
Since whenever Chel came. It's been a long time but I can't remember how long.

Besides black roses, what other fav flowers do you have?
Callalilies.  They are my absolute favorite

What was the best birthday gift you ever received?
Dunno. Birthdays were never a big thing in our family really. I don't even celebrate my bday anymore.

Do you think Seth is jealous of all the guys paying Chel attention?
Dunno, I haven't been paying attention. lol

What was your latest, most favorite photo you've taken?
hmmm. can't remember. It's been so long since I've pulled my camera out.



Did you know that Calla Lilies are very symbolic in Latin American artwork? Frida Kahlo used them in many of her paintings.


I do now!!! Although..when I looked her up...well, I didn't see any Calla Lilies