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Jonathan and Nicole

Started by JonathanHarper, April 01, 2008, 02:25:15 AM

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We're having our first child. . . We are approx. a month pregnant.  Our first appt is on the 14th. we're so excited. thanks.


Frito Lay and Sum Ting Wong?


You know I will love it. I get a new Neice/Nephew.

I just hope it looks like Sissy, and not you. :hypocrite:
Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


heard about this the other day..... congrats!  give us a call if ya need to!  ;)
"Your problem is not the problem.  Your reaction to the problem is the problem"  -Pastor Brian Kinsey


So nicole is getting a tiny little bump. . . .




Pick something and sing/say it everyday to her 'baby-bump' and the day she is born, watch her become attentive when you repeat it!


So monday is our first doctor's appt. I am so excited . . . :-D


Did you switch churches too? With Jeffery? I am so clueless. I get back and everyone is gone.

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Quote from: MelodyB on April 10, 2008, 03:20:40 AM
Did you switch churches too? With Jeffery? I am so clueless. I get back and everyone is gone.


that's   :offtopic:  but yes, we moved churches.  We took an opporutnity for me to start my ministry and to be used in the kingdom. ..


here's the baby's first picture  : 


yay!  how fun is that?  congrats to you and how fun to see the baby's picture. 

God is good. 
\\\\\\\"i want to say more than words when i write\\\\\\\" - kent d. curry
me, too.\\\\\\\\krisknowshim
there are times in the whirlwind of my fragile life that i have hidden under your words, your voice.


God has truly blessed me and my family. . .



   So we were supposed to find out what we were having this month (June) but the midwife refused to do a sonogram because our doctor was not there.. so we're supposed to find out July 14 (if i'm correct).  So as soon as we find out I will post more...

and btw Melody lots of people have asked to be the god-mother/father 

isn't it funny how people don't want you to do something (like dating, getting married, having a baby) until it's time for you to actually have the baby then they want to be apart, they want you to think they're happy for you.. i say  :boytongue: :rofl:   too bad... so anywho have you talked to Tiffers lately ?


Tiffany? As in Tiffie Poo...Nuggett...Lego...?? Puh-lese!

I havent talked to her since...well I dont even know since when. I am FINALLY over that part of my life. It took a LONG time, but I am. I actually took down the pictures of us a few months ago. Yeah, thats over, and she doesnt call and Im tired of making the effort. I saw Leah and Kim and Daddy B at the anniversary service...and I talk to Jenette still, but as for her, I dont know where she is or what she is doing. I heard she was at that rally at the Biggs church when IBC was there. But I missed it, I had to work. Im actually glad I didnt go though, I didnt want to bring that stuff up again after I was over it. me as SOON as you find out what the baby is!! (after you call Mom and Joe of course!) And I am not wanting to be a Godmother if thats what you were implying. And as for not is never the babies fault, any mistakes that parents make...not saying yall were a mistake, Im just saying, people love the babies cause they are innocent, and it is a new and fresh life and therefore I new start, and it kinda could heal the past wrongs and hurts, so yeah, babies bring people together...and I am gonna spoil him rotten! ;)

I do love yall. Really I do. Dont think I dont just cause we dont hang out anymore. Life is...different now. Its just life. :)

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Quote from: MelodyB on June 26, 2008, 03:13:38 PM
. Life is...different now. Its just life. :)

I here ya there...


   Here is a recent picture of Nicole that was taken within the last week or so... look how big her belly is getting . . .


aww congrats!!!

Quote from: MellowYellow on April 07, 2008, 03:01:10 AM

Pick something and sing/say it everyday to her 'baby-bump' and the day she is born, watch her become attentive when you repeat it!
I didnt know that...  :o
Hebrews 12:12-16 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you


Quote from: EricShane on June 26, 2008, 05:56:43 PM
aww congrats!!!

Quote from: MellowYellow on April 07, 2008, 03:01:10 AM

Pick something and sing/say it everyday to her 'baby-bump' and the day she is born, watch her become attentive when you repeat it!
I didnt know that...  :o

Do you need to know that?  :eyebrow:  Do you have some news for us too? :o

God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.


And Jonathan, I'll say it again, she is a beautiful momma!!  :grin:
God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.


Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Quote from: Sister_Mom on June 26, 2008, 06:46:36 PM
Quote from: EricShane on June 26, 2008, 05:56:43 PM
aww congrats!!!

Quote from: MellowYellow on April 07, 2008, 03:01:10 AM

Pick something and sing/say it everyday to her 'baby-bump' and the day she is born, watch her become attentive when you repeat it!
I didnt know that...  :o

Do you need to know that?  :eyebrow:  Do you have some news for us too? :o

Hebrews 12:12-16 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you


ERICSHANE this thread is about my wife and I and our first baby don't be trying to steal our thunder on this thread :-)   :laughhard: :laughhard: j/k


Quote from: Jonathan on June 27, 2008, 02:34:10 PM
ERICSHANE this thread is about my wife and I and our first baby don't be trying to steal our thunder on this thread :-)   :laughhard: :laughhard: j/k
*bol* hahaha im sooooo sorry! lol.. here lemme help

Yay! Jonathans Having a baby!
Hebrews 12:12-16 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you


how did that happen...boys cant have babies
its mesi: mee see...not messy

messaypah to only a certain


Quote from: *mesipie* on June 27, 2008, 05:59:10 PM
how did that happen...boys cant have babies

obviously someone hasn't had "THE TALK" with EricShane....

*Takes ericshane around the corner where the women can't hear and has THE TALK*