
Did you sleep well? No, I made a few mistakes. -Steven Wright

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Started by JuJu03, February 02, 2007, 05:05:50 AM

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Alright, ladies.....What is your best advice (home-made or store bought) for things that will happen to a baby such as:

diaper rash
tummy ache
ear ache
and anything else you can think of....Thanks!!!!  I am making me a folder to place all of this in so I will have it handy once my little gets one or all of


diaper rash - Dr Smiths (storebought) or Corona ( buy it at a feed store lol ...its made for cow  utters, buuutttt it is the best thing ive found!
diarrahea - yogurt and make sure lil one drinks lots of pedialyte or water
coltic - earplugs (for you) lol!
tummy ache - mylicon gas drops
ear ache - idk
fever - infants tylenol


diaper rash - Boudreaux Butt Paste or a homemade paste of A&D ointment and Mylanta
diarrahea - pedialyte... if they are old enough for solids then only give dry foods and oatmeal and bananas
colic - have NO experience with this one... Noah was a bit fussy for a while and liked to be worn... that was the only thing that would soothe him so make sure you have a snugli or a bjorn or a wrap or something to wear that baby!!
tummy ache - mylicon gas drops, little tummies gas drops
ear ache - hylands ear ache drops, motrin, tylenol
fever - motrin, tylenol, cool baths

Teething - baby orajel, hylands teething tablets


diaper rash-- aquaphor ointment (what always worked for ethan)
diarreah-- pedialyte
colic-- no xperience here
tummyache-- mylicon or the little tummies gas drops, and for ethan it helped him when i would rub his tummy
ear ache -- hylands earache stuff
fever -- motrin, tylenol
teething-- dr. hylands teething tablets, if you have a teething ring let it get cold before baby chews on it


Another thing with the tummy aches... I would hold Noah on my arms, upside down... wait, that sounds dumb... let's see... LOL  Like he would lay on his belly on my arms, like... umm... LOL  My arms would be under his belly... does that make sense???  LOL

Also on the teething... you can pop a wet washcloth in the freezer and let them chew on that when it freezes... and when they get a bit older you can put some ice or frozen fruit into a mesh feeder and let them gum that.


A doctor told me for coltic to put a teaspoon of pear juice in a bottle of water and it would help it

Thanks for all the info...I REALLY appreciate it


I just went through a bad bout of constipation with Aiden. The doctor told me to give him 1 tsp of Dark Karo syrup per 8 oz. of formula 3 times a day, give him an ounce of apple juice mixed with an ounce of water between feedings, and use a q-tip with vaseline, well, you know where, at every diaper change until he goes. He was in pretty bad shape, but he finally went a little last night!


Most doctors tell you this.............but in case they don't...............

Don't use Motrin in babies under 6 months old.

My girls LIVED on Mylicon gas drops (we bought the WM cheap brand) for the first 3-4 mos!! 

I know I typed this a LONG LONG time ago......
MOTRIN=Ibuprofen (also advil)

The generic "cheap" brands are the VERY same thing as the more expensive counter parts!!!  READ READ READ your lables or ask a pharmacist......because even if you save 2-3 bucks, that 2-3 dollars you can spend on other stuff!!!!!!



okay ladies...what about constipation....I know my nephews have suffered with this from time to time


Quote from: CRStrom on February 02, 2007, 07:00:54 PM
Another thing with the tummy aches... I would hold Noah on my arms, upside down... wait, that sounds dumb... let's see... LOL  Like he would lay on his belly on my arms, like... umm... LOL  My arms would be under his belly... does that make sense???  LOL

That's my miracle hold, lol.  I learned that when I first started baby sitting.  With almost any child, no matter how upset they are, most of the time just holding them like that would almost instantly calm them.  That's the only way i survived with Zakary.


Sharon, i never buy name brands on the meds.  Also, if you live near one, the cheapest place i've found for generic tylenol and motrin is Dollar General, cheaper than walmart even.


if ethan was constipated i would first try giving him about a 1/2 tsp. of sugar in about a half to an ounce of water and it normally worked for him.


Quote from: Chosen1 on February 06, 2007, 03:57:12 AM
if ethan was constipated i would first try giving him about a 1/2 tsp. of sugar in about a half to an ounce of water and it normally worked for him.

So you're saying, :sing: "A spoonful of sugar makes the ________ go down"?



LOL Renee!!!

Isabelle is the only one of our kids who has ever had any issues with constipation.  The vaseline and q-tip method has worked for us each time.


We've used glycerin suppositories (we still do with Hannah!!)

LOL@ elfin



a/k/a the "football" hold . . just make sure you have a better grip than Ahman Green!   :o

yep, you hold them like that and rub their back.  not sure why that's comforting unless it's just the soft pressure on their belly.

also for diarrhea when they get older - the BRAT diet - bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.  it will usually help things get to normal in a day or so. 

constipation - the karo syrup method worked well for us. 

here's another thing -for a stuffy nose - there are saline drops that you put in their nose that will make it "unclog" and will help them clear up.  lifesaver if you have an "allergy" baby like i did.

colic - rocking and rocking and soft music and dim lights and rocking and rocking.  and when you feel calm - you go back in to the baby!!   :smirk:

when all else fails - plead the blood of Jesus.  i am not kidding you .  .makes you feel calmer if nothing else.  i swear thi has got to be the most anointed young man on the face of the earth.  the first year of his life he was sick CONSTANTLY and i prayed and walked the floor with that kid and plead the blood of Jesus over him again and again and again and again . . .  no wonder he turned out so nice!  of course, j is nice, too, but wasn't nearly as much work.  as a baby.
\\\\\\\"i want to say more than words when i write\\\\\\\" - kent d. curry
me, too.\\\\\\\\krisknowshim
there are times in the whirlwind of my fragile life that i have hidden under your words, your voice.


Quote from: newkris on February 07, 2007, 01:40:38 AM
colic - rocking and rocking and soft music and dim lights and rocking and rocking.  and when you feel calm - you go back in to the baby!!   :smirk:

:biglaugh: Good advice, Kris.  ;)

I remember my mom sitting on the floor in the hallway outside my baby sister's door, listening to her crying going on and on and on....and then one day I noticed Mom was crying, too.  :-? Moms have a rough job.

"Going somewhere means leaving somewhere. Choosing something means choosing against other things. Gaining something means losing something else. And between the old and new--the 'was' and the 'not yet'--there exists only one thing: a very frightening journey called faith."
--taken from the book Coming Up For Air


I have cried MORE than once when My child was crying!!  I did not understand it until I had kids.  I think I cried the worst when Hannah had a diaper rash that was bleeding....and I cried every time I changed her diaper!  It was awful!!



Emma has one of those rashes, right now! As soon as she goes the bathroom, she cries and starts scratching. I feel so sorry for her! I am using Corona on it, and it seems to be helping!


warm baths help for those kinds of rashes, too.  in fact for awhile whe j was a baby, i didn't use any "wipes" on him, but would wash his bottom under the sink every time i changed him.  and the would put a cream on .. . hhmm . . it wasn't desitin . . it was in a yellow tube. 

anyway.  warm water seemed to be the best thing for him.

and yeah, you'll cry a lot as a mother. 

i still do.  i hate it when they have problems that i can't fix.  and i'd die to go back to the diaper rash days and have that be the biggest problem in their lives. 
\\\\\\\"i want to say more than words when i write\\\\\\\" - kent d. curry
me, too.\\\\\\\\krisknowshim
there are times in the whirlwind of my fragile life that i have hidden under your words, your voice.


When ever I had a soar throat growing up my grandma would tell me to gargle warm salt water and if you don't gag it actually works.

I've heard that drinking baking soda in water ends constipation but I learnd from expreiance it doesan't work!
My mom use to throw me in a warm bathtub when ever I had to go number 2 it worked but my mom still picks on me about it because I would go in the bathtub and it would float and I was afraid of it.



LOL @ amanda............

Thankfully my girls have only pooped a couple times in the bath tub.....once my older daughter started screaming and JUMPED out of the tub in hysterics!!  Poor kids!!  such trauma!!




As I heard in nursing school...

stinky sinkies are bad
fluffy floaters are good
