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Home birth

Started by Amelia Bedelia, January 22, 2007, 06:09:35 AM

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Throughout my whole pregnancy with Noah I said there was no way I wanted an epidural! lol. I just couldn't stand the thought of one. But when they told me if I didn't have an epidural they would probably end up doing a C-section. I changed my mind! lol. I went in the hospital Sat. afternoon and had Noah Sunday morning. I have absolutely no tolerance for pain I guess! lol. I did great for the first several hours of contractions(could have been all the drugs going through my IV though! lol) But then when I had my first REAL contraction the nurse practically had to sit on and to get me to calm down! lol. And she said right then and there that there was absolutely no way I would make it through without an epidural. When I told her I didn't want one she said they would probably have to do a c-section! So needless to say I changed my mind. Since my cervix wasn't progressing like they would have liked they put in a cervix softener Sat. night. And immediately following gave me some ambien to knock me out so I'd get a good night's rest. (My hubby said I fell asleep mid sentence before she had even pulled the needle out of my arm! :laughhard:) Then they came in and woke me up at 3:00 am to give me the epidural. I was so drugged up I about fell of the table and my head was rolling all over they had 2 nurses and my mother to hold me still. I didn't feel  one bit of it! LOL Then at 6:30 am they came to check me. And said I was ready to go! So they stopped the epidural, stared the pitocin and Noah arrived at 7:49 am.

Sorry such a long story! lol


I had an epidural with my son. It didn't work at all. I didn't even get my legs numbed!!! So, they decided to do another one. They ended up trying an epidural THREE times, and then I ended up having a C-section, so when they took me in to the OR they gave me a Spinal. That didn't work either, so when they went to cut me, I felt it totally. I was soooooooo drugged by this point that I really didn't have much of a clue as to what was going on. I looked up at one of the nurses and asked "Am I supposed to feel them cutting me?" She was like, NO............then the next thing I knew a mask was coming down over my thing I knew it was like 2 1/2 hours later and I finally got to see my son.

So for me, I would never try a homebirth!!!!!!!
I was born weird -- this terrible compulsion to behave normally is the result of childhood trauma.


*******My epidural experience was not the "typical" experience........First of all, I was against having one because they couldn't get the first one in!  Then when I started crying I KNEW I could not finish labor without something, so the nurse called the anesthesiologist (a different one than who TRIED) my first labor and delivery.  He PROMISED me he wouldn't poke me more than once and I agreed that if he didn't get it the first time, I didn't want to be a pin cusion.

Well, he got it and within 30 seconds I went from crying in horrendous agony (ok maybe a little TOO dramatic!!) to calm and serene.  He didn't hook it up to the PCA pump (where you push the pain button to get another dose of medicine) because they thought my labor was going to go more quickly.......but anyway, he told me whenever I started to "feel" something, to let him know and he would come give me a bolus of meds......I had like 3 doses.....but I was feeling SOOOOO much better!!!!!!  My epidural did not block ALL just lessoned it!!  I could still feel my contractions, but they were much more bearable!!!  By the time I delivered Hannah and Held her, I was ready to get up and take a shower!!!  I had ALL my feeling back quickly!!!!!!!!

The first time it was great WITHOUT the epidural, but the second time was just as wonderful WITH the epidural!!!!!!  I would DEFINATELY choose an epidural again (Thank God I won't have to, seems how we shut down the baby factory...LOL)



If I ever have another child I have to have him/her by c-section. The doctor told me on my second child that he didn't want me to try labor, so we immediately did a c-section. He said if I have another on it will have to be the same. I'm okay with that because after going through what I went through having Jacob I wouldn't want to chance it!!
I was born weird -- this terrible compulsion to behave normally is the result of childhood trauma.


Sharon, I had the pump thingy with both of the boys but never once had to push the button... the shot they gave me to get started was enough to get me through.  Like I said, I went FAST after I got the epidural in.


both of my deliveries were fast after the epidural by necessity.  i also had a morphine shot as soon as the labor was over.  i felt fine . .    :hippy:
\\\\\\\"i want to say more than words when i write\\\\\\\" - kent d. curry
me, too.\\\\\\\\krisknowshim
there are times in the whirlwind of my fragile life that i have hidden under your words, your voice.


I am going to get one I think....the doc is afarid thta with my narcoelspy that the pain will cause it to go into drugs it is


i LOVED having an epidural! it was a Godsend!


My friend just had her 2nd baby, this time a natural home birth.

Because she had a C-section the first time, that's all anyone would insist on doing w/ the 2nd baby.  So she got a midwife and it all went wonderfully.. waterbirth I think, 10lb baby!  

I know another gal that will do the same and is getting close.

If I knew then what I know now, I would have wanted to at least give my best effort in trying to do a home birth.  As time passes, more research shows how much all that stuff affects you and your baby's body long term and it isn't worth it unless it's life and death, which I'm not sure society is honest about anymore anyway.  Even the whole "due date" is a farce.  Here they are inducing women that could just go a bit longer and have healthy, natural FASTER births if they would just give them time.  barring medical emergencies of course.

Dr.s say all kinds of things about "safety" when they aren't trained in healthy /natural proceedures in the 1st place.


Agree! Most births are uneventful, but if you're likely to have trouble, it will be known in enough time to get you to a hospital. It's really rare when something goes really wrong at the last minute.

That option wasn't there when I gave birth, and I wish it had. They were ok in the hospital at first, but during the birth, they knocked me out and I missed the whole thing.