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Started by kkay, December 13, 2012, 05:14:30 PM

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Hi  :hi:

Just wondering if anyone here has tried or lives by the Paleolithic diet. I'm looking into it and was just needing some insight, recipes, etc.

Thanks ;)


I do a lot of it but not all.  My sister and her husband are entirely paleo.  I have another friend here at church that pretty much is paleo.  I absolutely love it.  I would do it 99% if I could.  For the most part, I think too that it lines up with what the Bible says about food. 

I have a great paleo cookbook and recipes I've saved and some websites. 

What kind of insight?  I have started out little bit by little bit.  It takes practice and grace.  I've stuck with things that sound like I would enjoy already so as not to waste too much food or $$. 

If you google or pinterest raw food recipes, you'll find they are pretty much paleo as well.  I don't care to eat all cold food though so I only do some of those.


I've found some websites that have daily recipes or explain it. From what I've read, it's essentially no grains or sugar? Mainly meats, healthy fats, veggies, fruit, etc.?


Well, it's no dairy either.  But that doesn't do it justice. 

It's based on the idea that the era of man that was a hunter/gatherer was his healthiest.  So anything processed to the point of negating it's nutritional value is frowned upon. Most frown upon basic potatoes too.  Because eating whole foods levels out things in our bodies, boosts our immune system and balances our weight virtually on it's own, that's it's focus.

It's not that it's against grains but that most common grains are genetically modified and void of value.  So they eliminate them or use other grains not yet corrupted... lol  The same goes for dairy.  It's difficult and often expensive to get raw milk/milk products. 

Organic is a given but I can't always do everything organic.  Living an active lifestyle is also a given so you sometimes see exercise stressed and other times not.

Also the same with sugar.  There are wholesome sweeteners that are practically the same as fruit and those are acceptable because we are also getting nutrition with them. 

Does that help? 


I use organic dehydrated sugar cane. It retains vitamins like dried fruit! It's $9?  for an 8lb. bag @ Costco I think.  I have also used coconut sugar and date sugar.  Dates also are an awesome sweetener pureed in food.  I'm on the fence about agave syrup.

Both almond and coconut milk contain 50% more calcium than cow's milk. 

~For me~ it's been more about learning about food.  Those facts have helped us improve our health the most because then the "diet" doesn't feel like suffering at all.  In fact it seems affluent.  I'm almost passionate about the subject. 

There are LOTS of healthy versions of common foods that we all grew up on.  It is one reason I do like the paleo way for the most part.  It's not crazy thinking, it's logical, wise.  Some people demonize certain food, but the core value of the diet is not so hard to transition to.  again.. ~for me~


Does that help?

Let me know, cause I'd be more than happy to share more.  This diet works for me too because I am gluten intolerant.


I read what I think is a very basic background as to what the diet is. I think it's similar to something I've done before - no sugar or starch, BUT I also had sugar free sweets and other things that wouldn't be at all accepted with Paleo. I think it's a good place to start for me though. I don't know that I'd be able to do a strict Paleo lifestyle but I could definitely learn a lot about foods. I'd still need my sugar free pecan, caramel, chocolate truffles :)

Thanks for the advice and info. That should help get me started. Just need to look at some sites for recipes and tips.
