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Apple Cider Vinegar

Started by The Cold Water Kid, April 26, 2010, 05:24:09 PM

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The Cold Water Kid

Do any of you take organic apple cider vinegar? I was recently looking for a natural diuretic and came across the cult of apple cider vinegar. Apparently it's a kind of cure all; from psoriasis to arthritis to high blood pressure. I bought some at GNC a couple of days ago. It tastes pretty bad, but other than that I can't say much about it yet.



If you're looking for a natural diuretic, cranberry juice is still the favorite among people. I hate it, but I get those blended ones, which are much better and still work fine.

Green tea also works.  Apple cider vinegar will also help maintain potassium levels. You can lose potassium in your urine, so it's obvious, if you go more you can lose more potassium.

Dandiliion, dandilion tea, and nettle are also diuretics.

Fennel also has diuretic properties.

The Cold Water Kid

I use the word cult a little tongue in cheek. There seems to be a lot of enthusiasm for apple cider vinegar on the Internet.

Thanks; I did read about cranberry juice but forgot to get any. I'll buy some today. I'm taking dandelion (root unfortunately, not leaf), nettle and ginger root. I think it's working, but it'll probably take at least a week before I'm sure.

The Cold Water Kid

How much cranberry juice cocktail should I drink per day to get the diuretic benefit? Is a quart enough?


A glass. If you drink a quart, you might not get out of the house. LOL