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first baby

Started by lala, June 23, 2009, 03:56:53 AM

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I'm pregnant with my first baby and I'm honestly scared to death. My husband and I have only been married a little over a year and we are still so new at everything. Is there any advice that anyone can offer to me? I'm due in 6 weeks on Aug. 4th.


The Purple Fuzzy

Don't be scared.  It's a natural thing and there is so much great medical care around.  Do you have any close friends or relatives that you can talk to?


having a baby is the best thing in the world... i was scared with my first, but it all changed the moment i held him for the first time.   You'll do fine! :)
Gods Promise: "This to shall pass"  not "and it came to stay"


People just LOVE to tell horror stories about their horrible deliveries. I remember being scared to death because some well-meaning people terrified me.

Don't listen to them. You could be one who has a really easy time of it. Or even if you don't, when you're in the middle of it, you're thinking, "MY BABY IS COMING, what is it oing to look like?  I can hardly wit to hold him/her.     


we had our first little one almost eight months ago, and he is so worth anything we had to go through! We were married less than a year when I was pregnant and we were scared too, but God knows and will take care of it all.  He knows all your needs and worries and will supply them, I can testify to that sister!  Enjoy it as much as you can. :thumbsup2: Congrats!