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Web Hosting

Started by darlaj2, September 13, 2007, 09:10:49 PM

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I want to build a website for our church--what are some places where I can host it?  I thought about doing the generic something like geocities or whatever, but I would like our website to have our church name and not a bunch of other names/sites.  Any suggestions?

CDAGeek has rather cheap hosting options, as well as purchaseable domain names so you're not stuck with some other company's name in your URL. It's what I've used in the past, though I'm unsure if there's better/cheaper alternatives currently. They did well by me though.

Also, if it's a UPCI church the organization offers hosting services through


Thank you.  Yes, the UPC does offer a hosting site, but it is like $19.99 a month....which $240 a year is not bad, but right now I don't want to have the church pay that when I know we don't have extra money.  I will look at the site you suggested.


if you got the talent on doing the pages, i would suggest netfirms for the host, they have been great to me so far (2 yrs) and have much more options for the prices than any other host i've seen thats been around more than a year or two (ya gotta be weary of the 'new guys" as they can be the 'fly by night' type scammers), and thats after 4 years of mediocre service from my former host (AussieServers/AussieHosts).

I love the UPCI as the next licensed guy, but i wouldn't recommend their web host to even someone that hates me..... they cost too much to be useful and not only that, lately they have been experiencing A LOT of down time, or EXTREMELY SLOW loading times (on my high speed connection  pulling up some of their sites is like trying to load a page thats completely done in flash and has LOTS of stuff on it via dial-up).... *shrug*  JMHO

Please disregard this post as it's contents are probably in error.

Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened. ~ Sir Winston Churchill


Well, I went with Yahoo! to host our church site.  I looked around and for the price, they were fine for us.  I don't have a lot of talent in the "web site making" but I have, I needed something fairly easy to use, but one that will allow me to add a little here and there.  It is like $11 a month.