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Fun activities to do with your spouse

Started by kkay, February 11, 2008, 08:08:55 PM

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  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!



Quote from: sunlight on April 07, 2008, 08:09:35 PM
me too. It kinda limits who all you can get hugs from.
although on the same note... if i had a spouse, im sure i would be more than satisfied hugging the same person over and over again- prolly to the point of them wishing i wouldnt... so yeah.

Who Sez?


Quote from: Sis on April 07, 2008, 09:02:53 PM
Quote from: sunlight on April 07, 2008, 08:09:35 PM
me too. It kinda limits who all you can get hugs from.
although on the same note... if i had a spouse, im sure i would be more than satisfied hugging the same person over and over again- prolly to the point of them wishing i wouldnt... so yeah.

Who Sez?

Oh I would totally have a fit if my husband was out hugging other

Im sure he wouldn't like it if I was hugging on men either.


Quote from: Sis on April 07, 2008, 09:02:53 PM
Quote from: sunlight on April 07, 2008, 08:09:35 PM
me too. It kinda limits who all you can get hugs from.
although on the same note... if i had a spouse, im sure i would be more than satisfied hugging the same person over and over again- prolly to the point of them wishing i wouldnt... so yeah.

Who Sez?
to which part? REG
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Quote from: sunlight on April 07, 2008, 09:42:57 PM
Quote from: Sis on April 07, 2008, 09:02:53 PM
Quote from: sunlight on April 07, 2008, 08:09:35 PM
me too. It kinda limits who all you can get hugs from.
although on the same note... if i had a spouse, im sure i would be more than satisfied hugging the same person over and over again- prolly to the point of them wishing i wouldnt... so yeah.

Who Sez?
to which part? REG

It wouldn't limit who I'd hug because I'm not a hugger, so I wouldn't hug everyone in the first place. LOL Sometimes ya just can't get out of them. I guess Sunny Chel is one of them.  ;)  I will hug when it's something like that but I really don't like to. I've gotten some awsome huggies from the Sunday school kids. Even after they grew up, they still give ole Sis a huggie when they see her.


Quote from: apostolic_girl04 on February 11, 2008, 08:08:55 PM
I, myself, need some good ideas for things to do with the boyfriend..

So, I figured..why not change that boyfriend to spouse and put this in the "marrieds" section? :)

Have at it. ;)

My wife and I love to spend time together.  Since the birth of Noah we have less time that's just us, but that's part of the deal.  Here are the things we enjoy doing together:

- We love to read books and share what we're reading.  She likes fiction and I like ancient culture, church history, and theology.  We also enjoy reading books about couples, relationships, and communication.  A wonderful book to read together is the "Men are from Mars and Women Are From Venus" book.   It really helped us with how we communicate with one another.  Also we enjoy books that help preserve passion and keep the flame of maritial intimacy alive. 

- We love to put the boy to bed and take in a good movie.  We went without a television for 12 years and there are plenty of movies out there we haven't seen so this is often enjoyable.  A good romantic comedy is something we both enjoy and spend time talking about afterwards.  Also documentaries are wonderful.

- We enjoy birdwatching.  At first I wasn't sure about this but it's become very enjoyable.  We both have a pair of binoculars and we keep these and a field guide in the Jeep.  We used to visit local parks and walk birdwatching together.  We do this less now with Noah but now that he's walking we've gone out a few times.  Also we'll be out and about and spot a nice bird and talk about it. 

- Drive.  This is very expensive but we really enjoy it.  We like to get out just drive.  We have eachother all to ourselves with few interruptions and Noah always goes to sleep in the Jeep. 

- We also enjoy eating out.  We try to eat out every Friday night as much as possible.  This started as a tradition with us while dating and even after we were married we committed to keeping our "date".  Of course now Noah comes along with us. 

- Shopping.  Men, if you want to really learn to communicate with your wives...learn to enjoy shopping.  Not just "shopping" but the art of shopping.  Good deals and "talking" about things you like and why you like them.  Some of our funniest conversations have been while picking with eachother over something we would buy while shopping.  Invent "rules" and invent a game while shopping.  Play contrary, meaning endevour to "not like" anything the other points out.  LOL  Make up absolutely silly and illogical reasons why, soon the other will realize it's just a game and it will catch on.  Or the "rule" could be that both of you have to tell the absolute truth about the items you see while shopping.  Questions like, "Do you like this?"; "Would you ever use that?"; "Does this look good on me?"; "What would you think if I wore that?"  Remember the rule is to be absolutely honest to a fault.  But beware, this could get you into trouble honest...but be wise.  ;)  The objective isn't to win or be superior in any way...the goal is just to stimulate conversation and be silly. 

Those are just a few things I could think of off the top of my head.  They work for us, it might work for some of you guys too. 

God bless and keep you and yours.


Quote from: ChristopherHall on April 08, 2008, 09:33:11 PM
- Shopping.  Men, if you want to really learn to communicate with your wives...learn to enjoy shopping. 

That would all depend on the gal you got. Shocking as it may sound... not every woman likes shopping. :updown:

"Not everything that is of God is easy." -Elona

"When you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything." -F. Chan

"A real live hug anytime you want it is priceless." -Rachel


Quote from: SippinTea on April 09, 2008, 02:19:30 PM
Quote from: ChristopherHall on April 08, 2008, 09:33:11 PM
- Shopping.  Men, if you want to really learn to communicate with your wives...learn to enjoy shopping. 

That would all depend on the gal you got. Shocking as it may sound... not every woman likes shopping. :updown:


But at some point you HAVE to shop--why not make it fun!


Quote from: SippinTea on April 09, 2008, 02:19:30 PM
Quote from: ChristopherHall on April 08, 2008, 09:33:11 PM
- Shopping.  Men, if you want to really learn to communicate with your wives...learn to enjoy shopping. 

That would all depend on the gal you got. Shocking as it may sound... not every woman likes shopping. :updown:


True!  My wife loves to shop.  Maybe the key is... if at all possible, we husbands do well to learn to enjoy what our wives enjoy and then take part in it with her. 


God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.


i said just last would be a beautiful evening to be at the lake...just sitting...enjoying the sunshine...watching the moon over the lake.  If it wasn't chilly...dippin my toes in the lake.  *sigh* if only my hubby would agree.... hehe.. he's a city boy.
Gods Promise: "This to shall pass"  not "and it came to stay"


I just got to go with my hubby last summer out on the lake.....we had so much fun.


Thanks for all the wonderful ideas!  Will have to give some of them a try this summer.


wow... some of these old threads are really interesting to reread... :hyper:
* sunlight contemplates making a "list of things i want to do with you" for whenever i find the you... over in the singles thread. :freaky2:
  :attackhug: Be full of hugs!


Quote from: almondjoy on May 21, 2008, 03:45:19 AM
Thanks for all the wonderful ideas!  Will have to give some of them a try this summer.

Here is one of our favorites, hiking!  Ever been to the Grand Canyon?


You mean that "big hole in the ground" in Arizona?  :rofl:   Oh, I miss Anna!


Quote from: Sis on February 28, 2010, 09:54:46 PM
You mean that "big hole in the ground" in Arizona?  :rofl:   Oh, I miss Anna!

THIS big hole in the ground.  LOL

Me, nearly halfway to Phantom Ranch.

My wife overlooking the Colorado river.  Yes, my knuckles were white holding the camera since there was about a 1600 foot drop off from her feet to the canyon floor.


I know. That's what Anna from AZ called it. She said she'd be our Barbie tour guide since she lived in Prescott.

She wanted to kick CA into the ocean so Arizonans could have beach-front property.


*sigh* I miss Anna. I think about her sometimes and wonder what she's up to.
When you say "Jesus" you've said everything.


Someone said she got married and lives in Sadona (sp)

I miss her energy!  It was catching.