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The "flower story"

Started by Envelope, September 22, 2008, 01:33:48 AM

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Reading Bro. Dad's and Sis Mom's posts reminds me a bit of my own life and marriage.

My husband had never been a big "flower or card" giver...............keep reading!!

My husband lost his first wife to breast cancer (she was 45).  She passed in November of 2000.  In June of 2001, I began to talk to my husband.  We started dating and 3 months later were married.  We just celebrated our 7th anniversary and it has been the 7 most WONDERFUL years of my life!!!

When I was preggy with Kaitlynn (our oldest--almost 6), I spent a great deal of time playing on the computer because I was simply too tired to do anything else (I was still working full time and had an hour commute each way to and from work).  One day, when searching through some stuff on the computer, I came across our bank acct. information (we used to graph our checkbook.........).  I was looking through some previous months and I noticed that every month for 7 months (while my husband was single)....there was a bill EACH month from the flower shop.  I knew he'd dated a couple of women (one or two dates) and had a long line of adoring fans who WANTED to date him!!!  LOL

I figured out (fairly easily) that those months he had the flower shop bills........he was taking flowers to his wife's headstone at the when He came in from work......I simply asked him, "so, who were you sending flowers to all those months?" (I was very sweet and "innocent" when asking this....) and he replied....."to the cemetary.  I never sent flowers to Chris (first wife) and I felt so GUILTY after she died"........  I hugged him and asked him to Please send me my flowers while I am alive to enjoy them!!!  (solves 2 problems.....#1....I get flowers!!! and #2....he doesn't feel guilty!!)

Whenever he hears one of his young officer's complaining about "sending flowers" to their wives and such....he stops and tells the story!!  And usually??  The wife of that officer receives flowers!!! 

This anniversary has been during an especially stressful time in our marriage.  My husband has been on the brink of losing his job for several months I sent him flowers with the message "for better or for worse".....and not too long later, I received flowers with the same message...............  I took that vow seriously when we married and if this is "worse"......well then, the rest of our marriage should be a breeze!!!!!!


The Purple Fuzzy

That's great.  Thanks for sharing.