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HELP!!! (RE: Feeding baby)

Started by mvausey, May 28, 2007, 11:12:36 AM

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I have an 8-month old baby who has been so picky with her solid food since she turned 6.  She would only eat food meals and nothing else.   :fork: :tantrum:I tried feeding her veggies and/or meat but she won't take it, and even sometimes she would throw it up.  I don't know what to do :mad: so any tip from experienced mums would be appreciated.

Thanks and God bless  :grin:


There are times that I do/have/will put a pinch of salt in Mattison's baby food jar.  Like if I am feeding her greenbeans, I will add just a touch of salt--to make it a little more enjoyable. 


i would try what Darlaj said! Emma dont eat baby food anymore...but thats one thing i did when she did eat it the few times she did!


Hey guys!

The thing though is she won't eat it if it's not sweet/fruity.  The other night I tried to get her to eat the shepherd's pie that I cooked.  She ended up regurgitating it. :nono:  I was told by someone not to worry too much about her not eating veggies/meat now cause she will eventually.  Is this true?  Cause my concern is if I just let her eat what she wants she might end up being too picky in a long run.


Ummm, you got me there.  I have never had that problem with Mattison.  She will eat anything but carrots.
Someone else will have to chime in.   ???


I have never had that problem either.Emma will eat ANYTHING!


Yeah, Kari would eat everything when she was 4 months (when she started eating solids).  For some reason she only started becoming fussy when she turned 6.  Very wierd indeed.


my kids didn't get picky until they started eating a lot of table food.... close to their first birthdays.  they ate great while they were on just baby food.
it is true that you don't have to worry much about their nutrition until they're past the first birthday.... as long as they're still on formula or breastmilk, and getting plenty.  all i can say is just keep trying, and don't allow any of the sweet stuff.
"Your problem is not the problem.  Your reaction to the problem is the problem"  -Pastor Brian Kinsey


i always just fed mine whatever...u could always do like the apples and chicken or whatever...then they r still getting meat...and they like the sweet...but doesnt matter till after 1...and i dont think that it affects their eating habits later
its mesi: mee see...not messy

messaypah to only a certain


and nothing changed at 6mo?  Did you go from baby food jars to what the rest of you eat?  If so, maybe it's too seasoned for her?  Is it still too chunky?  I would put Andrew's/Hannah's food in the handychopper sometimes just cause it would make it easier for digestion and potpie was one of those I did that on.  I would also do that when they didn't like the veggie particularly well.

What sweets does she have besides fruit?  My Hannah will only drink kool-aid/juice if I let her, and she's  I dilute the juice with water and kool-aid isn't a given everyday.  If they rely on sweet things, even just juice, it's causing their taste buds to apt accordingly.  You get some new tastebuds every 3 weeks (not all ~some~) Unless there is some medical reason why she refuses ALL of that stuff, you gotta just stick to your guns.  Let her be hungry one day.  By that I mean provide something like eggs for breakfast, whatever for lunch but don't let her have sweet anything-includind sweet drinks.  If she flat out refuses all of it both meals she'll be HUNGRY by dinner. 

Does she eat any no sweet foods like mashed potatoes?  Start from what you can get her to eat and then encorporate other foods with it until she's eating a 3 course meal and doesn't know it.  Remember, there's plenty of foods (like beans) that give you protein other than meat, and are easier to digest.  Hannah loves when I slow cook red beans in the crock pot all day and then mash them for tacos.  Again, she's 5yrs now, but maybe that'll help??


Whew!  I actually forgot that I posted this, hehehe!

Well, that lady I spoke to is right after all.  When Kari turned 9 1/2 she started eating other stuff like meat and some veggies.  As of now it's still a bit of a challenge to feed her, particularly if you're not eating with her.  I guess it's a good thing that she likes sharing.  And if she sees you eat she'll definitely gobble down on what you're eating too.

Quote from: MellowYellow on July 30, 2007, 06:59:04 AM
and nothing changed at 6mo?  Did you go from baby food jars to what the rest of you eat?  If so, maybe it's too seasoned for her?  Is it still too chunky?  I would put Andrew's/Hannah's food in the handychopper sometimes just cause it would make it easier for digestion and potpie was one of those I did that on.  I would also do that when they didn't like the veggie particularly well.

What sweets does she have besides fruit?  My Hannah will only drink kool-aid/juice if I let her, and she's  I dilute the juice with water and kool-aid isn't a given everyday.  If they rely on sweet things, even just juice, it's causing their taste buds to apt accordingly.  You get some new tastebuds every 3 weeks (not all ~some~) Unless there is some medical reason why she refuses ALL of that stuff, you gotta just stick to your guns.  Let her be hungry one day.  By that I mean provide something like eggs for breakfast, whatever for lunch but don't let her have sweet anything-includind sweet drinks.  If she flat out refuses all of it both meals she'll be HUNGRY by dinner. 

Does she eat any no sweet foods like mashed potatoes?  Start from what you can get her to eat and then encorporate other foods with it until she's eating a 3 course meal and doesn't know it.  Remember, there's plenty of foods (like beans) that give you protein other than meat, and are easier to digest.  Hannah loves when I slow cook red beans in the crock pot all day and then mash them for tacos.  Again, she's 5yrs now, but maybe that'll help??

Actually when she was on that "very fussy" stage I tried everything to get her to eat savoury (other than sweet) food.  She just wouldn't eat it.  I started her with both home made and jarred food.  I would steam potatoes, pumpkins, etc and mash it and she would eat it no worries, until she turned 6.  She would only eat those jarred fruit cereal/porridge food, and nibble on some fruits, and she won't drink any liquid other than her formula; which by the way she gobbles down like a thirsty camel so I guess it's a good thing to compensate for the food.

So yeah, Kari changes eating habit by the day it's amazing...and rather weird sometimes  :lol:


yeah its a blessing and a pain in the rear when they decide they want whatever u r eating...and it doesnt stop either
its mesi: mee see...not messy

messaypah to only a certain