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Open Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: Babs on March 16, 2011, 02:20:27 AM

Title: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Babs on March 16, 2011, 02:20:27 AM
Taken From the Fibromyalgia main site (http://www.fmnetnews.com/index.php)

What Fibromyalgia Feels Like
Key Symptoms

    * Pain all over
    * Fatigue
    * Brain fog
    * Trouble sleeping
    * Exercise difficulties
    * Irritable bowel
    * Headaches
    * Jaw pain
    * Multiple sensitivities

Fibromyalgia produces widespread pain, disturbed sleep, and exhaustion from head to toe.1 Although the muscles hurt everywhere, they are not the only cause of your discomfort. Instead, the diffuse, body-wide symptoms are greatly magnified by malfunctions in the way the nervous system processes pain.

Regional muscle pain also occurs in the majority of people with fibromyalgia.4 Patients experience firm knots in their muscles, often causing restricted movement and radiating pain.5 Recent research has found that 90 percent of the tender points used to diagnose fibro are actually myofascial trigger points.

The symptoms of fibromyalgia are unpredictable and most patients are frustrated by their physical limitations and inability to make plans. The fatigue is much more than being tired. Patients describe it as though you have to "push yourself" to get things done.

To help your family and friends relate to your fibromyalgia symptoms, have them think back to the last time they had a bad flu.

People with fibromyalgia say that their muscles feel like they have been pulled or overworked, and sometimes they twitch or cramp.8 Even the skin may feel badly sunburned.9 To help your family and friends relate to your fibromyalgia symptoms, have them think back to the last time they had a bad flu. Every muscle in their body shouted out in pain. In addition, they felt devoid of energy as though someone had unplugged their power supply.

Given that the symptoms may be similar to a viral flu, experts in the field of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome believe that these two illnesses may be one and the same.10 Gulf War syndrome also overlaps with these two conditions.

Most Common Symptoms

The problem with fibromyalgia is that there are so many symptoms that you feel like a hypochondriac, especially when no one can see any of your pain, brain fog and exhaustion. Your symptoms are mostly invisible to others. Added to this is a tremendous variability of symptoms between one person with fibromyalgia and another. These complications cause physicians to be perplexed and patients to be frustrated.

In addition, research has shown strong links between sleep disruptions and pain. Symptoms of poor sleep resemble many of those found in fibromyalgia, such as muscle achiness, fatigue, memory and concentration difficulties.

Other Aggravating Factors

There are many symptoms associated with fibromyalgia that are not as common but can be distressing and irritating. They may come and go, or change without any known cause, which may be baffling to you. Many of these symptoms could be related to other illnesses, so always check with your doctor before assuming it is your fibromyalgia.

In addition, there are several factors that can make your fibromyalgia worse, and you may be able to avoid them by using preventative measures.

Just wondering if anyone else here has Fibromyalgia and if so what helps you? or perhaps you know someone that has it and know what works for them.

I have had this for several years, over 10 but the strokes I have had in the last year have intensified the symptoms to almost unbearable some days. So thought I would ask if anyone else has ideas that may help.

I find the hardest part of having Fibromyalgia is that it is basically an invisible illness. For the most part I look like a healthy person, so am misjudged quite a lot because there is so much I can't do.

anyway, just wondered what you guys know about it all.
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 01:45:49 AM
My mom has "fibromyalgae"

I dont think she really has it though, from working in the Medical field Ive learned that its just a quick diagnose for any patient that the doctor wants to get out of his face --- they can just prescribe you pain pills and pacify your "real" problem, while solving none.

And its completely legal.. guess who told me this? 6 Medical Doctors!!! lol
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Babs on March 17, 2011, 01:48:03 AM
not all of us use pain pills. and it is very real. and very painful.
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Melody on March 17, 2011, 01:49:18 AM
What causes Fibromyalgia?
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 01:52:29 AM
infact, ive known healthy people who want to get on Disability go to thier doc telling them they think they have fibro, and telling him the "symptoms" and 9 times out of 10 he will diagnose them with it.. - Sad to admit, some women in our church done this

if a doctor diagnoses you with Fibro without a blood test or some sort of evidence proving so, Run from that quack!

--- I think before long, it will be hard to get disability from Fibro because so many people have abused it, leaving the people who are really in need up the creek with no paddle

Alot of doctors do the same thing with Celiac Disease, if the doctor diagnoses you with Celiac without giving you an Upper GI then hes a quack too! lol
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 01:54:18 AM
Quote from: Babs on March 17, 2011, 01:48:03 AM
not all of us use pain pills. and it is very real. and very painful.
i agree, but because so many peope and doctors have abused the Phrase "Fibromyalgae" its left the people who 'really have it' without real help alot of times
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Babs on March 17, 2011, 02:09:21 AM
Quote from: MellowYellow on March 17, 2011, 01:49:18 AM
What causes Fibromyalgia?

im not really sure myself if they know.

i deal with severe nerve pain that never goes away. hard to describe what it is like, but think about a time you hit your funny bone, then multiply that by about 100 and spread it over the entire right side of your body, and feel that 24/7

my muscles burn, ache and swell. my feet have so much pain i no longer can wear shoes. wear house shoes when i go out mostly now.

even wearing clothing of any kind causes severe pain.

also i cannot tolerate any kind of air blowing on the effected area. so that means, i have to make sure my entire right side is covered if i have the air conditioner on, or go outside when it is the least bit windy.

just a fan running with my arm or leg uncovered will bring tears to my eyes.

Quote from: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 01:54:18 AM
Quote from: Babs on March 17, 2011, 01:48:03 AM
not all of us use pain pills. and it is very real. and very painful.
i agree, but because so many peope and doctors have abused the Phrase "Fibromyalgae" its left the people who 'really have it' without real help alot of times

i agree. because of this it took years to get on disability for me, and i wasnt approved until i had 5 strokes.

it is really frustrating because honestly i have tried the pain pills, and while yes i felt better (high) by taking one, it did nothing for the real pain.

so its hard to know what to do. wishing i could find something natural that would help ease the pain just so i can sleep normally, and wear proper clothing and shoes etc.

they have a medicine the prescribe for this,  Lyrica but after reading the side effects i am a bit hesitant to try it.

and because of people you describe eric, people like me and others like me, are very misunderstood.
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Babs on March 17, 2011, 02:10:39 AM
and also extreme coldness and numbness of effected areas *left that out*

mine started in 1991 after a severe head on auto accident where i broke my back in three places, broke both my legs, and one of my hips and broke one arm in 5 places. was in the hosp for almost a year

about a month later symptoms started. too years to figure out what was wrong
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 02:16:27 AM
mom takes lyrica its helped her alot
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Tricia Lea on March 17, 2011, 02:17:09 AM
I have a friend at school who has it. She says some days its hard to just get up and go to  class.
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Babs on March 17, 2011, 02:21:43 AM
Quote from: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 02:16:27 AM
mom takes lyrica its helped her alot

i am just very leery of any prescription meds. try to stay with all natural stuff if i can find it

Quote from: Tricia Lea on March 17, 2011, 02:17:09 AM
I have a friend at school who has it. She says some days its hard to just get up and go to  class.

i have many days now that it takes so much just to get out of bed, that i find it not worth it
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 02:26:07 AM
Quote from: Babs on March 17, 2011, 02:21:43 AM
Quote from: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 02:16:27 AM
mom takes lyrica its helped her alot

i am just very leery of any prescription meds. try to stay with all natural stuff if i can find it
Very Smart!!!! Chiropractors, Massages, Accupuncture, Decompression and Low Level Lasers are great! - I would reccomend someone to try that, before getting on prescriptions.. ---- actually, Chiropractic Adjustments helped mom the most! --- just be careful who you go to, there are some quacks and some peope that arent very gentle and will hurt you
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Babs on March 17, 2011, 02:28:22 AM
yeah i am rather leery of chiropractors too lol used to love going to them but afraid to since i have had so much broken. cant afford them to break my back again lol

i keep hoping i guess that someone will find a vitamin or something that helps. i find stuff like that for almost any other physical problem
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 02:35:55 AM
and they can be very expensive!
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Babs on March 17, 2011, 02:37:49 AM
yeah and medicaid wont pay for many visits per year even if i did want to go. once i got my disability, they say i only get medicaid for 2 years, then will get medicare but i think that stinks.
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 02:40:51 AM
right.. alot of chiropractors wont even accept medicaid or Insurance, some of them think its easier to be a cash-only practice... but they are soooo wrong, but I wont get into that! lol
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Babs on March 17, 2011, 02:42:18 AM
Quote from: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 02:40:51 AM
right.. alot of chiropractors wont even accept medicaid or Insurance, some of them think its easier to be a cash-only practice... but they are soooo wrong, but I wont get into that! lol

yeah lol

what i am running into here is, the doctors that take medicaid dont take new patients, and the doctors that are taking new patients dont take medicaid lol
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 02:44:22 AM
yeaaah! thats the new thing now too!! lol --- You may have to go out of the big city
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Babs on March 17, 2011, 02:45:41 AM
Quote from: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 02:44:22 AM
yeaaah! thats the new thing now too!! lol --- You may have to go out of the big city

lol im not in a big city lol we are around 20k lol

but with no car i cant go to another one very easy either.
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 02:50:02 AM
well you should check into some things, around here theres a van that takes you to doctors appts and stuff and its paid by medicaid
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Babs on March 17, 2011, 02:52:00 AM
yeah they have that here, but then i go back to the beginning of this thread, i dont want a bunch of prescription drugs and none of the doctors i can find will offer anything but drugs.

hence the hope to find something natural i can use/take instead. sigh
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Tricia Lea on March 17, 2011, 03:05:04 AM
This friend from school that has it says she takes lots of different supplements rather than take alot of meds. She says shes gone vegetarian and is trying to go vegan because she feels that will help her. Shes in the organic foods too
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Babs on March 17, 2011, 03:07:12 AM
maybe you could ask her what kind of supplements and do they actually help? or wishful thinking lol

i was vegetarian almost all my life until a few years ago and discovered chicken lol

only meats i eat are chicken, fish and occasional pork
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Tricia Lea on March 17, 2011, 03:33:20 AM
I can. She is on FB. I can message her and see if she will add you too if you want
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Babs on March 17, 2011, 03:35:04 AM
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Tricia Lea on March 17, 2011, 04:20:27 AM
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: EricShane on March 17, 2011, 02:07:04 PM
barb, find a Holistic doctor that does Chinese Pressure point checking to see what suppliments are best for you..
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Ashlee on March 17, 2011, 06:47:56 PM
Just saw this thread.  My mother has this and has suffered for many years.  There are days she really could not get out of bed, but it hurt her to be in bed as well.  She told me that if she didn't have me still at home to make her get up and go and take her to things, then she probably would never have gotten out of bed.

I just bought her some lotion.  It's called "Two Old Goats".  It is extremely pricey in my opinion, but if it works, then it will be well worth the money.  Has anyone ever used this?
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Babs on March 17, 2011, 06:51:57 PM
never heard of it but found their website. i may order a small bottle and see. cant hurt i guess lol

http://www.twooldgoats.com/page/page/4792030.htm (http://www.twooldgoats.com/page/page/4792030.htm)
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: SippinTea on March 19, 2011, 12:43:01 AM
I don't have anything worthwhile to add as far as help - wish I did! But I do have a number of friends who struggle with this, and it makes me hurt to watch them. :(

*Hugs* Barb

Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: angel on October 24, 2011, 03:57:59 PM
My mother has had fibro for years. I told her the other day to try a neti pot just in case allergies are causing the fibro. I hope it works for her. I don't like seeing her suffer, she does have a good doctor again and is actually helping her instead of other doctors telling her it's all in her head.
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Ashlee on November 18, 2012, 08:57:35 PM
I know this is an old post, but I am watching my mother struggle with this more and more everyday.  So, I am wondering if there is anyone else here who has more information about this.  Does anyone know of any tips to help ease the pain?
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: SippinTea on November 19, 2012, 05:40:52 AM
Several people I know have been helped by going on anti-inflammatory diets. But I'm no expert.

Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: angel on November 20, 2012, 12:53:28 AM
Quote from: Ashlee on November 18, 2012, 08:57:35 PM
I know this is an old post, but I am watching my mother struggle with this more and more everyday.  So, I am wondering if there is anyone else here who has more information about this.  Does anyone know of any tips to help ease the pain?

I'm sorry you have to see her suffer. I will pray your mother and you.

Be a support to her and try to read on information about it to understand it better. It has helped my mom out immensly that I have been there and supported her through it.

I can say if a doctor ever prescribes cymbalta or lyrica, tell your mom to run far away from that poisonous thing they call medicine. My mother nearly died on that stuff 4 years ago. There is a sleeping pill that she used to take as well, and it made her sleep walk. My sister caught her talking to her table one morning. Oh, it's called Ambien. Yikes. NOw my mom takes benadryl to help her sleep which is a lot safer than that Ambien.

My mom is on neurotin for pain. It works for her, but it makes her VERY talkative. Not sure what else she is on now. She uses heating pads. She can't take showers that have the shower head beat water on her back. It makes it worse. She gets migraines as well. So I don't know if your mother does?

I hope your mom can find a good doctor. It took my mom a while to find another good doctor after the one she had retired. Some doctors won't work with the patient and some will even say it is all in their head. And these are doctors that specialize in fibromyalgia. So sad. But there are good doctors as well. So I hope your mom has a good doctor. Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Fibromyalgia - Do you or anyone you know have it?
Post by: Sis on December 20, 2012, 05:57:53 AM
Quote from: Ashlee on November 18, 2012, 08:57:35 PM
I know this is an old post, but I am watching my mother struggle with this more and more everyday.  So, I am wondering if there is anyone else here who has more information about this.  Does anyone know of any tips to help ease the pain?
Friend Dr Dave [Dave Frahm- I think that's how you spell it] He has helped me a lot. Most of it is from an ill-functioning thyroid.