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Spiritual Discussion => Devotions & Poems => Topic started by: Babs on February 23, 2011, 04:49:51 AM

Title: Random Writings
Post by: Babs on February 23, 2011, 04:49:51 AM
"in times of drifting"

I sometimes find I'm drifting
Through this life without effect;
I often wonder if I'm truly
Worth what I've been blessed.

I search through days that have been hard,
To try to understand,
The many trials that I have known,
The life that I have had.

You see me in my daily grind,
So confident and strong;
Yet when I am alone, I question
Just where I belong.

I often try too hard I find,
To analyze and guess,
To scrutinize, investigate
My life I will confess.

For somewhere deeper, there must be
Some meaning to this life,
Some way to make a difference,
Give a reason for this strife.

Is there some hidden meaning?
Some agenda to be found?
A greater purpose waiting
If I care to hang around?

It teases and it taunts me,
Always slightly out of sight;
A hazy vision out of reach,
Where darkness hides the light.

I struggle to bring clarity
To what awaits me there,
And yet this weak illusion
Always fades before my stare.

It seems the harder that I try,
To focus through the haze,
Just serves to add more questions,
Through my endless, tired gaze.

Perhaps I'm trying just too hard,
To understand it all,
For can we ever truly know
Just what we have in store?

Each incident, each moment passed,
Just adds upon the next,
But in the end, will I find truth ...
Or will I be perplexed?

Perhaps I make it harder
Than it has to be sometimes,
But will my searching bring to me
My meaning over time?

Or will it leave me broken,
And confused as I feel now,
While questions bring no solitude,
To this, my wrinkled brow.
Title: Re: Random Writings
Post by: Babs on February 23, 2011, 04:50:59 AM
"I didn't see you today"

I heard you say you are always there yet I went out today and did not see you there. As I went about the cares of my day I watched, waiting and hoping, but I saw you not. Just a smile, a gentle hello, a quick hows your day. I heard it no...t.

As I silently walk in my path my heart longs just to see. My ears long to hear. My hands long to touch. But today you were not there."

Are we so busy in our life that we pass so many by that for them just a quick hello would make their day. Are we beyond the point of being able to show people we really care?

There are so many hurting people in this world yet we forget they are there. We forget that one that cannot leave their home because they are too frail. So in seclusion they live wondering if anyone really cares or if its worth going on.

We forget the one that lives in the nursing home, family all gone, they are lost in the numbers, all alone. So in seclusion they live wondering if anyone really cares or if its worth going on.

We forget that one that has no home, perhaps lives under a bridge. They have nowhere to turn, all resources gone. Maybe they lost their job, then lost their home. Family turned their backs on them. Friends are nowhere to be found. So in seclusion they live wondering if anyone really cares or if its worth going on.

We forget that teenager or child that is in trouble. We say they are a bad seed. We forget it was not their choice to be there. Perhaps they are from a broken home, perhaps parents have died. Perhaps they made bad choices and now have to pay. They long for someone just to say someone really does love you and you can make it, but all they hear is how wrong they are.. So in seclusion they live wondering if anyone really cares or if its worth going on.

I really do wonder what this world would be like if God treated us the way we treat our fellow man. What if God constantly passed you by, never touching you, never speaking to you, never helping you. What if God turned his back on you just because you see hard times, made a bad choice.

What if God decided you just are not worth his time because he is just to busy.

What if God said, "I cannot love you because you don't dress like me? or I cannot help you because you made your choices? or I don't waste my time with people such as you?"

In your seclusion would you wonder if anyone really cares or if its worth going on??
Title: Re: Random Writings
Post by: Babs on February 23, 2011, 04:52:40 AM
"just because......."

just because you don't hear their words don't mean they have nothing to say

just because you don't see their tears don't mean they did not cry

just because you did not see them today don't mean they weren't there

just because you had something to eat don't mean they didn't go to bed hungry.

just because you put your head on your pillow in your bed don't mean they had a home to go to.

just because you have your family and friends don't mean they were not lonely.

just because you did not see does not mean they had unmet need.?

just because you think they are not worthy of your love, don't mean they are unable to love

just because you think they are forever lost, don't mean they cant find the way

just because you think they................

                                                                ..................doesn't mean they are.