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Spiritual Discussion => Prayer, Praise and the Word of God => Topic started by: onli-one-jehovi on September 07, 2010, 11:41:29 AM

Title: More Musings About The End - *** UPDATED 9/10/10 ***
Post by: onli-one-jehovi on September 07, 2010, 11:41:29 AM
More Musings About The End
Well, I've been doing some re-examining of the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine. I've said before - and proved with myriad scriptures - that the Bible does not support this teaching. Even after asking many Bible scholars (personally known by me) for undeniable scriptural proof; even after posting on Bible-based forums read by thousands; and even after starting from scratch to verify for myself; there has been absolutely no one who has proven the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine to be scriptural!  
Not one! Nada!  Zip!  Zilch!  Zero!
It has been and will forever remain UTL: Unable-To-Locate!
Yet I'm going to try once again to shake the foundations of those who still have not seen the light. Why; you ask? What difference does it make? Can't we just agree to disagree?
The answers are: because we must seek out and remove all leaven (errant teaching) in our lives if we intend to mature in Christ.
The difference comes solely in preparation. The parable of the ten virgins speaks of this; along with the consequences of being unprepared. If a storm is coming and will strike your house, the wise man prepares for it. The pre-tribulation theory does not demand any preparation for the storm because it assumes the Body will not be here.
Agreeing to disagree can be well and good, up to a point. There are members of the Body who have yet to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. There are members of the Body who have yet to be water baptized in the name of Jesus. There are members of the Body who have yet to obey most of the teachings of Jesus. This in spite of the Bible very clearly instructing believers in Christ to do so! The traditions and teachings of Man are very difficult to disregard.
We can agree to disagree as long as the Holy Spirit has not yet illuminated TRUTH. That is why the Body is used to teach itself. What one finds in the Book is to be shared with others. Truth is discovered by searching the scriptures (not the scholars, preachers, and historians) to see if this be so. Like a good Berean, we understand the Bible defines the scholars and not the other way around.
We cannot remain "agreeing to disagree" if scriptural verification is ignored due to a rejection of truth and refusal to obey. I have heard it said - as well as seen demonstrated -

"I don't care what the Bible says, I believe different."  
"You believe what you want to believe, and I'll believe what I want to believe." 
Not understanding is one thing. Refusing to understand is an entirely different matter. It's safer to be the former.  

Title: Re: More Musings About The End
Post by: onli-one-jehovi on September 07, 2010, 11:46:38 AM
Anyway, I got to looking again at the timetable that starts, encompasses, and ends the self-rule of Man upon the earth, ushering in the physical Kingdom of God .
Scripture tells us that the coming of the Son of Man will be likened to the days of Noah. Noah was 500 years old when the LORD spoke to him and warned him of the coming destruction. He was 600 years old when the ark was finished and the flood came, having labored for 100 years. He then spent 1 year in the ark, as the wrath of GOD was poured out.
Jesus also referenced the fig tree. He said it would blossom and put forth leaves, and the generation that sees this will not pass until all is fulfilled. The "all" mentioned here is the time preceding - and including - the Day of the Lord as spoken by the prophets.   
Scripturally, the nation of Israel is the fig tree. In November of 1947, the United Nations issued a declaration establishing the State of Israel. In May of 1948, Independence was officially proclaimed. {The fig tree blossomed.}  In June of 1967, the six-day-war left Israel with captured territory and a united Jerusalem. {The fig tree put forth leaves.}  The U.N. declaration began the final generation of 70 years.
{Note: Psalms 90 tells us that a generation is a life span of 70 years.}
In order for the last generation to have truly begun, there must be a starting point that encapsulates this event within a hundred year time frame. Just as Noah's warning began the 100 year countdown for his survival, so too can we pinpoint the matching countdown for ours.
At the end of World War I, the Ottoman Empire was dismantled and given to the victorious allies. Much of the Middle East - called Palestine - was given to Britain . In 1917, the Balfour Declaration effectively called for the creation of a Jewish State. {This is the resuscitation of the fig tree.} For the next 30 years, the fig tree matured.
Let's look at the dates: 1917 + 100 = 2017   1947 + 70 = 2017   1948 + 70 = 2018
The Bible tells us that GOD gave to His people seven feasts in which they were commanded to participate. We are told that each feast represents Christ and His works. A cursory examination reveals to us that both physical appearances were to be fulfilled at/in these feasts. Look at the chart below from www.danielstimeline.com:  
"The Feasts of Our LORD"
(The Prophetic Blueprint to God's Plan)
These seven feasts are NOT called the feasts of the Jews. God plainly said in Lev.23 they are His Feasts, "the Feasts of the LORD, even My Feasts."
1. Passover                      The crucifixion of our Lord          (Fulfilled)
2. Unleavened Bread       Our Lord's body in the tomb         (Fulfilled)
3. First Fruits                   The resurrection of our Lord         (Fulfilled)
4. Shavuot (Pentecost)     The Holy Ghost was given            (Fulfilled)
5. Feast of Trumpets        At the sound of the last Trump      (Un-fulfilled)
6. Day of Atonement       God judged Israel each year           (Un-fulfilled)
7. Feast of Tabernacles    Called the Wedding Feast           (Un-fulfilled)
The message below is self-explanatory. When the Lord was here the first time, His death, burial, and resurrection fulfilled all the Spring Feasts (left hand column). It doesn't take much to figure out which feasts His return will fulfill. [/i]   

Thus we see that at Jesus' first appearance, Passover was fulfilled to the very day! Fifty days later, Pentecost was also fulfilled. Therefore, since Passover and Pentecost declaring His first coming and were fulfilled to the day; then His second coming must fulfill the remaining feasts - to the day! Hence the pre-tribulation teachings of a secret, sudden, at-any-moment, imminent return of Jesus Christ is not supported by scripture. In order to fulfill the scriptural pattern, Jesus must return on the feast of trumpets before the completion of the last 70 year generation.  

Title: Re: More Musings About The End
Post by: onli-one-jehovi on September 07, 2010, 11:49:26 AM
Looking back at the Noah/fig tree timeline, the year 2017 appears twice: as the 100 years of Noah, and the 70 years of the fig tree. (In scripture, the number two represents a witness of truth between heaven {spirit} and earth {flesh}. The terms "verily, verily" are a prime example of this. Jesus declares in the earth, what has already been declared in heaven.) The 2018 year cannot work, because the 70 years would expire on Independence Day in May, months before the autumn feast of trumpets. This leaves only the year 2017 as the maximum return date, for it celebrates the last feast date before the conclusion of the 70 years. If we also remove 1 year for the time Noah spent on the ark, we come to the year 2016 as the most likely return date for Jesus Christ. I'll leave it to you to research the dates of the feast of trumpets in 2016. It is in Sept-Oct by our calendar.
For the pre-tribulation doctrine to be true - the resurrection/rapture must occur on September 9, 2010. This is the beginning feast date seven years before the maximum return of Jesus Christ. That currently leaves less than 1 week to prepare.
If such were the case, one would think the imminent return of Jesus Christ would be all preachers would talk about. Not so. Getting blessings and prosperity is still the go-word among them. Money, prestige, and material gain mean more to the professing church than anything else. Watching and preparing for His return is something most can't be bothered with. Professing themselves wise, they become fools; blind leading the blind and falling into the ditch.
There is no pre-tribulation rapture/resurrection. The Body of Christ will go through the time of Jacob's trouble. Why do you think the Bible calls it that? Because we - the Body of Christ - must in our flesh, come to a final wrestling with the LORD. We must latch onto Him and not let go until He changes us. Jacob didn't win the match; he lost! And in that total losing of himself, he won the life of GOD. We must make the transformation from Jacob {deceiver} to Israel {prince with GOD}. Only the refining fires of the great tribulation will accomplish this.
Don't blindly take my word for it. Study for yourself. Go back to the Book without a pre-conceived conclusion. Throw out all the scholars, ignore the mis-guided preachers, and allow the Holy Ghost to reveal the truth. Things will get worse. This nation is doomed. We have entered into the last seven years, and there is absolutely no guarantee any of us will physically survive. That's why we must prepare.
Prepare our spirit by confessing our sins and repenting of them. Prepare our soul by casting out all the erroneous beliefs that do not line up scripturally. Prepare our bodies by doing the best we can to endure the dark days ahead. Get out of as much debt as you can. Put back some extra food and water. Be ready to help your neighbor/family/friends as much as possible. Above all, enter into the Ark which is Christ Jesus. Only there is our safety found. No other preparations matter if we are not in the Ark.
It's really easy to have wishful faith that avoids the refining process and all its hardships. Most American Christians display this. Biblical faith - that's another matter. Biblical faith is not always: just-in-the-nick-of-time/Superman rescue. Biblical faith - the faith of Jesus - takes you thru the garden, to the cross, and into the grave. Biblical faith has no promise of physical survival. Biblical faith trusts HIM no matter what. Faith in pre-tribulation doctrine is not biblical faith. It's a cop out. It's disobeying orders and going AWOL. It's saving my flesh and hanging onto my life, while demanding HIS.   
The countdown has begun. I sincerely hope that those who are not convinced will be convinced. Take the time to really research scripture. Jesus is coming and we must be ready. Watch and pray that you will be counted worthy to escape eternal wrath and damnation. Watch and pray to be a true witness. Look around you and see the warning signs. He is coming to set up His Kingdom; but first He must prepare His Bride. Not by whisking her away too soon, having overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of her testimony. No, there still remains the 3rd dimension to go through; the part where she loved not her life unto death. We must overcome our flesh one final time.  He will not have it any other way.
Study & pray. Examine yourself daily to stay prepared in these final years. Lay aside every weight and sin that causes stumbling. Practice being led by the Holy Ghost. It's time to come into the Ark and stay.
Title: Re: More Musings About The End
Post by: onli-one-jehovi on September 10, 2010, 05:38:27 PM
Well, the Feast of Trumpets has come and gone for the year 2010. The two-day holy days ended on Friday Sept 10th, at 0652 pm - sunset in Jerusalem - corresponding to 1052cdt. That was almost 2 hours ago.

I have been watching the news and there are <zero> reports of graves opening. Neither have there been reports of millions of missing persons.

Conclusion: The pre-tribulation rapture theory simply ran out of time. It has been proven false both scripturally and chronologically. All the brethren who subscribed to that theory should really, really turn back to the Book with open eyes and seek the truth.
Title: Re: More Musings About The End - *** UPDATED 9/10/10 ***
Post by: BroGary on February 17, 2013, 01:58:26 AM

repetitive post removed.

It appears that this poster is simply copying and pasting the same post; that does not qualify as a conversation or a discussion.
