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Open Discussion => News & Events => Topic started by: (R.I.P.) YooperYankDude on February 16, 2010, 05:15:06 AM

Title: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: (R.I.P.) YooperYankDude on February 16, 2010, 05:15:06 AM

I thought this was very cool... and proud to say that I reside in the state that it is in...  :biglaugh:
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: He-Man on February 16, 2010, 05:41:20 AM
And exactly how does the chief executive cause businesses to fail? or succeed for that matter?
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: (R.I.P.) YooperYankDude on February 16, 2010, 05:59:00 AM
Quote from: He-Man on February 16, 2010, 05:41:20 AM
And exactly how does the chief executive cause businesses to fail? or succeed for that matter?

I was actually pointing to the fact that I liked the sign. This guy we have in has a number of reasons to not be the president. But as far as causing the business to fail... hmmm... I'll have to get back to you on it. I know he spent 4 trillion dollars that we don't have, and majority of it was for pork.

His politics are something that I can't agree with, things such as universal health care (a.k.a. - Socialism), which didn't work in Russia, and wont work in America...

The guy has failed to produce solid evidence that he is an American Citizen and even able to assume the role he has taken.

He has called America a muslim nation, and wants to rewrite the Constitution...

Many more reasons, but I was merely pointing out a funny sign. I have seen the same types of signs for GW Bush.. but he at least was legally the President.
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: jfrog on February 16, 2010, 02:28:06 PM
Quote from: YooperYankDude on February 16, 2010, 05:59:00 AM
His politics are something that I can't agree with, things such as universal health care (a.k.a. - Socialism), which didn't work in Russia, and wont work in America...

The guy has failed to produce solid evidence that he is an American Citizen and even able to assume the role he has taken.

He has called America a muslim nation, and wants to rewrite the Constitution...

Many more reasons, but I was merely pointing out a funny sign. I have seen the same types of signs for GW Bush.. but he at least was legally the President.

Comments like yours make me sad.  :(

a.  He is a citizen.  www.snopes.com/politics/obama/citizen.asp (http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/citizen.asp)

b.  Obama never called America a muslim nation.  www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/patboone.asp (http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/patboone.asp) (the quote is at the bottom of the page)

Obama actually said:

QuoteNow, the flip side is I think that the United States and the West generally, we have to educate ourselves more effectively on Islam. And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslims Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. And so there's got to be a better dialogue and a better understanding between the two peoples.

If you want to dislike Obama, I imagine there is lots of legit stuff to do it over.  There's no need to cite fairy tales as some of your best reasons.

EDIT:  By the way, socialist tendencies have been part of this country since FDR and the great depression.  Ya ever hear of "Social Security" or "Medicare" or  "Unemployment"?  Those are all socialist practices.
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: (R.I.P.) YooperYankDude on February 16, 2010, 02:46:28 PM
If he is a citizen, born in the USA like the rest of AMERICANS... why would he object to providing his Birth Certificate... any normal American would be fine with that if they have nothing to hide.

It is in fact a legit problem, and there is reason to suspect him because of it. It is going before the Supreme Court, and I find it interesting.

Sorry you don't agree, but that is your RIGHT as an American...

He did call America a muslim nation... just by saying what he said... but have it you way... I'm not looking for a fight on this... lol

And of course all the Libs were so quick to try and discount GW Bush cause of his military career, but at least he did serve. Can't say that much for Mr. Obama... he has less experience in leadership than even Sarah Palin, and i wasnt a fan of her or John McCain either.

But at least John McCain had served... wouldn't it seem that serving the Country your planning to run, and run a military, that it would be good experience to have some Military service under your belt before you run for President.

Obama ran a campaign on change... so far what change has be brought after being in the office for over a yr...?

Ohh, thats right, he change the amount we are in debt to over 4 TRILLION dollars... but it's fine. No worries, I am sure that doesn't matter, cause he isn't GW Bush...

Wasn't a huge fan of Bush either by the way... I think he did some good things, and I served in the USAF under his administration.

The people who actually had good ideas, are small town folks, who don't have the money that all the big cats in Washington do...

I don't say I don't approve of Obama, and not have an answer to the problem like some. Ron Paul was an excellent option, but doesn't have the backing of the liberal media like Obama did.

The guy is as bad with John Kerry with his flip-flopping, and apologizing to the world for America... not who I want running the country. But seeing as how we are stuck with him for at least another 3 yrs and counting... I will pray for him. But I don't like him, don't think he is doing anything top profit us as Americans.

Maybe I am wrong, but I at least have the ability to admit it, not something that I have heard many Obama supporters admit.

And as far as Medicare, Unemployment and Social Security being Socialism... I would say you are correct. If someone needs something, I am fine with them getting help, but not to the extent that they stay on it for their entire lives or even a few yrs.

The answers to some questions are not cut and dry, but I know that Socializing everything is not going to help either.

God Bless In Jesus Name...
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: jfrog on February 16, 2010, 03:03:02 PM
Quote from: YooperYankDude on February 16, 2010, 02:46:28 PM
If he is a citizen, born in the USA like the rest of AMERICANS... why would he object to providing his Birth Certificate... any normal American would be fine with that if they have nothing to hide.

It is in fact a legit problem, and there is reason to suspect him because of it. It is going before the Supreme Court, and I find it interesting.

Sorry you don't agree, but that is your RIGHT as an American...

He did call America a muslim nation... perhaps you should try checking it out for yourself...

a.  Barrack Obama Birth Certificate is shown below.
b.  I quoted Obama's own words.  Obama did not say America was a Muslim nation.  If he said it then find me the quote where he did.  I've looked and it's not there.

Barrack Obama Birth Certificate (Made available in June 2008.)
Image won't load for whatever reason so here is the link.
Image is in post below this.
www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthcertificate.asp (http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/birthcertificate.asp)
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: jfrog on February 16, 2010, 03:14:59 PM
I'll try the image one more time.

Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: nwlife on February 16, 2010, 03:23:32 PM
1 question, can you really trust snopes.com?

Try Googling "who owns snopes.com"   and you will get some very imformative links to explore!
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: jfrog on February 16, 2010, 03:31:36 PM
Quote from: nwlife on February 16, 2010, 03:23:32 PM
1 question, can you really trust snopes.com?

Try Googling "who owns snopes.com"   and you will get some very imformative links to explore!

You know of another site dedicated to debunking rumors?  Snopes is a whole lot more reputable than those chain emails where all those fairy tales began.  Besides it isn't like snopes is the only place with this info.  It can be found easily by googling.  The first 3 or 4 sites I tried generally said they same things...
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: jfrog on February 16, 2010, 03:54:24 PM
Quote from: nwlife on February 16, 2010, 03:23:32 PM
1 question, can you really trust snopes.com?

Try Googling "who owns snopes.com"   and you will get some very imformative links to explore!

I got a question for ya?  Do ya honestly give the Barack Obama is not a citizen thing any credibility?  Do you give any credibility to the claim that Obama said the U.S. is a muslim nation when not even a single quote of this can be produced?

Here is what Obama actually said in regards to the muslim nation thing.  You tell me if this is something to get worked up over or if it is true.

QuoteNow, the flip side is I think that the United States and the West generally, we have to educate ourselves more effectively on Islam. And one of the points I want to make is, is that if you actually took the number of Muslims Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. And so there's got to be a better dialogue and a better understanding between the two peoples.

Sounds true to me, what about you?

Maybe you should look into the sources of those claims too cause can you really trust where they came from ;)
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: He-Man on February 16, 2010, 04:03:13 PM
*sigh* Pearl..

If  you really want to "fix" something to do with budgets you have to vote the kind of people who dont spend money on stupid things into office. and what's "stupid" of course will vary greatly by the audience.

Personally I didnt like any of my choices, but I'm still glad it wasnt McCain in office.

My earlier comment referenced the writing on the sign not anything you said.
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: nwlife on February 16, 2010, 04:04:11 PM
I rather trust university professors who have dug into the background of this website, than a website that has been proven wrong on things in the past.  

In general things, snopes may be okay, but I have no trust whatsoever in it when concerning politics.
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: jfrog on February 16, 2010, 04:11:11 PM
Quote from: nwlife on February 16, 2010, 04:04:11 PM
I rather trust university professors who have dug into the background of this website, than a website that has been proven wrong on things in the past.  

In general things, snopes may be okay, but I have no trust whatsoever in it when concerning politics.

So the starters of political chain emails are more reputable than snopes?  WOW...
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: nwlife on February 16, 2010, 04:25:02 PM
try looking up a group on facebook called watchers, 

and yes I find their reputations to be a whole lot more verifiable than a website that is run by a mom and pop group ( David and Barbara Mikkelson in the San Fernando Valley of California) that has no researchers to look into anything.

And I didn't say that snopes doesn't get some general things correct sometimes, but I see nothing there to trust when it comes to politics.  Especially when david and barbara mikkelson are strong supporters of Obama. 

that-- and I won't respond to anything else you say, as I see your remarks being more a bait to get arguements going.
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: bishopnl on February 16, 2010, 06:15:01 PM
I don't know anything about David or Barbara Mikkelson, or who they support.

I do know that usually, if I have checked something on Snopes, they provide source material for their assertions.  In the case of the Obama birth certificate, they cite no less than 9 publications which can be easily checked, from reputable news sources like the AP and the Economist. No organization is a 100% accurate, nor 100% unbiased. Which is why it's incumbent on sites like snopes to provide multiple sources from other reputable places to support their claims. 

As for the rest of the thread:

1.The Chief Executive can be quite influential in signing into law all kinds of regulations, taxes, and government oversight which can cripple a business and contribute to it's failure. They can help a business to succeed by keeping taxes low and allowing that business to operate without fear of bureaucratic interference.  Although "allowing" is probably a poor choice of words, since most legislation concerning business in this country is patently unconstitutional.

2. I'm curious if the owners of the sign were as adamant about impeaching George Bush, who vastly increased government debt, signed the first TARP into law, propped up failing businesses who had risked the public's money, and set the tone for the Obama administration.

3.  The Supreme Court is NOT hearing any cases regarding Obama's citizenship.  It's time for the "birther" movement to lay it to rest.  There is no proof that Obama was born in Kenya or anywhere else other than Hawaii.

4.  Spending $1000 a month on a billboard like this during a period of deep economic recession brings to mind the old adage "A fool and his money will soon part."
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: Sis on February 16, 2010, 08:49:52 PM
Snopes said that they were looking into people saying Obama wasn't a citizen because his mother was too young. I've never heard that before. They're saying he hasn't proven he was born in the USA to American citizens.  His aunt was speaking out and saying she was at his birth and it wasn't to Americans. He let her be shipped out because she wasn't here legally.  Was that to shut her up? Think about it. If he wanted her to stay, he COULD have very well taken care of it. He preferred to get her out of the country.

I have my doubts about a birth cirtificate that suddenly shows up four years after he refuses to produce it. MHO
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: jfrog on February 17, 2010, 03:48:29 PM
Quote from: Sis on February 16, 2010, 08:49:52 PM
Snopes said that they were looking into people saying Obama wasn't a citizen because his mother was too young. I've never heard that before. They're saying he hasn't proven he was born in the USA to American citizens.  His aunt was speaking out and saying she was at his birth and it wasn't to Americans. He let her be shipped out because she wasn't here legally.  Was that to shut her up? Think about it. If he wanted her to stay, he COULD have very well taken care of it. He preferred to get her out of the country.

I have my doubts about a birth cirtificate that suddenly shows up four years after he refuses to produce it. MHO

The real question is where was Obama born?  Hawaii's republican governor in an interview said he was born in Hawaii:  (I do not have a date for when she said this).

www.hawaiinewsnow.com/global/story.asp?S=8955821 (http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/global/story.asp?S=8955821)
QuoteBROKAW: You're running against Barack Obama who has real roots in Hawaii, spent his summer break there. His granny is there.  It's going to be tougher for the Republicans isn't it?

LINGLE: It will be tougher. Hawaii is a small state, they are very proud of anyone from home that does well, but honestly Tom, not too many people in Hawaii had heard of Barack Obama until he ran for president. Because as you know, as he was born there, he spent a very few years in school but they are very partial to people who were born in our home state. However, Senator McCain has tremendous ties to Hawaii. His father headed Pacific Command and of course Senator McCain met his wife Cindy on Waikiki Beach in Hawaii.

Governor Lingle is one of three sitting Republican women governors.

Further, at the date of Obama's birth Hawaii was a state.  Also, those born in America are naturally born American citizens which means that if he was born here he is an American citizen.

I have searched for any comment on his aunt about his birth.  I cannot find any.  She has been ordered deported but has been given one more hearing. She is currently still in the U.S awaiting the decision of that hearing.  Personally I think it is a very smart political move not to use his presidential power to intervene in anyway.

I did find some claims that Obama's grandmother said he was born in Kenya.  However, here is an audio file of the recorded conversation where his Grandmother supposedly said this.  She clears it up and says he was born in America and Hawaii starting at the 5:00 minute mark.  *Note they are speaking through a translator.

s16v.com/americasright/8167169.wma (http://s16v.com/americasright/8167169.wma)

So it appears that the whole Obama's Grandmother said he was born in Kenya is another lie of the birthers because she actually said just the opposite.  It really amazes me at all the lies being presented as truths by the birthers.  Do you really want affiliated with or even trust a movement that operates by spreading such blatant and obvious lies as the one I just brought to light about his Grandmother?  The truth is out there, ya just got to look...
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: nwlife on February 17, 2010, 07:57:09 PM
*deleted by poster*
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: Sis on February 17, 2010, 08:54:14 PM
None of it has been proven. Whose "truth" do we believe? There are a lot of things presented as "truth" that aren't.
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: jfrog on February 18, 2010, 12:40:35 AM
Quote from: Sis on February 17, 2010, 08:54:14 PM
None of it has been proven. Whose "truth" do we believe? There are a lot of things presented as "truth" that aren't.

What would prove that Obama is a citizen?  What would prove that he isn't?  What would prove you are a citizen?  Could I just as easily question your citizenship as you are his?
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: Sis on February 18, 2010, 02:51:39 AM
Suddenly four years later they come up with a birth certificate?  He couldn't produce one when he was asked when he was running for office. What kind of truth is that?
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: jfrog on February 18, 2010, 04:03:59 AM
Quote from: Sis on February 18, 2010, 02:51:39 AM
Suddenly four years later they come up with a birth certificate?  He couldn't produce one when he was asked when he was running for office. What kind of truth is that?

So if the question of why his birth certificate took a long time to surface can be answered then you will believe he is a U.S. citizen?

From Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_presidential_campaign,_2008 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barack_Obama_presidential_campaign,_2008)
Barack Obama, then junior United States Senator from Illinois, announced his candidacy for the presidency of the United States in Springfield, Illinois, on February 10, 2007.[1]

From latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2008/06/obama-birth.html (http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/washington/2008/06/obama-birth.html)

Barack Obama's birth certificate revealed here
June 16, 2008 |  1:12 am

This site contains the same birth certificate I posted earlier.  I list all this so we can have a timeline.

We can be sure that none of the claims about him not being a U.S. citizen surfaced before he announced his candidacy in Feb. 2007.  We can be sure that the claims he wasn't a citizen started sometime before he produced his birth certificate.

This means that the claims started between Feb. 2007 and June 2008.  This is a timeframe of less than a year and a half.  Now it is highly unlikely the claims that he wasn't a citizen started anywhere near the start of his campaign.  Personally, I would imagine it was no earier than late 2007 that these claims really started but I can't find any verification about this.  But regardless it didn't take him 4 years to show his Birth Certificate.  It took him at most a year and a half and more likely about 6-9 months or maybe even less to show his Birth Certificate.

It's just a guess but the release date of his birth certificate probably had everything to do with when he thought it would be most beneficial for his presidential campaign...  In other words he wanted to give enough time to get the word out that he showed his birth certificate and not enough time for others to come up with more far fetched conspiracy theories.

Oh and one other thing, the fact is he produced this while he was running for president...

So based on the evidence and possible scenarios I have offered do you really believe he waited too long to produce his birth certificate?
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: BrothaJason on February 27, 2011, 09:59:30 PM
I find this whole impeach Obama issue a big joke, along with the tea party lol
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: Lynx on February 27, 2011, 10:57:37 PM
Someday I will own a home, and it will have a screened-in porch.  The porch will be a tranquil place, for relaxing at the end of a long day.  There will be no profanity allowed on this porch.  Profanity includes words like democrat, republican, president and tea party.
Title: Re: Impeach Obama Sign in Wisconsin
Post by: Richard on March 07, 2011, 04:23:47 PM
Anytime I see a sign that reads "Impeach Obama", I just assume that the bearer of the sign doesn't understand the constitutional mechanism of impeachment (the why and the how).

I figure they are typically just trying to say "I really don't like Obama!"

It is similar to comparing anyone we disagree with to Hitler.  In the long run, this type of discourse confuses and obfuscates any real understanding of difficult issues.  But I am persuaded that most people don't want to take a measured look at most topics.  It gratifies our flesh more to just scream out our own self-justified views.

This is one of the reasons I have removed myself (mostly) from political debate.  If I can't have a sensible conversation, then I will just avoid it.