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Open Discussion => News & Events => Topic started by: World Traveler on November 26, 2009, 02:59:29 AM

Title: Global Warming
Post by: World Traveler on November 26, 2009, 02:59:29 AM
Personally, I think the global warming thing is a bunch of hogwash. At least as it is presented now and for the reasons.
But I can't help thinking in the back of my head that this may just be God getting things on Earth ready for what it talks about in Rev. 16:8-10.
Your opinions?
Title: Re: Global Warming
Post by: Newsman on November 29, 2009, 06:14:42 AM
There's a story out in the last week of a place that is a leading global warming research facility (in England) caught in e-mails urging the downplaying of data that contradicts global warming.

I remember hearing an eco-friendly vignette show we run saying that changing some situation was probably already to late, but it didn't hurt trying. I think cutting off our economic nose to spite our society's face 'just in case' is pretty follish.

President Obama is supposed to be travelling to Copenhagen to assure America's partisipation in some new inititiative that may cost us more than it's worth. Although, I'm not up on that Copenhagen summit, other than recalling some eco-friendly announcement having folk call it "Hopenhagen'.


Title: Re: Global Warming
Post by: Sis on November 29, 2009, 07:22:34 AM
Well, if it got down to 27 on Thanksgiving, you were probably wishing for some global warming. HUH?   :rofl:
Title: Re: Global Warming
Post by: World Traveler on November 29, 2009, 01:35:28 PM
Thank you for the replies, but I was kind of hoping for comments relating global warming, real or imagined, and the scripture text I provided.
Another scripture does come to mind, but not directly related to global warming. It is related to one of the reactions to it. Many people are paying good money to offset their "carbon emissions" when flying, driving, etc. Some states and countries are actually thinking about making this a legitimate tax. The scripture that came to mind is something about, "A fool and his money are soon parted".
Title: Re: Global Warming
Post by: Sis on November 29, 2009, 05:58:00 PM
But in this case, the fool doesn't have any choice about  his money. It's not spent, it's taken from him or it's jail time.
Title: Re: Global Warming
Post by: World Traveler on November 29, 2009, 07:50:49 PM
Yes, but many people are doing it without it being a tax.

Here is an example website: http://www.carbonfund.org/ .
Title: Re: Global Warming
Post by: Melody on December 07, 2009, 02:03:47 AM
With the amount of contradictive research evidence out there, I am not convinced there is really any global warming in the context they are bringing it.

However, I do think that there is a revival of worshipping nature happening.  If you look up the "Ark of Hope" and "Earth Charter" this stuff has been around awhile & I do believe it's spiritual.  I'm all for stewardship and things natural but this is not where global warming propaganda has taken the subject.  It directly persues money and specifically, the richest nations.  I honestly do not believe that any world leader believes in it but it's a great cover for politics, money and the erosion of Christianity.  It distracts from sewing/reaping cause/effect truths in the Word.  The things they use are 2 faced. 

For example and I would love to find sited info on it, so if you do please post.  I read a year or 2 ago, don't remember where, that the motor/engine used in hybrid vehicles makes TONS of pollution!  To the point where the plant is, is so desolate it looks like the moon.  What a crock it is to call ourselves paying for eco-friendly stuff if it makes pollution to create it! 

Global warming, tolerance, and the changing of such craziness like the AIDS allowance is all tearing down ONE particular, once attempting moral, country.