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Open Discussion => Humor & Fun => Topic started by: faith2u35 on June 24, 2008, 07:50:18 PM

Title: has anything this interesting and hallarious ever happened to you ???
Post by: faith2u35 on June 24, 2008, 07:50:18 PM
Ok so get ready for another story thats funny and true. Very rare in these parts.

When I was preggers with this current bundle of noise,  my brother owned a classic white VW Rabbit. Don't remember if it was convertible, dont remember what the year on it was, all i remember was that it was white, old-ish, and it was a Rabbit, k? Ok.

Moving on. It was also the year that a certain movie came out that was more or less geared towards younger-ish sorts of ppl, certainly not a matronly saint as myself, (as you roll your eyes), but Ben just HAD to bring it over and of course , I just HAD to watch it...ha, ha....HA.....

The title of so called film/movie/trash whatever, was called "Dude, where's my car?" Needless to say, it was an hour and a half of just plain stupidity. Time better spent, say, crocheting an afghan for jail inmates or something. Anyways, I have to admit, it was funny at the time, what with all the cliches and parodies, it was kinda of like a kindergarten version of Punk'd.

Alright, so I digress. My brother had lent me this thing (the movie) and was back to pick it up the next day. (I think) And had parked his RABBIT at the top of my driveway. Now, I have one of those long hauling ones,(driveway that is) the kind that all delivery men HATE, i tell ya, HATE to drive up to, and I KNOW, because after they HIKE the 2 mile trek, I rarely ever get a 'Have a nice day'. And in the immortal words of that gaudy necklace bearing Mr. T, "I pity the fool" who used to deliver my dialysis supplies. All 30 10lbs boxes, every month. No tip either. UGH! Poor guy. He'll never forgive me.

Sooo, my brother's VW Rabbit is parked at the top of the trail/driveway and informs me that his breaks aren't working very well. "You think it'll be alright there?" he asks.

"Oh sure, see its kind of flat up here it shouldn't be any trouble" I says.

After 10 minutes of small chit-chat and whatnot, mostly about how funny the film was and how even though I'm a matronly, preggered, CHRISTIAN, I could actually laugh at some of it, (although I know I ought not to), he went to check on the car, just out of habit i guess.

I'll never forget the poor boy's face on that very day, that very hour, that very second. "Dude, where's my car?" he says.

Now, that sounds so cliche, yes, and very, VERY corny. (Lots of very's in this sentence) "DUDE, WHERE'S MY CAR! I'M SERIOUS!" he screams.

"YEAHHHH right....haha, very funny!" I scream back.

"NO, WENDY, I'M SERIOUS! Where's my car???!!!!(insert a few negatives here)". At this point, mama penguin is hobbling towards the front door and dude...where WAS his car?? It wasn't there no more that was FO SHO!

Upon investigating a bit further, (down the driveway) we had found that the bottom tip of the dividing fence between my neighbors and I was in fact demolished and hanging literally by a nail. Now, I mentioned that our driveway is a bit long, and up a hill. So naturally, you assume that duh, the car's brake went out and rolled down the hill. Well, yes and no. If it had just rolled down, it would have crashed into our front neighbor's yard/fence/house/tree/car/dog/cat/bird/kitchen....and on and on.

But the car wasn't in sight! Not in plain sight that is. We found the car in front of my NEXT neighbor's house against a water hydrant. WITH a motor cop...waiting...with a ticket...and my next door neighbor royally.....mad.

Apparently, the Rabbit had rolled down my driveway, smashed the tip of the dividing fence, HAULED okole AROUND my neighbor's car, and smacked the hydrant. MIRACLE of miracles it went around the car. And frankly thats ALL I cared about at that moment, otherwise, my water would have broke right then and there!

That car must have known, that "If i crash into this car, Wendy will have a very pre-mature baby".. and that of course was NOT my wish. (Applause for the car).. Well, the neighbor saw the whole thing (of course) and thats why Ms. Po-Po was there with her handy dandy note-pad. Thankfully, Ben got the whole thing straightened out, I don't think my neighbor pressed any charges, but she did want the fence fixed.

The hydrant wasn't damaged, I stayed pregnant for a little while longer, my brother never parked up there again, and the Rabbit???

Well, you're gonna have to ask Ben about that.