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Hugs Five and Dime (15)

Started by Backseat Radio, April 23, 2008, 09:00:43 PM

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Backseat Radio

*hugs trav since he's lurking in this thread*

If you want the starting post for hugs 15 create a thread and we'll have brannon or one of the mods merge them.


 :reaction:   :reaction:   GP WITHOUT TRAV EQUALS CHAOS ?!?!?!  :reaction:   :reaction:   :reaction: 

NAH! NOT AT ALL!  :thumbsup2:
You guys AND girls are awesome! What's even more awesome is that you cared so much about HUGGING that a new thread HAD TO BE STARTED! The vision is coming to pass! It is now part of the GP mindset! must hug must hug must hug must hug must hug .... :laughhard:  ;)    GP = HUGS . . . nice!! Thats a good rep!

What's awesome is to see a trend of affection and goodwill needing to be expressed by a group of people all over the country. We all enjoy that feeling we get when someone wants to give us a HUG. It's personal and meaningful. It makes others think about the power we all have to communicate good things to one another. GP members, you have made my day! I was also LOLLING at the joy of giving you all an EXTRA SIZE 15 HUG !!!

Who would you give a SIZE 15 HUG to?
btw, Great title bsr  :thumbsup2:





HI TRAV!!     :hi:

welcome back.

you were missed.

hope you enjoyed the time you were wherever you were. :pwink:

*hugs* trav FIFTEEN times
*hugs* lani
*hugs* terp
*hugs* angelbabies . . .    :clap:
\\\\\\\"i want to say more than words when i write\\\\\\\" - kent d. curry
me, too.\\\\\\\\krisknowshim
there are times in the whirlwind of my fragile life that i have hidden under your words, your voice.


It's all very flattering and all and kinda silly at the same time. Okay, I put a starting post up. LOL.

HUGGING is an Official Part of GP now....YES! That was my original goal when I started these threads in the first place.  :clap:

Backseat Radio

glad your back trav.  :hi:  We're not about to let the GP tradition of hugging be neglected in your abscence.

*hugs Trav*
*hug  alohilani*
*hugs newkris*

*Offers a size 15 hug to anyone who has a heart big enough to need that size hug*
*hugs anyone with a size 5 heart who needs a X3 heart transformation like the grinch got*

Amelia Bedelia

LOL nice of you to drop by and fix up GP Trav
we now return trav to his scheduled vacationing... or how was it announced... oh yes, a business trip... LOL

*HUGS* the huggers
*hugs* terp for being a conscientious gp'er and hug supporter
*hugs* ruby
*hugs* mel
*hugs* rachel
*hugs* tia
*hugs* brannon.... asdfghjkl, qwert_uiop, ricshmb&fdr
*hugs* seth
*hugs* chel


"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forward."

- Kierkegaard


*HUGS* TRAV...yes hugging is a HUGE part of GP now....and as long as there is a GP, you can rest assured there will be a hugs thread.

*HUGS* Tia again ;)

Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?

Tricia Lea

Hug Tia and any one who needs one

Night GP

Tricia Lea

We have a new hug now
* Tricia Lea  :grouphug:  Tia, Melody, Seth, Sis mom, Br dad and b


Quote from: Newsman on April 24, 2008, 08:37:24 PM
   Ha! Brannon, instead of 'report to moderator' we need a 'report to Mary' whenever you hug another woman!  :thumbsup2:

rofl! :roll:

Quote from: alohilani on April 25, 2008, 03:43:51 AM
I definitely need a hug.

It's late, but... *hugs Glitter*

Quote from: Amelia Bedelia on April 25, 2008, 07:14:31 PM
*hugs* brannon.... asdfghjkl, qwert_uiop, ricshmb&fdr

rofl! Thanks for removing the 'y'. ;)



Backseat Radio

*Hugs Mel*
*Hugs TriciaLea*

*hugs anyone else who needs a one*


  *HUGS * Gateways NEW CD " NO Compromise"
* HUGS * sleep
*HUGS* a new hope in what Gos is doing and going to do
*HUGS* Jessica from MO
* HUGS* Jessica from MO (two different people)
*HUGS* Andrew from Illinois
  *HUGS* Bro Francis
  *HUGS* Bro Graham
  *HUGS* the GYD

    HUGS all the wonderful people I met this past week

*Ashley Thomas*
"Mistakes are part of the price you pay for KNOWLEDGE"

*Bro Harold Linder*
"if God Calls You. You Will be Happy"
"Many Are Called but Few are Chosen"

*Bro Tim Green*
"You cant have a testimony without aTest"



Quote from: GlassDarkly on April 26, 2008, 11:10:36 PM
Did you meet my brother? :teeth:


What school was he from?

  What is his name?
*Ashley Thomas*
"Mistakes are part of the price you pay for KNOWLEDGE"

*Bro Harold Linder*
"if God Calls You. You Will be Happy"
"Many Are Called but Few are Chosen"

*Bro Tim Green*
"You cant have a testimony without aTest"


Michael Hall, New Horizons Academy

He told me he was the second person they called up to get an award.



Quote from: GlassDarkly on April 26, 2008, 11:35:59 PM
Michael Hall, New Horizons Academy

He told me he was the second person they called up to get an award.



  OK I know I seen your brother but I can't for the life of me remember if I talked with him. 

Was it just your MOM their or was your DAD there as well? 

*Ashley Thomas*
"Mistakes are part of the price you pay for KNOWLEDGE"

*Bro Harold Linder*
"if God Calls You. You Will be Happy"
"Many Are Called but Few are Chosen"

*Bro Tim Green*
"You cant have a testimony without aTest"


Both my mom and dad were there. :teeth:




* Chseeads hugs Brannon for not killing him in his sleep.


HUGS * James * for making my night by answering

    Hugs *Matt* for being such an awesome friend

*Ashley Thomas*
"Mistakes are part of the price you pay for KNOWLEDGE"

*Bro Harold Linder*
"if God Calls You. You Will be Happy"
"Many Are Called but Few are Chosen"

*Bro Tim Green*
"You cant have a testimony without aTest"


Quote from: Chseeads on April 27, 2008, 03:19:31 AM
* Chseeads hugs Brannon for not killing him in his sleep.


*HUGS* people who have bad dreams.


Quote from: Tricia Lea on April 26, 2008, 08:02:02 PM
We have a new hug now
* Tricia Lea  :grouphug:  Tia, Melody, Seth, Sis mom, Br dad and b

And no huggie for the one who brought the group hug back to the board? *POUT*

Amelia Bedelia

*hugs* ruby... yeah, that's why
*hugs* ruby for no reason too

*hugs* gp'ers, dunno what I'd do without you all sometimes