The Blood of Calvary

Started by JonathanHarper, August 11, 2008, 10:23:43 PM

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Here's a message I preached at church, thought I'd post it here, get any feedback

The Blood of Calvary

Before you can understand the importance of the shed blood of Calvary you have to go back and know why blood is being shed for humanity.

When Adam and Eve took of the tree of knowledge of good and evil they knew, in the moment their teeth crushed through the skin of the fruit, they were naked! They sewed together fig leaves for aprons to cover their nakedness. When God came to fellowship with them in the garden in the cool of the day, he called to them (when we sin God gives us a chance to come to him and confess it immediately when we come into his presence).  Adam and Eve didn't sin because they were naked; they sinned because they disobeyed God.  God himself went as far as to ask them why they had sin. Adam blamed Eve. Eve blamed the serpent (Our flesh will do everything to cover up sin, but his blood exposes it and if we confess it covers it).  So after they confessed their wrong (repentance) God covered their nakedness (or sin) with the skins of fur (by killing of an innocent sacrifice) (death of Christ)

We know the first place blood was shed (Genesis)

Animal sacrifice was instituted by God because of the sin committed by Adam and Eve.

You maybe wondering why God came in flesh (human form) and was killed and for that we must travel back to the Old Testament.

Animal sacrifice only pushed sin ahead one year. So with the pushing ahead of sin, there is no hope for man. Think about how man times you might fail God in a month, now times that by twelve and that by how many years you live. If you died and faced judgment you would the sins of your entire life still standing before because the sacrifice YOU made wasn't great enough to cover the debt you owed, it only pushed ahead of you.

So God in all his wisdom knows that sins are only being pushed ahead so He can't have the relationship that he once had in the garden.

The only way sins can be washed away is if a perfect human sacrifice (human sin = the needing of a perfect sacrifice of human blood).  God says Hey! My creation, I'll take their place and shed my own blood for them.

Great we have the perfect sacrifice, how do we make it legal?  Flesh sinned, so humanity must spill its own perfect blood.  We have a loving God that is willing to die for us, only problem, no body. He can't use someone else's; it was born in sin, so no option there.

God being the wisest has another great idea - He finds a pure woman (young people that's the reason why it's so important to keep yourselves pure, you just never know when God might need a pure vessel) and plants a baby there and he over shadow her.

Now we have a willing God and he has a legal human agent (body) that will allow him to come to earth, legally (Satan is here illegally, and that's why he has to ask God for permission to test and mess w/ humanity (Ref: Job))

Jesus (God in the flesh) is born and he goes through life you as you and I, tempted in every way.  Ever wonder why he was tempted. To show that this flesh, dirt and dust, we live in can be overcame and it had to be. It has to be for it to be a perfect sacrifice.

Now we have the perfect sacrifice and his perfect blood has been shed and at that moment the veil that separated the Holy of Holies (presence of God) was torn.

Since perfect blood has been shed, there is no need to separate the presence of God from man because the ultimate sacrifice has been made.

At this point in time God has made it possible for Him (His spirit) and man to commune once again, but hasn't because God wasn't finished.

Not only did God want to commune with man, but he wants to live within man.

This blood shed, if applied to your life, will do awesome things. If you plead this blood over your children; it's amazing what it'll do for them!  If you apply it to your life daily I promise you, you'll have the best relationship with God ever.

God stepped out of eternity , put on flesh, let Satan himself tempt him, shed his blood and did this all with no promise that we'd love him or serve him, if that doesn't speak of love then I don't know what does.

There's nothing we can do enough, we can't pray enough, can't sing enough songs, or fast or thank him enough for one drop of his precious blood.

This blood that was spilt was not only perfect, but was God's blood. 

Sometimes we as ignorant humanity take this blood and foolishly misuse and mistreat it.

We believe that it can save us, but not heal us. 

I remember many nights when I was you and my entire body would ache. I'd run to my mother's room, wake her up and tell her to pray. Not only would she pray but she'd plead God's precious blood, because she remembered reading "and by His stripes we are healed"

Let me tell you after many nights of having the blood plead over me, one day while at the hospital the doctor told us, you illness is in remission.

I didn't understand it then and didn't until God gave me this message. His blood applied to me put my sickness in remission.

Not since that day at the hospital have I even been on my back from pain of rheumatoid arthritis. God's blood not only saves, but it heals!

Not only does His blood save and heal, but it saves us from our advisory.
I remember growing up and my mother fighting spirits, demonic spirits, spirits that would attach them to my uncle, who was bound by sin, sex, drugs and sins that as a child I couldn't wrap my mind around.

I remember that night if though it happened yesterday. Mom went to bed. I, brother, and uncle stayed up watching TV. Suddenly I was awakening by the shaking of my grandmother telling me to get up and get to her house. Scared and afraid I did as I was told. As I went to my grandmother's, all I could here her say was pray! I found my aunt who was staying at my grandmother's house and crawled into the bed she was in. I laid there and prayed God help, protect us.  It wasn't five minutes later after I prayed that simple prayer as a child, I heard 5 to 6 sets of footsteps ( who I thought was my cousins coming to grandmothers) yelling and running saying "let's get out of here". I figured it was my cousins coming to grandma's house.  The next morning while sitting around the breakfast table, my family talked about what had happened the night before. Mom told us how she had fought demonic spirits and how they planned to kill my uncle and make her, myself and my brother watch as they would cut this throat. Mom told us that's when she woke up and crawled her way to my grandmother's house praying and waking her mother up. She had her to help her get us up and out and to pray.

I asked my grandmother what they prayed and she told me that they plead the blood over our home, over me and my brother and my uncle. Rebuked Satan's demonic spirits out in the almighty name of Jesus. They told us how the heaviness lifted as soon as they prayed. They told us they felt the spirits leave. I had noticed that morning when I woke my cousins where no where to be found (they were at their home actually) so I told my mom and grandmother what I heard the night before and my aunt looked at me and said
"you heard that too"

Let me tell you, hell has nothing on the blood!  The blood defeats everything Satan has to throw at you.

Let me challenge you to plead the blood and see what he does in your life!