Not Pizza Pocket... Pizza - break your - Pocket!

Started by World Traveler, March 14, 2007, 08:42:25 PM

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World Traveler

Luxury Pie: NYC Restaurant Offers $1,000 Pizza

Nino Selimaj Unveils Grand Pizza Featuring Caviar, Lobster

(CBS) NEW YORK We've been dealing with the pocket-emptying effects of rising gas prices, new electric rates, and an increase in cab fare, but how would you feel about breaking the bank all for...a pizza? Now you can find out thanks to Manhattan restauranteur Nino Selimaj, who has apparently brought from the heavens a real "pie in the sky" with his new $1,000 pizza.

Yep, that'll be $1,000 please.

The pizza will be added to the menu at "Nino's Bellisima," one of Selimaj's six restaurants in the city. Forget traditional cheese and pizza sauce, the record-priced pie will be topped with creme fraiche, chives, eight ounces of four different kinds of Petrossian caviar, four ounces of thinly sliced Maine lobster tail, salmon roe, and a little bit of spice with wasabi.

And unlike your typical pizza, this one won't be cooked, after all, that would spoil the fish. The 12-inch pie is sliced into four pieces, which comes to $250 per slice.

"Let them say I'm crazy," Selimaj says. "But I believe in this product, and it's gonna sell!"

So who's gonna buy this pie? Selimaj is betting Wall Street business types.

"My luxury pizza will become as famous as a night at the Waldorf Astoria. When Mr. Chow's introduced upscale Asian Cuisine several years ago, people couldn't imagine paying hundreds of dollars for Chinese food. Now upscale Asian cuisine is as common as New York hotdogs. Upscale Pizza will be next," Selimaj said.

The previous international record for pizza found on a menua was $193 at Gordon Ramsey's Maze restaurant in London.
There is no statute of limitations on murder or bad first impressions.

I am enjoying my second childhood.
It is a lot of fun.
I have money this time!!

Marry, divorce, marry someone new, divorce, marry again, divorce, marry again... Polygamy on the installment plan.


it sounded good until the cavier and uncooked bit.  What idiots- to pay so much for food that will pass through you in a day.

Tricia Lea

just think how much mcdonalds you could eat with that kind of money

Backseat Radio

I think I"ll stick with pizza I can slap in my own oven.  its much cheaper.

Tricia Lea


I never understood why pay so much for somthing when  you dont have to


Quote from: World Traveler on March 14, 2007, 08:42:25 PM
Luxury Pie: NYC Restaurant Offers $1,000 Pizza

Nino Selimaj Unveils Grand Pizza Featuring Caviar, Lobster
Forget traditional cheese and pizza sauce, the record-priced pie will be topped with creme fraiche, chives, eight ounces of four different kinds of Petrossian caviar, four ounces of thinly sliced Maine lobster tail, salmon roe, and a little bit of spice with wasabi.

And unlike your typical pizza, this one won't be cooked, after all, that would spoil the fish.

GAG  I think they would have to actually pay me to eat that.  :frownshake:


hey terp?  i think that's a restaurant to cross OFF the list.  what do you think? 
\\\\\\\"i want to say more than words when i write\\\\\\\" - kent d. curry
me, too.\\\\\\\\krisknowshim
there are times in the whirlwind of my fragile life that i have hidden under your words, your voice.

Amelia Bedelia

it sounds good to me except for the wasabi and the price tag!   :fork:

I'd love to be able to afford regular dinners at that price... and then be smart enough not to!  LOL

new lady at my office (shes switching careers after being laid off... someone must not have warned her about the average salary of real estate agents yet  so here she is! LOL) yesterday referred to a $500 quote for some materials as "$500? thats all? thats just a pair of shoes!"      I was like   :-?   LOL   she seems like a cool person but there is gonna be some adjusting for the office  LOL we're full of jeans & t-shirt thrifty types

I seriously do not know what some of these people do that is so important at their jobs that they get paid enough to buy these mcmansions around town and buy $500 shoes that only go with one outfit
of course if the company she had come from didn't have such outrageous salaries perhaps they could actually keep employees for longer and wouldn't have to do layoffs... theres an idea!

I admit, today to make myself feel better after such a conversation, I wore my $20 dress from Wal-Mart that always gets compliments and since it was affordable... I was able to buy it in a couple colors  :thumbsup2:  do THAT with some manolos    :P   lol


Have you slapped that one dude from Indiana with a pie in the face today?


Hebrews 12:12-16 Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees And make straight paths for your feet, lest that which is lame be turned out of the way; but let it rather be healed. Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you