Godplace/Mission238 forums

Open Discussion => General Discussion => Topic started by: Stevebert on June 05, 2009, 02:56:38 PM

Title: Don't call them CZARS
Post by: Stevebert on June 05, 2009, 02:56:38 PM
Whenever a presidential appointee with new powers to control aspects of American life is named, both the mainstream media and the alternative media like to use the label "czar." For example, Hussein Obama is expected to name a fellow named Feinberg as a "special master for compensation" (setting pay for leaders in bailed-out banks, etc.) and Fox News (and other sources) call him the "pay czar."

Don't keep calling these appointees "czars." This term for a dictatorial ruler is rooted in feudalism and comes from medieval slavic kingdoms, especially pre-revolutionary Russia.

These powerful appointees are really Obama's special COMMISSARS in his executive restructuring of the USA into the Socialist Republic of Amerika. In the early Soviet Union, a commissar was a department head whose REAL job was NOT program/project management, but rather political indoctrination, enforcement of party ideology, and identification/neutralization of dissidents. Look it up and compare.

Hey, Sean and Rush and Mark, start calling them commissars- it will have better political resonance and be totally consistent with your depiction of the administration as "socialist."