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Is _____ a sin?

Started by Robert Williams, July 22, 2009, 11:41:44 AM

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"You stir man to take pleasure in praising you, because you have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you."
- Augustine


I have all that Rob. W wrote and will give my opinion if the topic is still open.  I will check back 1-17-2010


Well I had a little time so I think I'll answer Rob. W.:   First some have ask the question Do you know the Name of God? I dare say, no you don't.   I will say that you do not know what you really believe, except you think the Tora will save you.  Which it won't.    Now the N.T. is no more than the O.T.  To put it another way the N.T. is the Spirit of the O.T.  Paul states this but you will have to study to find the scripture it is in there, that is if you truly want truth!  Paul also stated we live in the Spirit that same Spirit which dwelt in Christ, being the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of truth. And you should know that the only truth we have is God's Word.  I must ask you another question.  Do you perform all the ordinances of the Law?  You do know that if you don't you have transgressed all the laws you say you follow.  Where did you get two red heifers to do the yearly sacrifice? you do know you have to kill one and turn the other free.  Remember if you fail to perform one you transgress all.
As I said the N.T. is SPIRITUAL.  We walk by faith, not laws.  We are the sacrifice that is offered up daily to God, Rom.12:1,2.  We circumcise the foreskin of our minds by cutting off the intents of our minds to perform the deeds of that thought.  I will tell you if you deny the Name of Jesus, by not getting baptized in His Name to become part of HIs family and do not speak in tongues as God speaks thru you you have sent yourself to hell, no one else did.  Read Eph.3:14-16; Col.3:17  Acts 4:12 states that is the only Name under Heaven or among men whereby we MUST be saved.  I will say the O.t. is to back that which is in the N.T.  That is why we read both.  That is why the O.T. must back the N.T.   That is why there is to always be more than one Elder over a congreation.  ALL are to work except the Evangelist, they could not hold a job and travel.  All other Elders are to work or not eat.  Paul, Barnabas, Timothy and Titus  to name a few.  They started churches,  Then they appointed Elders over each church they started.  Now if you still don't want the truth, its up to you, You can't say you were not told.  That is all I am required to do is tell you.  I will tell you anyway JESUS is God's NAME.  That is why I was baptized in NAME.  Without HIS NAME I would not have HIS Family Name.  We are all identified by our family name. and without HIS Name and SPIRIT HE does not know us.  Without His Spirit I could never understand HIS Word.  John 14:17 makes this very clear. That is why I have said you don't understand.   A person which tries to live by both the O.T. and N.T. is lost,  Unless they repent.  They can not repent unless they have understanding.    That is why I said the Apostolics that hold to one pastor rule and tithing, had better back up and re-group in other words repent. 

I don't believe God condones our pegan holy days of Christmass, Holloween, Easter and Valentines day which all started from Roman Catholism which we uphold making us catholic.  I am sorry to say I am apostolic at times because we uphold so many of their holy days.  A few would be ok for example Thanksgiving, Memorial day Flag day, Birthday, Labour day, Grandparents day, Veterans day, Pearl Harbor day, NewYears day and Groundhog day   We live by the N.T. not the O.T. Christ, Peter, Paul and the rest of the Apotles stated this is a SPIRITUAL dispensation not a carnal one.

If I have over stepped the boundaries of this forum I am sorry, but not for that which I have written.


I thought I would try and show why I state we live in a Spiritual time line (dispensation).  I have to explain things my way.  Jesus was born into this world, not manifested. No where can i find that God came down and made a body to appear in as He did to Abraham in the tent door.  We must see that there were three men which Abraham talked with.  We must see that one of those men was God.  we must see that none of them had a flesh,blood,and bone body, they were manifested bodies.  Just as Jesus's body was when He entered the room with the doors and windows shut.  God stated Jesus was His Only Son after God came and dwelt in that body of flesh we call Jesus, not before.  Jesus was the transition and transformation from the O.T. to the N.T.  Jesus was the first born of the New Covenant, a SPIRITUAL Covenant.  We that follow are the rest of it.  Jesus is our example to show us how we should live in the Spirit that Spirit is God NOT another god.  Jesus is only the Son of God according to the Spirit of God which dwelt in Him.  We are to have that same Spirit dwelling in us to be called the Sons of God.  Paul states that we will be as the Angels being niether male nor female, meaning we will NOT have a fleshly body.  Paul states there con't be because the mind is an enimy to god, no flesh, bone or blood will enter in to Heaven.  Only the Spirit. 
R.W. you say that the Tora is instruction on how to live, and that is true. All the books of the O.T. do just that.  Is it not written that God has put His Laws (instructions) in our minds, to follow them without them being wrote down for us to read and do every day.  When I was young I would ask why my dad or mom would slow down thru a school zone. They told me it was the law. Now I do it automatically without seeing a sign that tells me to.  It is like divorce if the persons are of the Church Oneness Apostolic, they have a contract not only with their spouse, but with God.  When either breake their contract with each other they have broken it with God.  Say what you will the Church is a Spiritual Body of God and those which are God's bride by taking on his Name and Spirit and they marry a person of the Church is in unity him/her and God, for the same Spirit is in both.  Now when some person breaks their contract with God they are dead.  By breaking the contract with a spouse we have broken it with God.  You should know except for the cause of fornication.  To say we aren't Spirit is to say God isn't omnipresent.  We might as well be Jehovah Witness and beleive we are going to walk on streets of gold.  When did Angels need streets much less gold streets to walk on.  If we be like the Angels which can go from one place to another in a blink of an eye.  The gold, pearls, rivers are for mans minds not the Spirit.  The Word of God states there are Angels all around us so what is the probem?  Why is it so hard for you people to see Spirit is Spirit and flesh is flesh.  Man(flesh, carnality) desires a mansion for mans understanding, the word mansion in the Word of God is to depict how beautiful it will be for mans benefit of understanding.  The Spirit needs no mansion.  The Heavens of Heavens are the Spirits abode.  I could go a lot further but this should enlighten you but if not do some studying.  You must get baptized in the Name of Jesus and receive God in you by the evidence of speaking in tongues as God gives the utterace.   Remember the triune system did not exist until Cush and Nimrod.   Adam, Enoch, Noah and Shem taught to have aithf in ONE GOD.  Abraham came out of Babylon (Chaldee) whom faith in one God.  Every one has to have faith in one God of the Bible or else they are stating the faith they have is a lie.
One God which dwelt in  the fleshly body of Jesus, Jesus was a man, no more no less, until God used Him as His temple and now in those of his Name and Spirit.  Jesus was not God,  only the temple where God dewlt. the same as we are His temple.