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When ?

Started by EmmazMommy, January 22, 2007, 03:54:20 PM

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When did/will you break your child(ren) from the bottle? and pacifier?

i was told not to break emma from bottle until after her teeth came in, but she still has NO teeth and she will be a year in less than 2 weeks. I dont want to let her get all attached to it, because i dont want it to be a fight taking it from her? so is this good advice? should i go ahead and start breaking her?

Pacifier, i just want to know lol


I have never heard that about waiting until they had teeth!!  What's the logic behind that??

With my boys I started weaning them from the bottle at 11 months.  Noah was completely weaned by 11 1/2 months and Isaac was completely weaned just before his birthday.  I would replace a bottle with a cup of milk.  My Dr said to replace a bottle a week but Noah did so well that we went much faster with him.  His bedtime bottle (never in bed or to go to sleep though) was the hardest to break him of... I had to start giving him a bedtime snack.

With the paci's... I read the book and generally follow Baby Talk.  They say to take the paci away at 9 months.  Both of my boys were teething at 9 months and had these cool teething paci's so I waited until that passed.  They were both off their paci's by 10 months.  With Noah we just went cold turkey and within a day or so he was fine.  With Isaac we took away his daytime paci's and then worked on his sleeptime paci's.  Isabelle doesn't take a paci so I don't have to worry about that with her.  She does s*ck her thumb though and I have no idea what to do about that!!  LOL  She only s*cks it when she's tired, sleeping or if you don't feed her fast enough!!  LOL


I don't know who told you that teeth thing.  I was told that it should stop as soon as possible so that they aren't using it when their teeth are coming in.  I nursed so I went from breast to sippy cup with few bottles in between.

I will never forget the disgusting pictures they had in the DR. and WIC office of children who had bottles too long.  The teeth were horrible.  Of course that's worse case scenario but  ugh *shiver*  It apparently isn't conducive to healthy tooth growth. 

I'm sure some of the other mamas here have more accurate medical info

  Baby Bottle Syndrome


ewwwwww. That's aweful looking!


I don't think it's just about how long your baby takes a bottle but how long they sit with a bottle in their mouth each time also.


Yes, that's why they aren't to sleep with a bottle.  That's also possibly due to putting other drinks besides formula in the bottle, such as juice, koolaid, pop, etc.  Much too sugary to be sitting on the teeth like that.


I follow about the same timeline as Christi for breaking bottles and paci's.


allowing bottles/pacifiers for an extended time after teeth are coming in can also cause a child to be buck-toothed (thumb-sucking does the same).  as far as rotting teeth, like in that pic, it tends to happen when a child is allowed to run around with a bottle all day every day (and sleeping with a bottle in the crib).  they are constantly sipping on it and yes, the teeth are constantly exposed to too much sugar.  the same thing can happen with a sippy cup if you allow your child to basically use it like a security blanket.  they call it "baby bottle syndrome" because it happens more frequently with bottles.... cups tend to be given primarily with meals.

my kids were all off bottles between 12-18 months, and off pacifiers around 4 months.
"Your problem is not the problem.  Your reaction to the problem is the problem"  -Pastor Brian Kinsey


as far as the bottle goes, they said that because before teeth, thats pretty much what they "eat" is the milk from their bottle. but in my opinion u can give em a cup of milk....

Paci, im fixing to take from her completely, shes not using it that much anywyay, she chews on it more than anything.
Bottle, she only takes at bedtime. not in bed, just before she goes to sleep


the biggest reason i havent taken her off of the paci is because i have traveled SOOOO much since she was born. and she was fine in the car as long as she had her pacifier. and it kept me sane when i was driving right at 500 miles every 4 days :)

Her bottle, as i said, she only uses at bedtime. not in her bed, but she drinks it as she goes to sleep. but i am fixing to switch that to a cup and see how that works.


Quote from: EmmazMommy on January 22, 2007, 05:07:52 PM
as far as the bottle goes, they said that because before teeth, thats pretty much what they "eat" is the milk from their bottle. but in my opinion u can give em a cup of milk....

that's kinda crazy cuz it's not like you're taking away the food.... you're just changing the delivery method.  nothing wrong with putting the milk/formula in a cup  ;)
"Your problem is not the problem.  Your reaction to the problem is the problem"  -Pastor Brian Kinsey


And I'm sure milk isn't all she is getting anyway--doesn't she eat baby food?


Exactly Sarah!!  As a matter of fact, isn't she probably getting mostly table food now??  Isabelle is eating the stage 3 foods and is starting to get alot of table foods and she only just got her first tooth!!


I've never heard that about the teeth either. The only thing I was warned against was letting them take it to bed with anything besides water in it.

Both of my children were off the bottle the day of their first birthday. I started them on a sippy cup at about 7 or 8 months old.

Neither of my kids took a pacifier. Janessa would * Wash my mouth out with soap * hers so hard that it would fly out of her mouth and gl flying through the air!!!!!!
I was born weird -- this terrible compulsion to behave normally is the result of childhood trauma.


Quote from: myhaloisintheshop on January 22, 2007, 05:45:03 PM
And I'm sure milk isn't all she is getting anyway--doesn't she eat baby food?

No she dont eat baby food, she only eats table foods
She eats, steaks, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, anything i eat basically :)

Arctic Rose

The only thing my boys were allowed to have in the bottle at night time was water. I broke that a little after they were 3 to 4 months after turning one.

I am not Spoiled.... Just well Loved!


I won't have to worry about the paci with Noah thankfully. He has never wanted anything to do with one.


Quote from: EmmazMommy on January 22, 2007, 07:25:37 PM
Quote from: myhaloisintheshop on January 22, 2007, 05:45:03 PM
And I'm sure milk isn't all she is getting anyway--doesn't she eat baby food?

No she dont eat baby food, she only eats table foods
She eats, steaks, chicken nuggets, grilled cheese, anything i eat basically :)

I assumed she wasnt eating that kind of stuff without


yea, its funny to see but she does lol !

Im not even kidding, steak, brisket, chicken nuggets, and of course she LOVES veggies!


Ethan gave up his pacifier when he was about 5 months old and wouldn't take it back.
With the bottle he gave it up around 9 1/2 months..he thinks he's a big boy, so when he sees us doing/not doing something he wants to be just like us! lol Lucky for us I think! My best friend's daughter is very attatched to both her pacifier and bottle and they don't have the heart to make her cry it out.


Anthany has two teeth on the bottom front. I started last week giving him more solid table foods and he can gum it up!  I give him tiny little pieces and he eats it with no problem.


Noah just started eating baby food about 2-3 weeks ago. And he is such a pig. And thank God he's not picky. So far he has loved everything he's tried... sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, bananas, pears, and apple-blueberry. The apple blue-berry is the newest one he's tried.  He just started juice as well and loves it so far! But as of now he's only had apple, and orange. I'm so glad he's not a picky eater... my neice would only eat the sweet potoatoe and apple-blueberry. And now at age three pretty much the only thing she'll touch is chips, pop-tarts, chicken nuggets, peanutbutter toast and tater tots! Oh and of course candy and cookies! lol


lol That doesn't sound too good for her teeth! If Ethan had sugar there would be no way I could keep up with him!


She's a little spoiled! lol. She's 3 (Well feb 14th she'll be 3) and isn't even potty trained. Has NEVER went on her potty. And I opened the lid and said "you wanna use your potty today?" And she replied "NO" And slammed the lid as hard as she could! LOL


:biglaugh: That's funny! Ethan is obsessed with the toilet (I know, gross, right?!), so I don't think we'll have a hard time potty training him. He already takes his diaper off (or tries to) when he has to use the bathroom..he does NOT want that mess on him! lol I don't blame him a bit, but it does stink when he pees before I can get it back on him!! Thank goodness he's only done the number 2 once outside of his diaper, that would just be too much!

I'm thinking about going and buying a potty and setting it out just so he can get used to it, and if he wants to use it, he can, and if not, no pressure.