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Started by angelofthe_lordz, February 06, 2008, 06:28:44 AM

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If you have a sibling who wants to visit or has a problem and needs to be around somebody do you think that you need your spouse's approval for them to visit when its a sibling? Sibling bonds are pretty strong. Do you think that spouse's that are only children understand those bonds?


I think so.  It is your spouses home too, and I know that I personally would like to know if someone else was going to be there.  But, that also depends on if they are coming for a few hours, or a few days.  At least let them know


It's only polite to let your spouse know, but if it's a last minute thing, which does happen, your spouse should be understanding. Only children understand more than one would think.

Even if it's a last minute thing, you could call your spouse and warn them so it's not a total shock when they get home. LOL


Yeah, that's what my muddled mind was trying to say.  lol

Arctic Rose

Yes, only child do understand. Sometimes (we) only children wish we could have a bond like that.
I would just let the spouse know so they aren't too surprised by the visit.


I am not Spoiled.... Just well Loved!


Your hubby needs to know that he's more important than your siblings, even though there IS a special bond with siblings. So I think he should be asked. I'd ask mine - I think he'd be hurt if I took him for granted and didn't ask...



I don't think you need your spouses approval if your sibling is coming over for a visit, say for a afternoon.  If they are staying overnight, I think that you do need his/her consent.  If you are involved in the ministry, I don't think your house should never be opened overnight, and especially for extended periods of time, to a individual, sibling or not.  Opening your doors to a individual can open doors to other things, if you get my drift.  It can also lead to rumor and gossip, however unfounded, that can be detrimental to both you and your spouse's ministry.  The neighbor from down the street might not know that its your sister staying when they drive by and see her and your husband alone.

1 Thessalonians 5:22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.

If your sibling is having marital problems, you can be supportive of your sibling while not siding with your sibling.  I personally think it would usually be best to stay away from the situation to keep from further alienating the siblings spouse.  There are always 2 sides to the story.  While blood runs thicker than water, your siblings story of the evils that their spouse has done to them is harming your fair judgment, and you might only have their version of the story.  You can offer prayer, a shoulder to cry on, but don't encourage the breakup of a marriage!  What if you were fighting to keep your marriage together and your spouse went to their family and they encouraged the dissolving of your marriage?  How would you feel?  Be careful in these situations.
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I wonder if we made a wax figure of Mini, and then melted it, if we'd get Roscoe... -MellerYeller


Amen!  IT doesn't matter how innocent it may is just enough to get a good rumor going.